Mercy's skins are a bit fanservice-y imo. I would like to see something different for a change

I still fail to see how showing skin negatively effects overwatch .

Yes, I also think that the Overwatch developers should learn from the guys from NetherRealm Studios and dress all female characters in a burka.

We must definitely follow the principles of the most peaceful religion of the world which respects women very much and close any exposed piece of skin with black cloth!

funny how the struggle with objectification led us to the path of sharia :thinking:

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This has nothing to do with islam, literally nothing. It’s more excess vs modesty. When a female character is oversexualized and people don’t like it that doesn’t automatically equate to someone trying to use any religion as a source of influence.

Are you one of those people that listen to those far right youtubes and think that muslims want to replace you? Honestly, the very fact you said that is ridiculous.


Because wearing black sheets in the scorching hot sun is perfectly good for you /s

Depends on how sever you want the negativity to be? For some it can correlate with being uncomfortable that certain characters are hyper sexualized thus turning some (not many) from the game.

It could be a matter of taste, it can be any reason. It’s a matter of objective taste so to say. You may see no problem but others do. If someone wants more modest skins for a character that doesn’t mean there has to be an outright negative effect.

The OP says Mercy’s skins are too sexy and that they’d prefer some class over razz. It’s not like they demand the character has nothing but covered skins.

I agree that often I find the Mercy skins look less like what a ‘cute girl’ would pick - even an elegant woman - and more… What I think a young man might dress up a cute girl in, if that makes sense?


Only roadhog is allowed to have risque skins.

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Bikini roadhog for summer games 2019 pls

its the future for them so i don’t really think our modern standards would really apply to their world, and just to think that for them thong hog actually exists but not for us X<

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I perfer the term THONG HOG

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You’re acting as if this isn’t a game being made in modern times, and it IS, is the thing. You can’t say “But in THEIR world, X Rules!” because, ultimately, X Rules are created by someone existing in our society right now.

So if you create something, it’s not created in a vacuum, even if you create rules in the world itself to explain away why things are like the way they are, it doesn’t mean that what you’re making can’t be racist, sexist, whateverist. That’s a logical fallacy.

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okay we leave Islam aside

Who else can worry about half-naked characters?
Oh i seem to know. Feminists. OOF…
because I don’t see whining about half naked roadhog.

they begin to whine whenever possible only when a beautiful girl appears.

I’m a bisexual girl. I love beautiful characters (preferably half-naked) of both sexes. Why should I be worried that some women are complexing because of their enormous weight or scary faces, and instead of taking care of themselves, they are trying to spoil everything and everywhere? (at all levels of media not only games)


My god have you guys seen the cosplays??


The cosplays make the real ingame thing look super tame.


Anyone can worry about them because opinions usually rely on the individual? We have no reason to shun or discredit someone because they want characters even fictional to have more classy skins.

You can be any gender you want, your gender, your sexuality or whatever has nothing to do with the fact people can dislike things such as overly sexy skins?

And then accusing someone of being a feminist when you likely don’t even know anything about feminism or haven’t ever even met one is ridiculous just as your statement on Islam.

Should we get rid of all the characters that aren’t white? Since Overwatch is just forcing diversity and making us play with other races. That’s basically what you’re doing with every post.


Or just put it into perspective. The more accurate the better

I 100% Agree. Some cosplays leave little to the imagination sometimes .

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Not always a bad thing but yeah xP


Just no pajama skins. Pajamas in public are so trashy.


Aw but Pajama Hog :frowning: