Mercy's skins are a bit fanservice-y imo. I would like to see something different for a change

Which is the impression I’m getting with her event skins tbh.

They feel cheap and very forced. Like, they are targeted at a certain audience. (I could be wrong ofc.)

I just want something more classy and fitting.

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for me, the sexiness has ruined some skins

like this new skin looks otherwise good but, why the ____ she has a skimpy corset ?

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^^^^^^ this.
I think every hero needs a casual skin, pyjama skin and a formal skin, just like how everyone has their dance, laugh and sit emotes. (Also spellcheck is telling me their and thier isnt a word and now im questioning my smarticles)


I want skin with a hoodie


Probably something similar to Hanzo.

You can’t deny biology no matter how hard you try.


I have this problem with D.Va’s skins too… Can’t wait to be bored again with this internet breaking skin!

It has just dawned on me that we don’t have that.


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I’m not the only one that noticed Mercy never wears any pants. Blizz will make whatever sells. If panties are what it takes to keep profits coming, then they are going to do it. Then again I would kill for a Pink/2019 All-star skin statue.


Are you from the future? HAVE YOU SEEN SPEEDO ROADHOG?


I find it hilarious people calling stuff like this “risque”.
I am like… have you ever player a korean MMO?


This would be the skin to end all skins. A true masterpiece that belongs in everyone’s collection.


I agree. It’s what turns me off for a lot of mercy and widow makers skins. I almost loved her winter skin which was really cute but like… Tiddies. Why? She’s already wearing a winter coat???

I’m definitely down for some, theme skins to apply for each hero.
Personally I would love:
A casual skin for every hero a la hanzo
A pajama skin for every hero a la mei
A formal skin - doomfist

Like… How fun.

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Only her witch skin even comes close to being mildly risque. All of her skins are very subtle in their sex appeal.


None of Mercy’s skins are, in anyway, risque. My man has obviously left his X-Ray vision goggles on.


The challenge Blizzard faces is that the characters need to look like they chose their own outfits and are in control of their sexuality–and not resemble cheap waifu bait like 2B from Nier.

Overwatch isn’t a perfect game but I think the dev does an amazing job in this capacity.

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I have. But others being more blatant about it doesn’t make mercy’s less skin revealing.

Belly buttons and cleavage seem to a a common theme for girls. Doesn’t seem to occur nearly as often for dudes. Tho I won’t deny, I would love a soldier 76 or baptiste crop top skin to even the field


I’ve noticed this too.

Nearly every Mercy event skin is very fanservice-y and shows off a lot of skin, with the sole exception of Combat Medic. They’re all amazing, but I’ve gotten burnt out on “sexy” Mercy skins. I would like to see some more modest, “classy” skins for Mercy in the future.


Overwatch has nearly 100 male skins and only 14 female skins that reveal the belly button :rofl:

On a sidenote of this:

We have i think 6 skins that reveal male nips, i have yet to see a skin that reveals a female nip

For legal reasons: That was a joke

frfr tho, idk, i like the skins they have so far, i just wish they would focus less on the cosmetics and more on… well… the game