Mercy's old ultimate Resurrect can be balanced

god I hope someone from blizzard actually reads the forums, but that doesn’t seem to be the case when I look at all the posts about Mercy and see no response or anything being done

The only counter to Mercy’s old ultimate was to either kill or hack her. When she got her invincibility buff, people started complaining that it’s not fun to play against. (tbh what ult is fun to play against?) I’m not gonna lie, it was a little OP, especially because it didn’t require LoS and could be used while hiding in spawn (which was later patched).

Mercy WASN’T IN NEED OF A REWORK. If you really wanted her to be balanced, you could’ve added some little changes so Resurrect has other counterplays than just clicking her head.

I’m sure this has been said many times already, but whatever… Here’s my idea of how Mercy’s kit should be if we really want to keep Valkyrie in the game, either as an ultimate or as a secondary ability.

Replacing current ultimate ability Valkyrie with Resurrect

Resurrect (Ultimate ability)

  • Requires line of sight.
  • Affects fallen allies within a 10 m radius.
  • Resurrect has a cast time depending on the number of allies being resurrected.
    • 1 Ally - 0.5 s Cast time
    • 2 Allies - 0.75 s Cast time
    • 3 Allies - 1 s Cast time
    • 4 Allies - 1.25 s Cast time
    • 5 Allies - 1.5 s Cast time
  • After using Resurrect, Mercy gets a 30% damage reduction for 2 seconds.

Valkyrie (Secondary ability)

  • Allows free flight
  • Lasts for 4 s with a 16 s cooldown.
  • Doesn’t provide any sort of speed boost.
  • Instead of chain healing, Mercy heals and damage boosts one target at the same time at an increased rate.

Keeping Valkyrie as an ultimate ability

Valkyrie (Ultimate ability)

  • Allows free flight.
  • Lasts for 9 s.
  • Doesn’t provide any sort of speed boost.
  • Instead of chain healing, Mercy heals and damage boosts one target at the same time at an increased rate.

Resurrect (Secondary ability)

  • Available only during Valkyrie.
  • Mercy gains one Resurrect charge every 1000 healed hit points up to 4 charges.
  • Mercy gains a bonus charge for 400 amplified damage.
  • Requires line of sight.
  • Affects fallen allies within a 10 m radius.
  • Resurrect has a cast time depending on the number of allies being resurrected.
    • 1 Ally - 0.5 s Cast time
    • 2 Allies - 0.75 s Cast time
    • 3 Allies - 1 s Cast time
    • 4 Allies - 1.25 s Cast time
    • 5 Allies - 1.5 s Cast time

Added a second option for keeping Valkyrie as an ultimate ability.

(Yes I’m the kind of Mercy main who wants to see Mass rez back as it would really help in this dying hanzo+zarya meta)


The developers already said it was balanced, just unfun to play against.

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There is no such thing as an ultimate that is fun to play against.


Nothing is fun to play against unless you just stomp every time. Losing or being challenged isn’t fun.


Some people like being challenged, but playing against an imbalanced ultimate isn’t fun.

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I never said I agreed with their reasoning :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s stupid. :stuck_out_tongue: This means that anyone can get a hero reworked if they just complain about them being unfun to play against.

She will still be a bland hero like old mercy. New mercy is fun unlike old mercy

What are you smoking and can I have some?


When old mercy existed I had almost 0 hours on her. I now play her because sometimes I genuinely have fun playing her and not because I have to

A cast time + LoS is too much limitations. It will still not be fun to use even tho its “mass”.

Also I don’t get what you wanna get at with the “charges”

By what? By having her ultimate super tuned down and being a death wish, disrupting the entire flow of the hero? By having one of the most utterly useless and unimpactful ults in the game? By healing people? Oh wait, they died.

OH wait I know, you have fun with GA. Too sad it’s gonna get nerfed soon cuz rez on CD is still breaking her.


GA gave her great mobility. I personally don’t see what’s wrong with increasing Mercy’s skill floor and her skill ceiling. I view her as a B to C tier hero right now

I’m amazed to see you guys spend so much time crafting huge posts to argue for two things (mass rez and valk on E) which are never going to happen. Mass rez is never coming back in any form because everyone but you hates it, and you’re never getting (nerfed or otherwise) valk on E because it’s unwieldy and stupid, and symptomatic of why none of you people work as designers for any game development studio, let alone Blizzard.

And no, regardless of whether Blizzard reads this or not, you’re not going to get a response. Why? Because if Blizzard had to respond to all these hare-brained threads day in and day out on top of everyone’s actual professional duties, Irvine would be bloodier and have more insane madmen running around than my last Dwarf Fortress game.

I really think continually making entire new threads for something that a topic already exists for isn’t helping your case on either front–the devs or the other forum goers

No, Mass-Res should never come back. There is no way to balance it, many people have already said it. Also, Blizzard will not revert anything.
Just play Mercy or stop playing her if you don’t like how she plays, at least she is balanced now.

Considering her only strong attire is her mobility I’d rate her as an High-F tier hero. She has nothing to provide that can’t be strongly outperformed by other heroes.
Healing - check
DMG boost - check (zen, partially ana)
Ultimate- check (zen/orisa. Both their ultimates are even better protected and do more)
DMG - check (DPS + every other healer but Ana)
Resurrect.- OK I admit this is unique to her having it but if we take ana or zen they provide far more utility than she does with her res

So whats the point of playing her. She is strongly outperformed and there is nothing fun in ulting to “heal” only to watch your team die OR going to res, standing there for 1.70s and when someone kills you at 1.749999999s your res doesn’t pull off leaving your team in 4v6 (or worse) because the stupid game “favors the shooter”

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I find her fun to play and if you have a good mercy on your team she can help shred the enemy

Mercy has the best consistent single target heal and arguably the most utility. Still

I like what I understand so far of the proposal, but I’m confused by this:

So using Resurrect itself would require that Resurrect as an ultimate has obtained 1487 ultimate charge, and then Mercy needs to heal for 1000 HP on top of that to gain a charge?

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It was balanced. Blizzard reworked it for separate issues.

Good, mass Resurrect with tweaks and a new e ability isn’t a revert anyway.


That’s up for question.