Mercy's nerf was unnecessary

“and please saying random useless comments”


Finally we got some of that mercy revert!

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So because you had gold dmg as a hero they are suddenly junkrat2.0


You’re welcome :stuck_out_tongue:


I was talking with a friend yesterday and they mentioned how they were playing Mercy,they had over 10k healing and about 5-6 resurrects per match. They told me that something was off about that even though the healing was nerfed

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Mercy, being a main healer, should be able to keep someone alive while taking damage from an average single source. This was the case with 60 hps. It feels like she can’t even do that anymore at 50 hps.

Both Moira and Ana can do this, but Mercy cannot anymore.

The numbers:

  • Mercy 50 HP/s, max - was 60 HP/s
  • Ana 94 HP/s, 140 HP/s w/ nade’s 50% boost + 100 HP
  • Moira 80 HP/s active for 9 seconds, 50 HP/s for 3 seconds HoT, +75 HP/s for 4 seconds Biotic Orb.

I mean, both Ana and Moira out-healed Mercy even when she had 60 HP/s. What made her useful was that extra HP/s was enough to keep someone alive. Now that she can’t, more people die. Sure she can resurrect a single target, but that is useless if everyone is dead.

Yes, resurrect is the most impactful ability in the game. Yes, making her healing useless makes resurrect less useful if more people are dead. But that also makes Mercy a trash pick. She should keep 60 HP/s so as a healer she is still useful, but resurrect should be less impactful. As everyone has stated, resurrect should be on a resource meter and not on a fixed cool-down.


Listen I’m not saying Moira needs a nerf, she is not OP at all and I absolutely love her. I’m just trying to say Mercy can’t do damage and kill people. Healing is her only utility after rezzing which doesn’t work 50% of the time. So that nerf was unnecessary.

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Having to kill the Mercy before she used Mass Rez isn’t “counter play”


Kill the mercy first, when she can just hide at the back of her team, and res them. So much for that thought. I get you love Mercy and main her but nobody is this persistent at trying to get something back that was unfair.


After which she was still the strongest support. Your argument holds no weight.

We don’t want One-shot meta.

I agree.

Before this nerf Mercy was the strongest Support by a mile. Now she’s only the strongest support by a little bit.

Nerf is good.


Mercy with 60 HPS could keep a teammate alive through terrible positioning mistakes. She no longer can which is what people are noticing.

Players will adjust and quit playing balls to the wall when they have Mercy as main heals.

Playing with more cautious teammates makes this change mostly unnoticeable.


Thats with nade which is a cooldown. Moira can’t longrange heal. Ana can miss shots. Moira is close range healing. Both have worse mobility everytime mercy has gotten a nerf shes still been OP. She needs more nerfs.

Exactly. Mercy was such an enabler of playing aggressively without coordination. Now people actually have to play smarter, and the Mercy has to think more about how to manage healing her allies.


This man is the smart boi. Mercy is still a little too strong tho.

is it something that negates the impact of that ultimate after the supposed team fight? Even if she still has the Resurrect for the next team fight, you can easily predict it and you would’ve got ultimate charge from the fight where Mercy was hiding meaning that all you need to do is conserve an ultimate for when the Mercy ults.

Hiding was a garbage strategy. If you can’t deal with a hiding Mercy, I’d suggest reconsidering how you play the game. Also, if we were to bring back mass Resurrect, what stops the devs from giving it a short cast time?

Time will tell as the stats roll in. Statistically, the only healer who will outheal Mercy (on average) will be Moira, which is totally fine because Moira has zero utility. Mercy can settle for being the second best healer in addition to having a metric ton of utility.

Or she’ll continue to be a must pick because of Resurrect on E. But yeah, only time will tell.

Probably. feelsbadman

Because then it either is impossible to do without getting killed if you have to stand in the open, or it is way too short.

Are you insane? She does not need more nerfs. She needs proper balancing. Her HP/s needs to go back to 60 and resurrect needs to be put on an earnable resource meter - not 30 second cooldown. Or replaced entirely.