Mercy's nerf was unnecessary

if you res in a spot you get killed you deserve to get killed. Thats how punishing mistakes works.

You don’t get slowed down or anything with the cast time. It’s just a cast time and it would be like 1.25 seconds. Any good Mercy can skillfully pull of such a Resurrect and any bad Mercy will fail miserably and most likely drop to the SR where they are supposed to be because of it. Also, most Mercy’s tempo rez so I don’t really see why you’d put yourself in a situation where you just let your team die.

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Let me guess “proper balancing” is buffing a hero thats been in the spotlight for a year.

yeah ok


moira has a resource meter… moira cannot heal through shields, or through small walls…


Just forget it… Those **** dps players won’t stop with that.
Just pick Mercy and play her as a battle Mercy. Zero healing. And when the main problem, the DPS start whining for healing, tell them where the next medi kit is.

I just said that having it so that you have to stand in the open when doing something with that big of an impact is fitiing. I don’t think you got what I was saying.

You’ve literally played 13 minutes of Mercy how can you say she’s OP or that she deserves that nerf. You don’t know what you’re talking about so please stop.

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Are you saying that mercy needs a buff? Cause she does not. You are also suggesting that ressurect seemingly would become another “ultimate.” You basically want mercy 1.0 again.


I love you so much xD

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Dude no. Support mains are the victim here because we have to play mercy. Every other support is outshone by her.

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Proper balancing does not mean chipping away at a character piece by piece without give and take. Proper balancing means focusing on the actual issues, not adjusting numbers on something not related to the problem.

As their friend who knows how to play mercy, i agree with every statement.

Did ya look in QP? Also you can tell if a hero is too strong or not without playing them much.

Thanks hunny. The healing nerf was definitely not the issue considering her heals have been the same for a long amount of time.

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How many hours are required before we can say she was (or is) OP? :slight_smile:

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Are you saying that outhealing a winston’s primary fire isnt a problem?


It doesn’t take 1000 hours of a hero to know that they are a problem.


Atleast 2 hours. I can confidently say with over 500 hours on Mercy that she is overpowered :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m saying reducing her healing was not the right move. She can have a resource meter without it being an ultimate. Torb has this with scrap. The resource meter would fill based on healing, not waiting out a timer. And unlike the resurrect ultimate, it would still be single target. This means that if Mercy isn’t healing enough she cannot resurrect.

Just play her quite often, if you can’t see the difference between 60hp/s and 50hp/s then you haven’t played her long enough.