Creating pressure and taking space gives your DPS the ability to overtake and kill targets.
Doing damage does not make her a DPS. It’s simply a mechanic for activating her passive healing. It does not mean her damage is on par or higher than a dedicated DPS hero.
If you are up front and killing things and getting away with it - you are either getting carried or the opposite team is really bad.
But they just said that they would create pressure at a distance, which can be taken advantage of if you get dived, if they have a shield, are behind cover, or just get on your team from an angle where you cant do anything. She is a DPS because of her burst. she should not be dedicated to pumping heals, that is not her first priority.
It doesn’t matter. It can still be taken advantage of. You haven’t really told me what hero would be at a distance so I can’t be too specific of what you can do.
Well, I tend to stay with my DPS and supports sorta like a meat shield and only ever go for 1v1ing when I think I can confidently take out that person I am 1v1ing.
I think there is some confusion here. The point is she isn’t supposed to be in-front of her main tank, nor is she supposed to dive targets. Which, from your earlier posts, sounds like what you are doing. She is supposed to kind of be in the middle, but somewhat back, and protect the main healer in the backline.
Basically, she isn’t meant to bull-doze. She’s anti-dive, so she’s typically going after dive heroes (Genji, Tracer) who are trying to isolate your teammates.
Pressure is kind of tricky because if you aren’t careful you can apply too much pressure (over-extend) or not enough pressure (which starves her resources).
What I was saying earlier is that it is possible to apply too much pressure (over-extend) and get away with it because either your DPS is very very good, or the opposite team is not very good (disorganized, disjointed, all over the place).
She hasn’t even told me what she was in this scenario, so I assumed she was a widow which isn’t anti dive. She has been so vague but made these scenarios specific without giving me an idea of what the team is made out of
I’m going to let my team go in and damage from a reasonable distance, then i’ll join the fight when i believe that i can keep myself alive whilst also being able to get kills. Again, this is just the way i play and was able to climb doing so.
I’m sorry but Mercy just feels like a troll pick to play. Her healing is awful now compared to Ana, Moira and Lucia. It’s just very off putting and her primary function is to heal. That’s just very sad when she can’t do her basic function right…
Wait, I thought we were still talking about D’va? Anyway, I don’t really care enough. As long as i succeed with my strat and you succeed with yours there really is nothing to argue about.