MeRcYs DaMaGe BoOsT iS fInE. lEaVe HuR aLoNe

Higher level Lucio’s swap between speed and healing incredibly often but i’m not seeing DPS complain about their aim getting messed up because of it. What about kitsune or commanding shout? Nope, no complaints because its pretty obvious whats happening.

It’s also pretty obvious to a DPS player when they’re getting boosted by mercy, their screen lights up blue. I find it hard to believe that players wouldn’t be able to adapt to this

This is a good one. Higher attack speed sounds like it would be awesome, but if Kiriko’s ult has taught us anything, it’s that when a player with mediocre aim can attack faster they miss more. It takes more skill with projectiles, hit scans are a bit less affected. I like the idea for variety’s sake, adds more flavor, and requires a bit more skill.

They should add real recoil to automatic weapons instead of relying solely on spread, though both should be a factor. Make Soldier burst fire more unless he’s in close to close-mid range, at mid-range he should start considering burst firing depending on the target’s silhouette. Higher attack speed would increase this effect, but still let you get more bursts out and do more damage without being supremely oppressive. Junk and Pharah might be more of a nightmare then, though.

There are tons of things they could do to make the game more interesting and seem more balanced, and still more-or-less maintain the flavor of every hero.

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Difference is you can go out outside of his aura… You can’t stop Mercy from beaming you…

Kisune is easy… If you are in AoE you get the rof increase so you can account for that. You are aware of what is happening because you are doing it yourself. And you know how long buff will last. You do not have that information with Mercy. She could apply it at any given moment and take it at any given moment. How you account for that?

Shout? Pretty much the same thing. While it is randomly applied, you know how long it will last, and you can act accordingly…

And in a fight it constanly flicks to blue. Since Mercy rarely can just keep blue beam on someone for the long duration.

That is why we did not remove MS from damage role passive… Because players did not have problems with that… OH wait… That is exactly what did happen…

from the patch notes on December 6th 2022

So yeah… We tried similar thing… Which went well.

To be fair, an obvious fire rate boost that lights your screen up blue is entirely different than a MS passive that randomly activates after getting a kill with no indicator for how long its going to last.

There is an indicator…

2 visuals and one sound…

Attack speed beam would break the game harder than any damage boost\discord orb ever did


There are way too many plats in this thread

Problem with Fire boost rate is that it throws of tempo of receiving player too much. Imagine Mercy constantly shifting between boosting your fire rate and healing, it would suck so bad to aim with constantly changing fire rate. Very high troll potential and even in non troll ways it may be pretty obnoxious. It could also be sometimes stronger like with tanks with infinite ammo (for example Sigma) who have burst type of damage anyway.

It’s tough call to nerf damage boost because Mercy does 0 damage herself, so you have to be able to do something meaningful in downtime when people don’t need heals. Pocket style gameplay is very annoying to face, but without it Mercy kinda do nothing between the teamfights in poke phases. She would have to get something else rather than straight nerfing her blue beam.

Her movement though… ugh take away that stupid backward mid-air jump, where she doesn’t commit to any position ever. Aiming at her with projectiles was hard enough before ow2, now it’s borderline luck based.

Bastion in sentry mode: Did somebody say attack speed beam?

The next thing in forum gonna be something like “NeRf BaStIon, He IS tOO Op aNd MErCy AttK SpEeD BeAm tOO”


It will be just ‘nerf Mercy bastion is ok’. And all of the proponents of this RoF change will scream that. I am sure (-;

But to be fair, it is not like it would be any different on him than blue beam is now. Actually with only 20% RoF it would be less than it is now with 30% damage

Attack speed would mess with people’s muscular memory so bad, and Mercy’s could us this to troll spamming the ability.

Why not reduce the damage of Damage Boost directly and that’s it?

No no let them have it and see how much they enjoy a spam meta with that.

Oh wow! We had one tank for 36 seasons? I wonder how people were playing off-tank during those 36 seasons.

lol ya but does speed boost make you do more damage no and people did when he first came out but learned to deal with it because its content unlike the passive that’s why the mainly removed the speed boost on dps passive.

again both are consent one is an ult and the other does not effect damage.

ya but its not to the person who just got one taped by a sojourn.

and you sound like a bronze

Ur takes are dogwater

lol your one to talk

Which could be solved by making damage boost not work in a particular scenario. That would be INSANE in a game where damage boost… already doesn’t boost some ults. Let me get this straight : the issue you’re all referring to, be it Ash’s old one, or Sojourn’s current one, or anybody’s future one is : “Damage x Headshot multiplier x Damage boost > DPS average health pool”, right ?

Let’s take Sojourn’s number :

  • Currently :
    130 base x 1.5 headshot = 195 damage (requires 1 left click to kill)
    195 x 1.3 damage boost = 253.5 damage (one-shot)

What you’re all arguing is that Sojourn would be balanced if a single left click / right click could kill most characters, but she becomes unbalanced the moment that single left click is not necessary. When you say “Mercy makes balancing harder” that’s what you’re saying, that and nothing else.

So let’s do the impossibly hard task and let’s balance Sojourn so with Mercy she needs a single left click to kill :
100 base damage x 1.5 headshot x 1.3 boost = 195 damage.
100 base damage x 1.5 headshot = 150 damage (half of her magazine, then right click to kill)


130 base damage x 1.1 headshot x 1.3 boost = 185 damage (2 left click to kill)
130 base x 1.1 headshot = 143 damage (6 left click to kill)

Her left click shoots 14 rounds per second, so that’s .35s to react before getting right-clicked killed from full life for a squishy. So, magic : you’ve got time to react, even in the “it’s not a single shot but it feels like it” argument, she’s not one-shooting you anymore. In fact, her time to kill from full life without pocket would be closer to Soldier or Mccree then Widow or Hanzo.

On the hand, while pocketed she would still be better then those two, but guess what : that’s 2 players’ ressources spent on you. If we’re gonna compare this to anything else, we should compare it to a DPS and a support shooting you.

See, three different ways to “fix” Mercy’s blue beam without changing Mercy’s blue beam. It’s as if Mercy’s blue beam wasn’t the issue in the first place, who could have thought !

And don’t get me started on replacing it with attack speed. You see how strong Kiriko’s ult is, if you think a constant but slightly less powerful copy of it would be less frustrating to you then damage boost you don’t know what you’re talking about.


So apparently oneshots are fine but oneshots that require to be boosted to be able to oneshot are not?

Imagine Kiriko, Zenyatta, Ashe, Rammatra, Orisa, Hanzo, Bastion under a constant attack speed boost because this forum thinks its better than damage boost.