MeRcYs DaMaGe BoOsT iS fInE. lEaVe HuR aLoNe

Holds an entire role hostage? Ashe and Sojourn are the only two DPS that have ever had one shots enabled by Mercy. Ashe was actually legit put into the game as a sort of buff to Mercy (the devs said they intended her to be good with Mercy) but they took it too far with her. Sojourn is her own kettle of fish, as she is just incredibly overtuned with incredible mobility, small hitbox, high DPS primary fire that isn’t hitscan but might as well be, extremely high burst secondary fire that is very quick to charge and is hitscan, and an AoE damage field that is easy to land and does, by itself, almost twice as much dps as Soldier’s Biotic Field heals for (and at a larger radius too)

Can I just ask, in what world is all of that ok? In what world is it ok to give a high DPS, small hitbox, high mobility character a fast-charging secondary that does 195 damage on a headshot? ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE DAMAGE. You breath on someone before shooting them with that and it’s a one-shot for most of the characters!

There’s a world where Mercy has something other than damage boost as her secondary. And I’m ok with that. I’m ok with changing her kit into something more active than just being a DPS accessory. But people claiming that damage boost is some kind of evil busted thing that is keeping DPS down are delusional. If anything, damage boost is helping to keep power creep in check, because it highlights when a new DPS hero is absolutely busted the way Sojourn is. If you didn’t have damage boost, we would have had Sojourn a long time ago.

It’s also ludicrous to say that damage boost is keeping DPS down because that’s basically saying you want to remove damage boost so that you can buff DPS. So basically… you want DPS to do as much damage as they do with a damage boost, without the damage boost. Yeah… that’s real healthy for the game…


That would be Kiriko’s Swift Step. Guardian Angel needs both line of sight, line of travel, has shorter range, and can be interrupted by pretty much anything for the entire duration.


I did LITERALLY 3 posts below that…

But ok:

Yes, 1000x yes, this right the hell here.

This is why I don’t take the nerf damage boost threads seriously, because you NEVER see this part.


Echo, too.

And one could make the argument that simply having a static damage boost in the game (I.E. not tied to an ultimate) causes a lot of design problems.

buff damage boost and let the chips fall where they may

There’s a vital difference.

swift step is punishable due to a longer cooldown. If Kiriko steps into a bad spot she can’t fling herself up in the air and reverse course a second later. Mercy’s movement is *Exceptionally difficult to punish.

Kiriko also can’t swift step away from who she’s healing and keep healing them effectively removing the pocket problem. Mercy flies around like a gnat WHILE STILL MAINTAINING FULL HEALING.

The things you are comparing are similar but in combat function differently.

Mercy has a 2 sec CD while mixing in super jump. Basically changing direction in mid air every 1 second.

As with everything related to this discussion the devil is in the details.

And your idea for a new ability is? Your idea for balancing it?

It’s easy to say that something is badly designed, but when it comes to giving ideas, that’s the hard part.

I’ll die on the hill of discord being the most busted ability in the game right now.

How it made it into 5v5 in its current state is beyond me.

Its overwhelming team advantage was balanced out in OW1 by having more targets to cycle through and another tank to either mitigate damage, deny it completely with shields or peel for you when you were in trouble.

I don’t think it’s balanced for if to have permanent uptime on the same target anymore. It’s a miserable experience.

Mercy is tolerable because she can only boost 1 person at a time - but whether people believe it’s balanced or not is another thing, it’s just not fun having characters balance states held hostage by her existence.

I threw some ideas out earlier in the post. See below -

30% Damage boost

20% attack speed beam.
+5 HP/s to primary heal

[hammer breathing heavily in German]

Um, Soj’s Slide, Genji jumping around like a moron and Dash, and Lucio wallride plus speed boost?

Ideas that were refuted as it creates even bigger problems elsewhere.

I am not gonna go through it again, but that ‘solution’ is not a sloution at all.

“Refuted” implies that a statement has been proven wrong, yet you haven’t explained further than “problems with muscle memory” which tbh might be one of the worst arguments i’ve heard against a suggested change like this.

Agreed and disagree zen discord is a problem with one tank you never oull it off the tank like for real ever played tank and you get discorded then a reaper with damage boost shot you your just dead in no time its insane

It’s fun watching this I saw you people do this with DM y’all will never be satisfied

Alright, cool. See you when these two things get nerfed and you all complain “Tanks are unkillable! WAAAAAAH!”


You are assuming he will land every shot.


Lets look at some examples.
She can’t hold back her icicle. Moment animation is done, she shoots it

With RoF increase animation is faster, and that means she has to flick earlier. And this is applied on random, by other player that gives it while they are not healing someone…


Now either he flicks and clicks M1 in a certain rhythm, so blue beam will be useless. Or he holds M1 and flicks to land shots, also in a certain rhythm. The second method would be screwed by RoF increase, while first is unchanged (hence nerf to Mercy)


Recoil control will be screwed on him. Since now it is change in angle by 0.098 per bullet. He shots 9 bullets per second so he needs to correct the change of 0.882. With increased RoF by 20% he shots 10.8 shots per second. So he would need to correct that by 1,0584.

So it creates problems elswhere, and people will scream at their Mercy for doing that to them. Just remember that this is not applied at the damage player convenience. It is applied by Mercy player and it is taken away by Mercy player. So there would be huge problems with according to it, since mercy usually flicks between beams and targets.

Lol oneo nly 2 tanks are unkillable and once they are out zen will be more of a problem second with all the damge voost in this game you can deal as sojourn 950 damage wuth a rail gun head shot and you could do this is a real game.