MeRcYs DaMaGe BoOsT iS fInE. lEaVe HuR aLoNe

I wouldn’t consider it “the lowest skill movement ability in the game”, but people definitely overrate the mechanical skill required to be effective with GA.

Thanks, I did not want to do that math but I am really glad you did…

Recently there is really many topics as of ‘free mercy mains form that game play’ that wants to be my knights in shining armor… But just now YOU became one. Thanks again (-;

and average reaction time for a human is 250ms. Something I think is worth pointing out. It shows that on average people can react to it.

first: It won’t change people whining about it… There was a recent post about a guy getting killed by combo DB javelin + phara rocket and it was supposedly a proof of ‘orisa can jsut javelin you with DB and you are dead’.

So yeah…

people also call roadhog combo a ‘one shot’. When it is actually THKO. so yeah… People will be people.

But second as to math… Now I feel obliged…
so here it goes

DB soldier:

Helix direct: 120*1,3 = 156
DB shot: 23,4.

so he needs 2 extra shots after that…

9 shots per second…

simple math shows us he will need around 222ms to kill a target (after helix). But somehow it is not a problem… Never really was…

And it is less than in your situation.

I can imagine now people screaming that mercy+soldier is too strong, because they want to play sojourn xD


I am really glad that some one understand this without further explaining. I know that some people know this but I thought they do not come here.

Actually I think so, yes.

As a Mercy main I do not want that situation. I do not want to have an OP hero that I HAVE to pocket and hope they can click heads. It is not a good thing…

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You people got head trauma if you think damage boost is the problem. The literal only problem with Mercy rn is the GA changes that have no commitment. Old GA and super jump were movements you couldnt just undo, but now that mercy can super jump “whenever she wants” and can cancel GA to fly into a random direction “whenever she wants” the characters perfectly balanced mobility became hilariously unbalanced no cooldown ragdolling.

Revert the GA changes that came with overwatch 2 and I promise you this character fades.

I would agree but this isn’t the first rodeo of mercy enabling hitscan heros to literally be angles of death. At some point Bluebeam needs to be addressed. honestly after sojourn gets gutted mercy junk mercy soldier mercy widow mercy Cassidy there’s several high damage heros that would benefit from a mercy blue beam to break the game. not just sojourn which has been proven over the 7 years of ow we’ve had.

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This is not true.

You could stop GA at nay point you wanted…

OK… but for that I want one more tank that will peel for me… Fair? And more CC stop those pesky flankers…

Why do we need damage boost in a game where there are less shields and tanks to absorb damage?

That is actually really simple…

Because it is the only way that Mercy contributes to damage for her team…

there are two alternative to fix that…

  1. make her healing so meaningful she does not have to… But that leads us to MOTH 2.0… Thanks but no thanks… I do not want to play MOTH again…
  2. Make all other supports like her… Meaning not contributing direct damage… I am opposed to that as there are some that want to do mix of supporting and damage…

So, what is YOUR alternative? I will wait and listen…

I would not be opposed to keeping damage boost but at least have some sort of resource meter on it to make it abit more urgent to use. They designed OW2 so fights can move faster while ending much quicker.

The problem is FPS inherently has very low TTK and that ignored every small details and simplified most things to 0 or 1 : hit or miss, dead or survived and etc.

Stun, Mesmerize, damage boosts and etc. can have different meanings and various use cases in RPGs but if you bring them to FPS without much thoughts as in OW, they lose all the details and beomce just another death sentence, another OHK enablers in FPS.

We usually expect variety of gameplays when hearing RPG flavours are added to FPS. But, no in OW. The precious small number of ability slots were mostly wasted as an aim assist or things like that : simply damage, heal, killing people despite of bad aim. Such harmful abilities even more simplifies an already simple FPS gameplay.

Only the mobility works as intended and that is not much related to top-down 2D MOBA/RPG abilities. All the delicacies in OW only come from map, mobility and the positions. Most of the other abilities are mostly boring routine or even harmful for the game imo.

Then it would be fair to add a resource for Lucio’s movement speed aura and Moira’s grasp.

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Yes, thats why 5v5 made such an impact. Everyone who says ow2’s ttk is low is lying. You can try any other hero shooter and you will realize how fast this game is in reality.

Sure why not. Blizzard needs to stop adding more one shot capable heroes that way powerboost can still be effective and not break the game. If they nerf Sojourn enough so she cant one tap then most folks would be ok with it as is. I would even entertain the idea of powerboost losing its dmg amplication the longer it stays on one target. Same could be said about the speed boost from Lucio.

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The problem is that oneshot itself is needed in some heroes to work. If Widow cant onetap anyone she is totally redundant because she has no useful skills and her main gun sucks hard. When Roadhog wasnt capable of oneshot with his combo he was totally out of meta and considered the worst tank in the game. If Reaper couldnt oneshot you at close range there is no point in picking him over a Sombra. And finally McCree has lost his antiflank niche since he can no longer stun then onetap anyone at close range and its one of the main reasons Reaper and Tracer run rampant. I agree Sojurn is ridiculous but oneshot shouldnt disappear completely from the game, there was a point when Ashe was considered the worst hero in the game because she couldnt kill anyone and there was no point in picking her instead of Widow or Hanzo.

If GA was the only reason Mercy is picked as much as she is right now, it would also have been the case season 1, when she was C to D tier support.

Also, GA is as good as it is because it needs to be that good. It’s the one tool Mercy has to not be killed in a 5v5 game where killing support is the n°1 objective of the enemy team. She has to be at least as survivable as other supports : Kiriko can TP and has suzu, Lucio can run away, Bap has his lamp, Moira her healing orb and fade, Ana her nade and sleep dart, Mercy has GA. Only Zen’s supposed to be easy to kill, that’s how he’s balanced, and Brig… is current Brig.

If everybody’s broken nobody’s broken. Also, let’s maths it out shall we (I’m ignoring Widow, I don’t know how blue beam affects her charging rate, and we can’t tell if the widow will shoot as soon as possible or wait, essentially wasting the buff) :

Junkrat :
With blue beam : One mine plus one shot (if direct hit) [312 damage]
Without blue beam : One mine plus one shot (if direct hit) [240 damage]

Soldier :
With blue beam : Helix + 1 shot (if headshot, if not 2 shots, .22s)
Without blue beam : Helix + 3 shots .33s (if headshot, if not 5 shots .55s)

McCree :
With blue beam : Nade + 1 shot (either left or right click)
Without blue beam : Nade + 1 shot (left click) / 2 shots (right click) .22s

Out of these three, only Soldier gets a real improvement in his TTK and… look at the current meta, do you see anybody saying Soldier is too strong with Mercy ? Do you see anybody saying Cassidy needs a nerf ? I don’t. Junk, yeah, I saw people being angry at his damage output and turns out : he doesn’t need Mercy to combo you off, he does enough damage by himself.

Also, always remember : this is effectively 2/5 of the team focusing one target. I’m giving you my damage output by blue beaming you, effectively making the team a 1-3-1 as you get an additional DPS on your shoulder. I don’t see how the buff to these three while taking this into account is game-breaking, or at least, I don’t see how it’s more game-breaking then Ana’s kit, Kiriko’s kit, Lucio’s speed boost for melee characters or even Bap’s lamp.

Which is the real question we should be asking : post-Sojourn nerf, would Mercy be a better pick then other support ? We already know Kiriko’s n°1, would a Mercy blue beaming a Soldier be better for the team then Ana’s anti-heal and so on ?

That would just make Mercy a healbot. No reason to pull out the gun, it’s just not her playstyle, so if damage boost is out, we’re just healing full health target until the end of the universe.

And the same way attack speed wouldn’t work because the DPS player can’t know when the Mercy player will be buffing them, damage boost as a resource wouldn’t work because the Mercy player can’t know when the DPS player will hit their shot or use their cooldown. Going back to Ashe or any other “slow shooter” : if I damage boost three shots, they miss all three, I’m probably not gonna spend my precious resources on the next two or three and let it recharge. If they hit those, then my contribution to this fight is, effectively, nothing. I could have been a Battle Mercy shooting into a Rein shield and I would have done more for my team because of no fault of my own.

The only way this could work is if by “resource” we meant “magazine”, as in : you boost for Xs, you have a reload animation, full charge again. Then, and only then would this not be an unfair change. I’m pretty sure that’s not what you meant though.

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Your right, she isn’t fine, she needs buffs as the only reason she is some what useful is as a tumor on sojourns leg. The second they no longer work well together she will go back to trash tier.

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Amelie Lacroix aka Widowmaker:

I will assume no falloff since it is 70m and rarely comes in to play…

Charge time is 1 second. Damage scales linearly from 12 to 120 for body shot.

HS multiplayer i 2.5, hence fuly scoped shot deals 300 damage.

Now target, Mercy. 200hp no armor.

no blue beam. she needs 80 damage on body shot to instasgib Mercy.

That means she needs around 63% charge. It is just slightly below of that so lets call it 63%. She gains 1% of charge every 10ms, so it takes 630ms to charge a killing shot.

With blue beam Amelie needs only around 62 damage on body shot (61.5 to be exact). To reach that point she needs 47% of charge to reach killing shot range. That means it takes 470ms to reach required damage.

that is 160 ms faster, a 23% increase

tl;dr: 630ms to charge a shot without blue beam 470 to charge it with blue beam. It is an increase of 23%

Thing with discord is, you know who is gonna take extra dmg. It has a counter play besides, kill the zen.

When the one who puts the orb on you also is capable to deal insane damage, its not better than Mercy. I mean how many players have been onetapped by the same Zenyatta after placing Discord?

Alot if he charges his right click with orb on you he instent kills you with 2 orbs

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That is a fight you will never win my friend :slight_smile: