MeRcYs DaMaGe BoOsT iS fInE. lEaVe HuR aLoNe


Lucio is one of the most mechanically demanding supports to play well. How have you arrived here? Just toggling speed boost is not taking advantage of Lucio’s movement. You’ve got to know every map like the back of your hand and it takes forever to get efficient with all the ingress and egress routes for the variety of situations you find yourself in.

every mercy main is trying to force choke you through the screen rn , gl

but thats because rez with valkyrie was busted af, you really think damage boost had any play in that?

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and tbh mass rez wasnt even strong. it was unhealthy in both ways, it wasnt fun to play with. it was a selfish ultimate

“The game’s lack of shields, stuns, and the recent introduction of an ability that cleanses harmful effects with Kiriko, all contributed to Roadhog’s rise. And yet, nobody is calling for more shields and stuns”
this dude wants the dark ages back

I think he’s talking about the fact that when the other team has Mercy it feels like you are throwing if you don’t provide one for yours as well.

The avenue’s available to you as a support to proactively help deal with the boosted DPS/Mercy are all orders of magnitude more difficult than what is being asked of the Mercy player. The boosted pair’s margin for error is gigantic while dealing with this as any other support/DPS combo has a razor thin margin.

One must ask if it makes sense to ask two players in the same role to perform tasks with vastly differing skill requirements and then turn around and claim what you are doing makes sense when looked at through a competitive lens.

Every other support needs to create their own value, they need to engage and do so without positioning in a way that results in them dying. They need to learn what they can and can not get away with. Mercy does not all while messing around with damage values.

This is always going to be hard to balance, 5v5 made it more obvious with 1 less player dedicated to displacement/damage mitigation.

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You mean only overtuned heroes with bloated kits like sojourn right?

Because last season mercy and her damage boost was around D tier so she never “held an entire role hostage”

At least mercy doesn’t delete everyone with right click spam and can’t turn herself invincible with the lowest skill ultimate in the game


read what they said.

lowest skill movement.

mercy’s requires targeting ally and pressing 1(or 2) buttons.

lucio toggles and boom speed granted.

this isnt about beign mechanically demanding.

it was straight about ease of mobility use.

Toggling speed stops him from healing though?
Mercy literally relentlessly heals WHILE being a mosquito.

You could argue that Lucio has the superior mobility but that makes him do absolutely zero heals. Meanwhile Mercy in Valk has aerial superiority AND speed all the while healing literally EVERYONE in the vicinity.

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they said easiest mobility.

lucio, can at any time, press button and insta speed.

mercy, has to have an ally(or corpse) in range.

at the basic design lucio’s is easier.


Literally nitpicking at this point, providing zero value to the discussion.

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think that way if u want.

fact remains lucio has easiest mobility in game.

I bet you think point and click hitscans are easy too.

Could you expand on the problems it would cause please?

Actually, Zen is viewed as bad for the game because of Discord. Discord is placed on ONE enemy, that an ENTIRE team can dump damage into by 25% and the usual discord target is the tank. There’s only one tank now.

Mercy boosts ONE person to hit ANY enemy on the team. I do agree that her movement is the reason she’s being picked at all right now, but Roadhog and Sojourn are such bigger problems right now. Blizzard can only address so many issues at a time.

It’s actually hilarious to see people complain about mercy being too op lol. When Sojourn gets nerfed I guarantee you Mercy will will drop to a C-tier support again.

most of cast prefer atk speed > dmg amp.

snipers get off faster shots (more kills over time)
dps who cant still atk faster and gain ult faster.

dmg amp helps those who “near 1 shot” most.

atk speed benefits literally every hero in game.

faster dps, faster healing, faster ult gain.

we’ve seen how strong atk speed is with fox’s ult.

edit: basically it would just swap issue from amp to atk spd. (which isnt desired as you want fixes to issue not fix 1 issue and add new issue.)

With damage boost currently in play the way it is, the dev team can never design a hero that does more than 153 dmg per headshot, without being designed to one shot heroes.

As soon as you give a hero 154 damage per headshot or above, it will be abused by a mercy pocket to enable one shot headshots. So you either balance every hero to take this limit into account, design entire kits around it, or just change the damage boost setup to allow for more variety in the damage numbers characters can put out.

rework amp is an easy fix for those situations.

make amp not efefct heroes who do over x dmg per shot.

lets em have high dmg w/o issue of amp messing it up and lwoer dmg heroes akin to s76/tracer/sombra still beenfit from amp like normal.

its not new either.
Devs already disabled hanzo’s and junks ults from beign amp’d. (along with others like meka)

Mercy altering a someone’s attack speed on a whim is a nightmare. Imagine how annoying it would be having a Mercy switching between healing and attack speed beam on you, constantly changing your rate of fire. You have no control over it. No thanks.