2 incorrect parts;
1st off the devs can easily remove amp from certain heroes (i.e. snipers/pharah/ashe) as they have done so with junks tire & hanzo’s dragon & could adapt it to specific heroes.
thus no longer an issue…devs don’t care to is issue.
2ndly lucio’s is lowest skill as u just toggle speed boost.
and 3rdly:
for the 1st 2 yrs oif the games life damage amp (stronger than current one on both mercy & zen) was not an issue. (outside pharah but shes a special case which is less amp and more core pharah design issues)
when did it become an issue?
aroudn time ashe was released and the dev’s constant idea of “hit dmg shots are every thing now”.
dmg boost + tracer, genji (non blade), s76, etc has no issue. This is becasue they are the original design of game…lower damage per shot.
widow/hanzo don’t need it, but it can help speed em up (not really worth it for devoting that much time from healing).
pharah? again phara core issues kind of need mercy (more about keeping her alive than amping because a flying unit in world of hitscan and snipers is not gonna work well)
ashe? high dmg hitscan.
sojourn? high dmg hitscan.
…and what do you nkow? those are the 2 units who mainly casue the issue of dmg amp.
OW is a game where healing is a core mechanic of the balance of game.
these high dmg hitscan are overall bad for game becasue 1shots (same reason i also dislike widows) are counter intuitive to the balance by removing healing aspect (cant heal if they die in 1 shot)
this is why again tracer, soldier, sombra, etc all are buffed by amp, but not broken…becasue game is more designed for sustained low dmg not base high dmg (outside of snipers which have their own drawbacks)
easieest fix is disable amp from effecting a unit if their damage does over X amount of dmg in 1 shot.
allows amp to exist for those hwo need it (i.e. s76) and not for those who dont (snipers)
also could remove amp from factoring into crits.
(why allow double dipping dmg mods?)