MeRcYs DaMaGe BoOsT iS fInE. lEaVe HuR aLoNe

If people complain about damage boost from mercy, you is totally wrong. The problem isn’t with dmg boost, that affect small damage amount. While real problem is what hero is begin damage boosted… If people are complaing about mercy boost soujorn damage, then problem is soujorn not mercy.

applying an nerf in mercy dmg boost will not affect who that DPS hero is OP or not. That hero will stay “OP”, and people will stay complaining about mercy. Just stop.

Is a big shameful see people complaining about mercy.

Who’s next? Ana with nano boost? People will complain? Also ana nano boost deal more damage boost than mercy

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Pretty much this. It’s hard to have a debate when one side is persistent on not actually listening to what’s being said.

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I think it would be fair to say that level of play where we see the most effective use of Mercy’s damage boost is the same level that would have the communication need to effectively co-ordinate discord targets.
I think if we’re also making the comparison it would be worth pointing out that a team using damage boost is sacrificing both damage output and healing that Zen can provide whilst using discord. Still, apples and oranges really.
At least you’re consistent about both abilities.

Damage boost on a meter would be interesting but i feel like the key issue of damage boost (turning high output damage into one-shots) wouldn’t be affected that much.

nerfing supports is a bad idea in general. you want you supports to support you, right?

getting the main heal#1 without any respectable dmg by herself nerfed is just so… dumb.

i cant wrap my head around this bs. its probably the same crowd that says hog is fine.


I think it’s a bit of both.

properly accounted for Damage Boost isn’t a problem, but it is restrictive on the hero design process.

that said, Sojourn is a problem with or without a Damage Boost.

Supports that are overpowered should be nerfed.

But in this case it’s not so much that damage boost is busted, it just restricts hero design. I want an iteration that keeps the spirit of damage boost but doesn’t cause the issues that it causes with high damage, single shot attacks.

Fire rate increase IMO is the way to solve this.

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Fun fact most other supports can do more damage, then any additional damage mercy can get out of damage boost.

Mercy isn’t the only source of damage boosting. As zen, and Ana do their part with said mechanic.

Also note the dps roles damage are balanced around TTK of primarily 200 hp heroes. Which is why even an extra 25 hp difference in health pull breaks a lot of 1v1 damage thresholds.

This also goes for the tanks, and supports damage output as well.

With the 30% being made specifically to not push the most damage thresholds over a specific point.

The only hero that was every changed to compensate for this threshold was Ashe. As the game didn’t need two hitscan one shot snipers, especially one that didn’t have the same charge restrictions as widow/hanzo.

Mercy isn’t keeping any specific role back.

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Mercy damage boost is fine. If there was something wrong with it, it would have been brought up before 30+ seasons of competitive.


It doesn’t.

worst case scenario they can simply say x ability can’t be boosted in the same way hanzo’s ult was handled.

The end.

So, you don’t have to change the fundamentals of either ability.

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…I think such a sweeping statement doesn’t really do justice to this discussion as you’re essentially equating:

  • dps having a hard pocket (requires ‘zero’ input on their behalf) to
  • coordinating a whole team to focus-fire Zen’s discorded call-outs

…also, as you mentioned earlier:

…the speed in which a Mercy pocket can get a pick will never be outpaced by a Zen discord in to ally follow-up as it requires communication and re-tracking by the ally DPS vs the Mercy pocket simply doing their thing… :thinking:

…I digress though, this isn’t about a ‘boost vs discord’ comparison but if boost needs a nerf/removal (it could go without saying that discord should follow suit as they work in ballpark ways to each-other)… :slight_smile:

Do people who suggest stuff like damage boost even think about what they are suggesting and what that means?
A speedboost that just turns on and off without the player (the one that mercy pockets), having no input on whatsoever can throw people off eaaaasily and would feel pretty terrible.
Kiriko Ult works because you know when you will get the attack speed boost. but to have it on a beam sounds pretty bad.


Spot a Sojourn main not wanting their broken toy nerfed.

Boost is fine. The actual damage it provides over the course of the match is pathetic compared to other supports.

And people shoul really stop treating Mercy as an +1. When you are fighting somebody under Mercy pocket, you are fighting two characters at the same time. It’s 2vs1, not 1vs1 with Mercy on the side. By any reasonable metric you should lose most encounters like that. Any any other support sinching their weapon shots with their partner DPS would arguably get you killed faster than damage boost. Except presicely 3 cases in OW history - Hanzo, Ashe and Sojourn. First 2 got their deserved nerfs.


I said this ages ago and was attacked by angry Mercy mains despite previously being one.

It makes/made ZERO sense to me that several damage heroes received nerfs because of them combo’ing with Mercy…like wouldn’t it be smarter to nerf the common denominator in those situations? The fact that Damage Boost has stayed and multiple dps heroes have been nerfed is (further) proof Blizzard has no idea what they’re doing - balance wise.

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  1. You can’t (or shouldn’t) have A/B/C abilities be able to be damage boosted but X/Y/Z abilities cannot. It’s unintuitive to players since there’s no in game way of knowing what you can boost and what you can’t. You just have to know.

Take defence matrix as an example. You’re not told what it can/cannot block but through gameplay you come to learn it won’t block beams or sprays, and that remains consistent but it will block hitscan and projectiles. This is intuitive and means that when a new hero is release you can usually work out whether you’ll be able to block their attacks with DM.

In your suggestion a new hero release and Mercy players would have no idea whether they can boost said hero’s abilities or not.

  1. Even not accounting for the above, it still restricts design space. No hero can have move that 76 dmg per shot or Mercy turns that into a one-shot.

Agreed actually, I fear I’ve pulled the focus slight off course there, my bad.

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it was only three for starters.

and one of them hanzo simply couldn’t have his boosted by mercy at all.

The community didn’t want a second hitscan sniper that can one shot, so Ashe get her damaged shifted to a lower hit but faster fire rate. Keeping roughly the same dps.

Also soujorns current changes Don’t really seem aimed at damage boost. As people didn’t like being one shot from long distances.

and unlike widow, soujorn doesn’t have the underlying weaknesses that would make her easy to counter.

This is how hanzo’s ult was handled. That and mercy player already knows when something is or isn’t damaged boosted. As she gets a hit marker when the her target lands a boosted attack.

you won’t be notified when hanzo’s dragons are doing damage, or when’s bomb goes off. but you will when soldier’s helix or their primary fire hits.

Make a tool tip for new players and your don’t have to do much more then that.

I mean the same can be said with any damage boost in the game.

Ana’s nano specifically breaks this, while mercy/zens do not.

Also heroes are balanced around the ttk of 200hp heroes. It’s why the extra 25 hp breaks so many thresholds.

And why 120 damage attacks such as pharah’s rockets or junkrats nades don’t headshot.

While hanzo’s arrows very much can head shot and do 125 base.

Like their not restricted around damage boost. They just decided they don’t want certain heroes to be one-shoting at all.

Like Ashe was very much a second widow without the charge mechanic that balanced such. Players didn’t like that.

While Hanzo’s one shot arrows are balanced not only around a charge mechanics, but by being projectiles.

Also an additional note, ashe kept a similiar dps rate after her 80 damage threshold was reduced. As she also got a buff to her fire rate at the time.

Same goes to sojourn who had power be put into her standard fire, while reducing the rail guns impact.

Like we really don’t need some inbetween hero that does 80~99 damage with head shots. Like that is a very specific niche that doesn’t really do anything special.

Lucio exists and speed boost was widely considered one of the best abilities in the game for many seasons. And yet, your team doesn’t know when you’re going to turn it on or off. People adapt

Lucio has a big indicator for what he is doing at a specific time. And a specific range of effect that players can opt out of being effected by.

Like widow isn’t in range of a lucio speed boost 99% of situations, as she plays well out of range of such. do to the aura’s hit box being low to the ground, and requiring LOS,

while a mercy while valk wants to heal as many targets as possible, yet if she flicks on speed boost that can then just mess up the aim of said widow. while trying to aid the rien. Do to her beams having considerably more range then a lucio aura.


This forum bias in unbeatable, but nice try still, I support and subscribe under every single word.

Only problem I have with Widowmaker is just that you can’t tell where she is until A: You are dead or B: she whiffs a shot.

She’s just not really fun to play against when she is this way.