Mercy wasn't actually nerfed

That wouldnt solve her actual problems, her problems are her healing output and the value of valkyrie

  • GM mercy with 600 hours

Reads OP and first posts

Genji icon says Mercy is weak.

Mercy icon says Mercy is balanced.

Bunny scratches ears in confusion.


Apparently you’re still adamant on citing weekly and daily statistics even though that can be skewed by fluctuations. Also, when was our last conversation? You said it’s increasing. Look at the graph right now. It literally proves my argument that it’s just fluctuations which is normal for statistics. As of now, the data is following a downwards trend.

Nope. I actually said you need a 54% winrate to climb in those ranks.

You’re acting like you know what you’re talking about. Let’s calm ourselves.

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She is 6th most picked overall, while her average winrate is low (48.46%) that doesn’t necessarily suggest “ridiculously underpowered” as I feel that this was a result of the change and people having a hard time adapting. It’s still not good, of course, but doesn’t scream “underpwered”, especially given the fact that she still averages 10k healing per match while Ana averages 9k, Lucio averages 9k, Zen averages 7k and Brigitte averages 7k. The only healer doing better heals on average is Moira with 11k.

Basically what I’m seeing is that she isn’t “ridiculously underpowered” but rather less strong that Moira and less strong that what she was. I wouldn’t even use the word underpowered at all, given these stats. If I never knew what she was before the most recent nerf I’d think she was still a great character.

I thought I heard recently around these parts that Overbuff isn’t as accurate anymore due to the private profile thing? Is that true? Idk, I rarely used these statistic sites myself, usually just see caps posted here.


You don’t just do 12 000 of healing in 6 minutes by playing Mercy. It would total to 20 000 healing every 10 minutes which is twice what even the best Mercy players can achieve.

Decreasing as we speak and it’s been a month.

Lol. Hope this is a joke. She’s the only hero in GM with a negative winrate and in the low ranks, where she’s supposed to be good, she has similar winrates to Ana.

  • It’s been more than a month. Please stop with this toxic garbage that Mercy mains can’t adapt.

  • This claim is dubious at best. For this claim to be true, you would see a increase in winrates as her pickrate decreased. This isn’t the case however. The hero that you’re describing is Zenyatta.

Seriously? I hope you know that the average amount of heals you get is entirely situational…

Then clearly you don’t know much about statistics. She is definitely underpowered. I won’t say “ridiculously” because I will admit that it does sound a bit hyperbolic. That being said, you claiming that she’s just less strong is the biggest understatement I’ve ever heard on these forums.

Yes private profiles have skewed Overbuff’s statistics and clinging to them is a big mistake, though when someone cites them you can’t do much but actually use the site to disprove them

Of course, “fluctuations” seems to be an acceptable argument but player adapting to changes is not, there goes to show you how biased some people can be

Mercy isn’t fine because she can’t soloheal and work in all comps anymore :wink:

For real a lot people need to adjust into this fact over crying so much.

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Because for that claim to be true, you’d see an increase in her winrate as her pickrate decreased. As of now, that has yet to happen and the daily data you keep clinging to, these increases always decrease.

I’m not using daily data, only weekly

My point still stands.

let’s wait a few more weeks and see then

It really isn’t neccessary, but cool. I’ll still be using statistics in my arguments though.

Let’s say, the deadline is 2 weeks after the Halloween event starts.

Oh, well if we are only looking at GM stats I can see your point, however basing the worth of a character by a selective grouping of stats, however good those players are, seems unfair as a whole.

I am a Mercy main and I never intended to be toxic. I myself had a really hard time adapting to this new change. I was high platinum and then then nerf hit and I’m now low gold. I’m not saying it isn’t rough out there but it took me some time and now I feel like I can play her well. That’s simply my experience and I would never suggest that I am the bar and everyone else is bad or something, I’m sorry that you are taking what I am saying to be so toxic but I don’t mean it that way at all.

I’m well aware, however if we are looking at statistics to determine whether or not a character is “ridiculously underpowered” then it’s important to look at averages compared with other characters in their role. It would be silly to ignore that, on average, she gets more healing done per match than all but one other healer. Of course it’s situational, but she is obviously capable of doing some great healing, even if it isn’t how it used to be.


hey I rather this than the “feel” thing so, kudos to you

I think that’s around the time when the nerfs hit a few months old so I agree, let’s measure the data on the second month and the first month as well as the weekly trend

Did you even read the rest of my reply?

Again, it is ridiculous for any hero to have a 54% winrate in GM. That would mean Mercy is a troll pick in those ranks. This, for most normal people, is enough.

Again, personal experiences amount to nothing in debates.

Again, you can’t be bringing up average heals as a way to prove she’s not underpowered because:

  • the whole data is entirely situational.

  • She is played predominantly in low ranks because of how easy she is. With that in mind, the low tier players are going to skew the data since it’s mind-bogglingly easy to get high heals in those ranks.

I’m definitely not going to take someone, who only uses healing averages as an argument to prove that she isn’t underpowered and ignores everything else that suggests the opposite, seriously. This discussion is over if that really is the best you can do to prove she isn’t underpowered:

  • personal experiences

  • healing averages

Look, I’ve said what I needed to say and it’s clear to me that you’d rather be rude than have an actual debate, which is what I was trying to do. I didn’t comment here with the intent of being belittled over how I view statistics just because you don’t consider the statistics I am seeing as worthwhile.

I know Mercy is a very sensitive subject and I admire how much you obviously care about her. I care about her a lot too. I hope that things change, I really do, but right now it’s very unclear. I hope you have a great day, cheers.


You shouldn’t expect to have a debate after ignoring most of the points I made. Maybe act like you want to have a debate and I’ll deliver accordingly.

Not just me. Any person who looks at statistics on the daily would say the same thing. What’s funny is that you even acknowledged that healing averages are skewed because it is in entirely situational but then proceed to try and defend it as if it isn’t skewed. You contradicted yourself there.

I guess ignoring points is something you do often. It was nice chat and I’m just going to continue saying that she’s underpowered. Also, read this:

I do want to clarify what I meant here before I take off. Individual healing per match is entirely situational, yes. However statistical averages are not as they gather the data from all sources to come to an average rather that show case by case healing stats. I know I didn’t clarify that earlier so I understand why you see this as a flawed thought process on my part.

Anyways, I see you’re still being demeaning, so again I take my leave. Peace.

You do know that this still doesn’t change the fact that average heals are still skewed because of how situation the amount of heals you get are? Besides, it doesn’t even help your argument because that would mean Zen, Lúcio and Brigitte are all underpowered. Also, would mean that Ana is less powerful than Mercy in GM right now. That is objectively false.

What a joke. And you’re the same person wondering why I’m being “demeaning”. Here’s a hint: it’s because you ignored most of my argument and only replied to the ones you thought you can refute. That isn’t helpful or constructive for anyone.

Also, might I add that you’re leaving a thread you decided to make. Maybe don’t make threads in the first place if you’re just going to leave after getting refuted. :confused: