Mercy wasn't actually nerfed

I really do wish that the Mercy discussion wasn’t so acrimonious right now and that it had more room for positive messages and for players cheering up other players. I don’t think you’re being toxic, I think you thought your points out well, and I think that a little positivity is always good. But as I mentioned, in the current climate these kinds of things can be seen as more harmful than helpful. From where I sit, the main fault here lies with Blizzard.

They have the ability (and I think also the responsibility) to moderate this debate and to make it more productive. All they need to do is to communicate more often and more clearly with their player base. I know that they’ve been burned by this in the past, but I don’t think that’s a legitimate excuse for stopping. To me, it feels like an abdication of responsibility. You don’t get to hide from your player base because they’re unhappy with your decisions. You do your best to try to explain the decisions to them, and you do your best to explain to them what kind of feedback is helpful. And if that doesn’t work you try again and again until you figure out how to do it right.

Regarding the statistics - It’s true that sometimes they only tell part of a story. But in this case they’re telling that part in a crystal clear and unambiguous manner that also matches up with the experience of many of players. In addition, if the statistics only tell a partial story - is it not possible that Mercy wasn’t actually OP before this last nerf?

If you’re interested in a positive high rank (often best in NA) Mercy player who has been very clear about his opinions regarding the nerf, I suggest Vale’s stream. He’s always very nice and positive, and he’s fun to watch. EeveeA has also made her opinions known about the nerf. Sirrocknryan (sp?) is active in the Mercy debates in the forums and is a GM Mercy player.

Regarding the video - I’ve watched it. It made me a bit uncomfortable. Stylosa has a known anti Mercy stance, and it sounded very painful for him to say that she needed anything like a buff. Also, a lot of the stuff he said is wrong, especially in high ranks. For instance, that the support meta now is more diverse and in a better spot that it ever was, or that Moira is in a good spot. I made a post about this in case you’re interested.

There have also been some videos about this topc on Your Overwatch and Blame the Controller (the latter tends to be a more respected Overwatch channel than the former two). Personally, I think that any future buff that doesn’t begin with giving her back her 60 hps is doomed to failure. She needs 60 hps to carry out her main role.

Finally - I think there is cause for optimism here. Blizzard will fix Mercy, her current state is not her final state. I think we can make this happen sooner rather than later by being audible, clear, and well reasoned in the public debate.