Mercy should be able to crouch during rez

What in the world, a lot of Mercy players have already stopped.

You think that most Mercy players out there are forced to play her?

She isn’t a must pick, she doesn’t have to be played. Most people playing her now think she is great, at least the ones I have run into.

The ones that don’t like her have already moved to another game or changed characters.

I know “a lot” is vague, but she’s still the 3rd highest pick which holds her back from getting any changes. So I guess “a lot” isn’t that many.

I think that’s more of a case of the other team being bad.

There are a lot of people who think she is fine. I’m in the middle, i don’t play her as much as I used to.

But if others do, enough to keep her pick rates that high, that’s saying something. I’m guessing, if most people didn’t like the way she is, she wouldnt be played as much.

No one is forcing them to.

Probably because Mercy’s already really good, and that would just be a straight up buff.

Her rez is already very powerful; the combination of her cast time and having her locked in that animation gives the enemy team a small window to punish a Mercy going for an unsafe rez. Having her able to crouch to avoid being sniped/etc. during rez in my opinion seems a little bit OP…

Which is precisely why Resurrect’s move off of ultimate remains controversial to this day.

This would be a good idea actually, that way we can tea bag the corpses of the fallen, even if we get picked off. Seems worth it to me.

Crouch spam.

I already said that boycotting (for anyone that doesn’t know this is from another thread between Stunlaw and I) is artificially lowering hte numbers. It will lead to nothing good. Let’s say you did boycott, now her pickrate drops to like 10th played or something, then she gets a buff and you start playing again, suddenly she’s back to 1st played because more people player her and the people who cheated the system start playing her too. That will lead to a nerf.

and there are equally broken no aim options like moira and brigitte

i agree, right now i have to almost break my arm spinning my mouse around for not to get head shot as easily