Mercy should be able to crouch during rez

Every ability is risky right now with all the CCs and stuns in the game lol. I main Ana and Reinhardt, I understand the risk to no end. I shoot my Nano at someone, get stunned immediately .02 seconds after shooting it, and BAM, Nano and ult charge are gone. It’s all around frustrating.

For me a good rez change would be:

  • No longer slows her.
  • No longer requires her to say in range after the initiation.
  • Still has the same channeling time.
  • If she takes damage during that period, rez is canceled and goes on cooldown.

I said risky, not frustrating. You cannot deny that Rez is one of the riskiest abilities in the game to use. This is a major source of frustration for many Mercy mains, who still have to occasionally deal with entitled teammates who feel they deserved to be rezzed as soon as they die.

You’re totally right! Both cases suck. All I’m saying is that the source of Mercy’s problems from day 1, in regards to the issues people had with her, was always Resurrect. Blizzard should have never introduced an ability like that into a game like OW that was only limited to one character. It’s their mistake and now they’re still having to suffer for it.

That would go perfectly with her Combat Medic Ziegler skin!

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why are people so unnecessarily hateful for something as simple as asking for crouchspam while rezzing? She’s already slowed, so bodyshots would still be possible. It’s not like that’ll change much for the people complaining. :thinking:

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I’m not denying it, but something with such a high reward HAS to have risks. Charge is one of the MOST risky abilities to use in the game. But the reward was high if you landed it. Rez is the same way.

Can you imagine if Charge had an instant cast, moved faster, and Reinhardt had more control over his movements? It’d be considered OP and people would want Blizzard to implement risks into using it to balance it out. High risk should always = high reward.

That was never the case with Mercy until recent months. It was always high reward with very little risk. If Charge started off the way I hypothesized, and then Blizzard made it into what it is now, players would always be complaining about how they hate the cast time and how hard it is to use now. But yeah, the end result was still the same!

That’s how abilities like that work. They HAD to add risk to Resurrect to make it more balanced.

Please no more changes to Mercy. She’s perfectly fine as she is right now, any more changes will either make her op or up.

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I stopped playing her.

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Good we need more people like you if Mercy is going to be fun again. Thanks for doing your part.

she’s already a sitting duck. im talking about being able to use the environment for safer usage of rez like hiding behind the payload. like now the payload doesnt even cover you during rez.

like i said, is there any reason why she shouldnt

i’m still gonna play her. but really the question is why is shouldn’t she be able to crouch?

if this is about the mercy boycott thing. im sorry but she’s still fairly okay for me. but that being said, i will minimize my gametime for her for the benefit of the ‘movement’

Because she still has a high pick rate. As weird as that sounds it’s the truth. If Mercy mains want her to get buffs, they need to stop playing her. It’s that simple.

I’m sorry but being able to crouch is barely a buff. a buff yes but it’s fairly small. she’s expected to have the highest pickrate among the supports, after all she’s the game’s only dedicated healer.

The reasoning I’ll give you is as follows:

  • She’s meant to be a sitting duck, she’s literally undoing a pick on a cooldown, it has to be risky for that reward. Furthermore, there are a plethora of things your allies can do to protect you during a Rez.

  • Crouching in this game can be spammed to make you much harder to hit, especially critically. This goes against the designed aspect of her vulnerability.

Rez safely, ask for help or accept the risk.

I’m not arguing that point at all. I’m just saying that she will not get a buff when she has the 3rd highest pick rate. That is coming from Jeff himself. So if you want changes to her and you are still playing her, you are part of the problem.

So that she’s an easier target to shoot, which is the intended counter play.

While I agree, and it is annoying when an enemy Mercy gets to rez a teammate. Especially during the middle of the match and the middle of the field. But really, if I have to blame anyone it’s my team for not focusing on her.

Rez is too dependent on the team. Which is a problem that many are arguing. Not only that, she already gets a ~75% speed reduction during it. I doubt she’s going to be able to crouch spam that much. If she does, like I said, the blame isn’t on the ability.

Like I said, I’m fairly still having fun for her. Her core gameplay is still the same. So I’m sorry if this hurts the Mercy Boycott, but she’s still my favorite hero to play since launch.

She’s already a sitting duck.

If she’s supposed to be a sitting duck, shouldn’t she be crouching?

I don’t think you’re getting it, OP. “Being a sitting duck” isn’t a reason to give her a crouch if “being a sitting duck” is the designed drawback of the Rez.

And this is intentional by design.

Mercy rarely dies as-is.