Mercy should be able to crouch during rez

Really is there any reason why she shouldnt?


Letā€™s be honest, you want to crouch spam to increase your chance of survival. At least admit it lol


sheā€™s op already, why are people asking for buffs to one of the strongest supports?


Eh, I wouldnā€™t call her OP. Sheā€™s currently more along the lines of ā€œbalancedā€ if you will, especially when compared with pre nerf Mercy. (Totally not biased at all lol)


Keep playing her or stop playing her and get her buffed. Pick one Mercy mains.

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Making her crouch would be a nice addition to her rez since it already locks you in place for 2 seconds why not make her be able to crouch lol


ā€œShe is op, lol.ā€

True story tho, My boyfriend died in a pretty bad spot in Rialto, so I went there to rezz him. And even though I could not move, had bells playing(I used Pink Mercy), was shining like a pink supernova, the enemy team did not stop me, even though I was by their side. And they had a McCree and a Brigitte, so it was possible.

He ulted, our team followed up, we won.

But Mercy is Op alright.

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Now itā€™s going to look like sheā€™s praising the heavens while trying to take a dump.


Wait, are you from the past?


To me, itā€™s not MERCY thatā€™s OP, in fact, sheā€™s very balanced right now. Itā€™s that RESURRECT has, and always will be, OP. Any ability that can nullify a kill or pick is OP in my book.

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And yet, one shots(of any kind) are not.

PS:I think Oneshots have their place here. As well as Rezz has.


Mercy should be able to use her pistol to defend her position while resurrecting, but apparently thatā€™s OP (or so some would claim I imagine). The Resurrect ability encourages you to not use it, ironic. Of all the reworks Overwatch has had, Mercyā€™s has to be the biggest failure of all of them :stuck_out_tongue:. Why else would they continue keeping a redundant megathread open thatā€™s never read or discussed, but instead is being used to silence negativity on Mercy (to ignore the fact she still has flaws despite her pick rate and win rate). From statistics alone itā€™s not easy to tell the difference between a low rank and high rank Mercy now, her skill ceiling is at an all-time low thanks to the rework.

Also stop with this pick rate nonsense. Itā€™s obvious why Mercy has a high pick rate, that doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s completely and perfectly fine in every aspect. Her ā€˜on fireā€™ for example is messed up and has been for a long time. The pick rate is high because sheā€™s only one of two viable main healers at the moment, and of those two is the one which has the most consistent standard kit (outside of resurrect) and high mobility.

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Nope! They take aim to pull off. Resurrect only requires someone to get next to a dead body and hit a button. Yes, you have to still decide if the timing is right or not, but thatā€™s not as hard as being a solid Widowmaker.

Not crapping on Mercy, at all, I love her design. Itā€™s just her issue has always been Resurrect and just how OP of an ability it has always been.

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T-bagging the guy who you are rezzing is not cool, man.

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Dude, even if Mercy had to be the hyper ā€œskeellful characterā€ people want her to be, with her rezz needing trickshots, rhythm pacing to simulate cpr, needing 3 minutes to pull it off, people would find op.

Its not nice to have your kill eliminated, even if it is warrented, and Its not nice to be oneshotted.


And yet rez is one of the riskiest abilities in the entire game to execute.


Ok now I want EMT Mercy who applies defibrillator paddles and screams ā€˜CLEAR!ā€™ when she rezzes.


Frak, I want it too.

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YES! Iā€™ve said this for a while, though it might be weird during valk but reducing your hitbox might be an interesting strategy nevertheless

At least maybe a one time crouch, not like spam crouch and look like an idiot lol


OP? What evenā€¦