Mercy pink skin

You know, I’m not even going to waste any more time with you. It is clear to me that you are completely stubborn on this topic. You always come up with some BS argument. I have seen you comment about these things before in the past on here, so I know how defensive you are on this topic.

Have a good day.




All my life I never played any game that had such a thing as “legacy” or “never returning” items, Overwatch is the first and I just got to know these days about it. So yes, “limited-time” to me never meant it wouldn’t return. They should be more clear :frowning:

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Expect the white knight to appear soon… he is typing furiously…

Unless you’ve only played single player games and this is your first multiplayer, with exceptions like COD or BF, I genuinely do not think that is even remotely possible. Nearly everything has exclusive items, even single player games via pre-order bonuses.

Doesnt want to respond but wants to bad mouth just because I dont agree with you? Nice. Don’t be mad at me because you got into an argument you knew you weren’t going to win.

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I always played MMO games. Aion then Blade and Soul, a little of Revelation and etc. Yes, I’ve tried WoW and I didn’t like it, so I didn’t play it enough to get to know about LEGACY stuff.

Hmm. Just from the ones listed, it looks like you’re right, at least for Aion BS and Revelation. I still stand by what I said though. “Limited” has always meant x amount being made [pre digital] or “only sold for X time period and never again” [post digital]. That is exactly what the word “limited” means.

Exclusive, limited, and sometimes even unique depending on context, mean it’s not coming back and not changing. Even if you didn’t play WoW for long, I guarantee that unless you played only in vanilla, you’d already seen and experienced limited edition stuff. Every single expansion comes with exclusive items.

I don’t know what’s vanilla, I played it for 1 day and quit because I didn’t like the art style . :slight_smile:

Vanilla was all the way back in 2004. If you only played WoW for one day then that’s fair.

Or, you just read and inform you what the company in question sees as limited time only. Then we woudnt have all thes posts of entitlet players that are mad about not having some pixels.


Yeah, sure, because that is something 99% of the people are going to do. Dude, you must be living under a rock. People rarely ever read things like terms of services for example. It is a lot to read through, and can sometimes be a little confusing to understand certain parts of it.

Also, mind giving a link that redirects me to what you are mentioning? a link where blizzard describes how their limited time models are supposed to be working in their games. More specificly in Overwatch.

I already debunked Mr. I know everything better and will never admit that I am wrong about something, aka PezLex, when it came in regards to “Limited has meant never coming back since exclusivity became a marketing tactic decades ago.”. HotS limited time items are coming back every once a year, dum dum dum.

But hey, when someone debunks your claims, all of a sudden there are exceptions. Makes totally sense.


If you’re going to talk about me you can at least quote me :slight_smile:

That’s how rules work. Murder is against the law, but in self-defense is an exception.

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I already told you that I am not going to waste my time talking to you anymore. Doesn’t mean I can still mention your name tho.

You claimed that ever since exclusivity items have become a marketing tactic, that it always meant that those items would never come back again. I debunked you on that claim, straight up, with evidence.

After I exposed your lie that you so strongly seem to believe in, thats when you decided to tell me that there are all of a sudden exceptions involved.

Anyway. Enjoy talking to a wall, because this is my last message to you.


Cool, that means I’m still going to react to you when you say my name, so get used to it if you keep saying it.



I would love to see it again… it’s my absolute favorite, but at the time my computer couldn’t even run Overwatch.

I’ll always have hope to be honest. A lot of people want it back, so maybe they’ll bring it back some day!


I was in a streamers chat once and this one guy obsessed with the skin said that daniel fenner said it was coming back soon apparently during blizzcon, but idk
if it doesnt come during blizzon its never coming back
which is sad, I like the skin for its audio changes and the pink valk wings she looks really pretty although I wish her pigtails were longer (like sailor moon long)

If only atlantic had those changes to it I would’ve got it but it was a missed opportunity


I totally agree. Atlantic Mercy not having any audio changes is very disappointing to me.


and all that money could go to charity.

this is a really good idea imo

No :confused:

It was a limited event for charity, I bought it instantly.

I also would’ve bought her All Star skin had it been for something like that also, but I couldn’t justify the $15 or whatever it was for just that skin… or so it seemed (Never had interest in whatever OWL is doing).

They should bring it around again in October. Will they? Who knows…


You can’t resell the skin as it’s tied to the account that purchased it and anyone trying to sell it is a scam.

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