Mercy pink skin

That woud turn off a lot of potential buyers.
And destroy all trust in Blizz lagacy politic.
So it woud be a lose lose for all side beside the entitel players who wabt one skin.


I’m too lazy to boot up the game right now, but does the Pink Mercy skin have the Legacy stamp on it? I mean, it probably does. But just asking to be sure.

With that said, I still couldn’t care less. But you are right, it would make some people upset.

I am sure it does.

It’s a legacy skin, so it’s probably not coming back. I would love to see Blizzard do another charity event. And honestly, they could even do a tiered donation for people who missed the first time to give another chance. Something like $15 for the new event skin $20 for the skin and an emote $30 for the skin, the emote, and the previous skin (pink Mercy).


It is classified as “legacy”.

Can’t wait for December 31st, will legacy or actual promises win out?


Thanks for the clarification.

Well, I hope when they add new skins to the game that are only going to be available for a limited time, that said skins are going to have the legacy stamp on them right away. That way people can tell right away that said skin is only going to available this one time only.

Limited time could stil mean that something could return again, just for a limited duration of time. I think HotS is doing just that. It puts items in their store for a limited time, but they are supposed to come back again.

Blizzard just caused a lot of confusion with the way the handled limited time offers in their games in the past. So I hope the legacy stamp is going to alleviate said problem.


So based on Legacy tag Demon Hunter Sombra won’t come back even though they said it would in the fine print, which kept many from buying the virtual pass at the time. Would be pretty low of them to not bring it back.

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No. It is a legacy skin that is never coming back.

Every single advertisement for limited time/exclusive skins has always said so. Every exclusive event Blizzard has done in the last 20 years has been explicitly marked as such. Limited has never meant “be back later,” it’s always been "can only by this from x to y dates.

I bought pink mercy on Console. But when I moved to PC, I couldn’t get it.

Oh well, Atlantic Mercy is a close second and I bought that on PC.

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The day it becomes available again is the day mercy will get a buff;

So don’t expect it.

They don’t tho.

Available for purchase in-game and online through May 21, all sales of this limited-time legendary skin will benefit BCRF and their mission to end breast cancer.”

“As a brilliant scientist and the guardian angel of Overwatch, Dr. Angela Ziegler—codename Mercy—has dedicated her life to helping and healing others. Now you can help BCRF work toward a cure for breast cancer by purchasing the new PINK MERCY skin, available for a limited time on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Here is the link from where I was pulling this from.

h ttps://

Limited time is too vague of a description. It is used differently amongst different companies. Some companies make said limited items available again, during limited times. Others like Overwatch did not. But how were people supposed to know if they were teached differently from other game companies?

If every company was treating the phrase “limited time” the same way as everyone else does, this wouldn’t be a problem.


Forget Pink Mercy. It’s not coming back.

THE REAL QUESTION IS will Blizz renege on their fine print stating Demon Hunter Sombra (and all other 2018 virtual goodies) will come to OW (and their respective games) at a later date?

there it is, right there. Limited time MEANS it’s never coming back. I’ve been through all of the adverts and everything too. Limited has meant never coming back since exclusivity became a marketing tactic decades ago.

That’s irrelevant.

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It’s Legacy. If it comes back at all it will be through a Diablo related promotion for either D4 or Immortal and no other way.

Blizz is the worst with communicating these sorts of things. Why even have this?

The in-game items for Overwatch, StarCraft II, and StarCraft: Remastered will also be available separately in 2019—further details will be announced at a later date.


I’m aware of what it says. They are vague because they are allowed to be and should be until they have official plans to divulge. You’re lucky if they give anyone a chance to get a skin that should have been exclusive in the first place.

At the end of the day I really don’t care. I literally have everything in the game right now except for a few Achievement sprays and a majority of the golden guns.

I am only missing Blizzcon Bastion, Blizzcon Sombra, Atlantic Tracer, and Pacific Genji. Don’t even really play any of these heroes much. So yeah if it doesn’t come back I won’t really care. But other people will rage.

And it is the only time all of the Blizzcon goodies havent been exclusive ever. People will rage anyway because they were screwed too

Well, I did some digging and I found this articale about Heroes of the Storm’s limited time offers. It is working differently than the one in Overwatch. Yet, it is still labled the same way. Limited time.

"Limited-Time Offers: February 12

The skins and mounts that we’ve added to the Limited-Time Offers are available for Gem purchase and Shard crafting for a period of a few weeks, starting on February 12. Be sure to grab these items now, because once the offer expires they will leave the collection until the next time they’re featured here!"

Here is the link.

h ttps://


Man you are trying really hard. It also specifically says it is coming back, making it an exception, not the rule.

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