[ Mercy : Our Beloved Angel ]

Hi, I’m SeongHajima, Or Seong For Short. I’m A 800 Hour Mercy Main^^

( I Know This Is A “Sensitive” Topic In The Overwatch Community But, I Want To Know How You Guy’s/Girl’s Feel About The Mercy We Had Before And The Mercy We Have Now & What You Wished Blizzard Could Of Done For Her (Buffs, Nerfs, Reworks etc.) Feel Free To Talk About Other Heroes As Well! ).

  • In My Opinion, The Mercy We Have Now Is At Her Most “Balanced” State At The Moment Compared To What We Had Before The Rework, You Could Do SO Much More As Mercy Now Though I Do Feel, Myself, Like Mostly Everyone Doesn’t Feel Like Mercy Feels Impactful Or Fun To Play As Often Anymore, I’m Sure We Know The Impact We Are Doing For The Team Is There But, We Just Don’t Feel It As Often. Others, From Chats In-Games, Also Say That She’s More Stressful To Play As As Well.

yeah cool topic but why the hell is your every word starting with an uppercase letter


Capitalizing Every Word Hurts My Eyes For Some Reason.


Sorry! I have a habit of doing that.


Its cool bro. Was just making a harmless joke anyway.

To answer your topic I feel like mercy is at her most balanced too right now, although i regret never getting a 5 man rez before her rework, rip.

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If you want to read a long in depth look at my perspective on Mercy, i made a post a few months ago and it still stands


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Thanks for sharing the link! I’ll get to that post in a bit^^

Mercy is probably roughly balanced.

However, over the course of Mercy’s rework and nerfs, the Devs have either nerfed anything and everything that lets Mercy make choices and do things that matter or have replaced them with versions that are significantly more dependent on her team. They have been so accurate with it that it almost feels purposeful. Literally the only active part of Mercy that has not been negatively affected has been GA and her Blaster.

What do I want for her? Well… over the last while, I have come up with at least 7 different reworks for her that vary in intensity, but every single one has the goal of cutting out or nerfing things she doesn’t directly control and buffing or adding things that she does. Also, only one has anything even remotely resembling Mass Resurrect. Do you want the list?


Go ahead and share your ideas if you want to! I’d love to see them^^

(im not adding anything to the discussion)

ive stopped playing mercy awhile ago, ive complained and complained but nothing really happens, even if it does it will only happen after 5 months and then 3 other months on the ptr, by that time cp 2077 would be out and if the game is still slow on balance changes i might not be around.

on a side note everytime i complain about anything i get shut down with “mercy is balanced” mercy was also balanced when she had mass rez you just didnt feel “good” when she played against you, so now when im not feeling good with playing her screw me i guess.


healer alright
beloved umm no thanks id rather play a charecter that requires skill

I understand how you feel. I also do believe her old Ultimate could of been balanced as well but sadly, that’s not how the Overwatch Community ended up being when it comes to supporting this or that or others opinions on a hero. Hope you pull through and that there would be some light shining on Mercy soon.


as much as i like mercy, i dont want to play as a moving healthpack with 0 engagement.


That’s how you feel, your opinion and I respect that but, remember everyone has their own individual skill on playing or using certain roles and heroes abilities no matter what difficulty rating that hero has, if you feel that Mercy is an easy hero to play then kudos to you!

Ok, but don’t say I didn’t warn you :stuck_out_tongue:. Also… for all of these just assume that I also want the Damage Boost change reverted… that change was just dumb.

Here’s my favorite of all the ones I’ve come up with:
Guardian Angel now heals Mercy’s GA target for 25 HP. This is doubled in Valkyrie.
Mercy’s Resurrect can now be used on living targets. When used this way it applies a 125 HP burst heal and begins a 100 HPs channeled heal on the target. This does NOT cut Mercy’s speed to 25%.
Pushing Shift while casting the normal Resurrect will cancel the ability and lauch Mercy in the direction she is facing.
Valkyrie Main heal = 80, Chain heal = 40.
Valkyrie duration nerfed to 10s.
Valkyrie no longer increases Mercy’s beam range.

Heal Beam raised to 60 HPs
E: now adds +25 HPs to whichever beam is in use. 3s duration, 8s CD.
Q: One instant, single target, resurrect with a range of 5m. Fairly quick charge time.

Add a new passive. While not healing, Mercy’s staff stores up to 100 HP at a rate of 50 HP/s. When the healing beam is reconnected to the target(s), they receive a burst heal equal to the HP stored.

Mercy gets 60 HP/s back.
E becomes Damage Reduction beam that provides 20% damage reduction to the allied target.
Valkyrie becomes shorter (8-10s) and doubles the effect of the current beam.
Flight stays, but every other Valkyrie buff goes away.
Valkyrie also unlocks one cast of Resurrect on Q.

Resurrect no longer has a cast time or slow. Instead it cuts Mercy’s max HP to 120 for 8 seconds.
Valkyrie no longer has chains or extra length. Instead it doubles the effect of the current beam. Also it now lasts 8 to 10 seconds.

Sixth: Which I’ve nick named “Blade Resurrect”
60 HPs again.
E: Gone.
Q: Instead of Valkyrie, Mercy’s weapons are replaced with 5m, single target, low cast time Resurrects. Successful Resurrects refresh Guardian Angel. This lasts 6 seconds (maybe less?).

Raise the healing of Mercy’s main beam in Valkyrie to 80, nerf the chains to 50.


Hopefully this year would be better than 2018 and as fun as it was 2016-2017. Considering that 2-2-2 is now LIVE maybe they’ll revert some nerfs for most heroes and maybe give Mercy her healing back at least, she is a PRIMARY healer to be honest^^

To be honest Mercy was in her best state when she was both considered garbage but also the most picked healer in the game, so before season 5.


These ideas are very interesting! I love the idea of Resurrect giving out a burst healing on living targets! I also do hope that her 60HP/sec comes back as well.

i had a field day when i was trying to explain to someone that was saying mercy isnt meant to be a main healer that she is currently the purest form healer and having low healing output is pretty dumb, as someone said, consistency is good but not when you’re consistently bad at everything.


I believe Mercy is currently the most balanced she has been too! I don’t think she needs any changes or buffs at all.