[ Mercy : Our Beloved Angel ]

balanced doesnt equal engaging or fun, mass rez was balanced too but changed due to feelings, therefor i dont understand blizz’s logic :roll_eyes:


I would be fine with 55 hp/s tbh

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She’s impactful, engaging and fun currently for me. My heart does little flips whenever I do something game-changing with mercy.

Mass rez… it was an annoying ability… Wouldn’t mind retrying it again though.

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cool, when can you do that though?

I was able to stall the point alone once. Enough to get my teammates back and we won the round. (Super jump and a lot of crazy jumping)

Or when I get on fire without “rezzing”.

Pull of a dangerous rez that changes the game. Generally she’s a fun hero.

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literally any hero can stall the point, i can stall the point with lucio and have a much more engaging time.


It was considered such a bad ult up until the time they buffed her to having invincibility frames during it.

It was trash on launch too, you stood still and just got headshot.

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I don’t know if you know Mercy’s Super Jump, that little ability she has does make her feel a bit more fun and it’s a huge game changer and can contest the Objective like crazy! (never mind you do know! lol)


Lucio is different. he isn’t as team dependent as mercy is. You don’t find what i find fun, sure. It’s not as accomplishing stalling the point as lucio (wallride) as it is with mercy.


either way im kinda done with playing mercy, if you enjoy her good for you and hope you have a fun time, but for me id rather just move on to another game.


Blizzard did this awful thing where they BUFFED mas rez to make mercy invincible during and a little after as well as the team she was rezzing which led to the whole controversy to begin with and was the actual reason she was unbalanced. Instead of Blizzard reverting the buff that was obviously too buff they reworked her because they will do anything to refuse to admit they made a mistake. Same thing with brig, they couldn’t balance her, so they reworked her and the whole game. Same thing with Junkrat, they buffed him so he wouldn’t take damage from himself but he was too buff so they had to rework his mines and projectiles after rather than just reverting it.


For me personally, I used to adore Mercy 1.0 and loved everything about her.

The rework hit and I hated Mercy for a long time. Until she finally started getting a ton of nerfs she needed. I loved the nerfs at first because it made me feel more impactful as a Mercy main who spent hundreds of hours to perfect her. The cast time and slow during res was nice because it allowed me to use my game sense and skill to perform resurrects properly, surviving, and giving my team an advantage. Then too many nerfs hit and she started feeling poor to me again.

Finally where we are now, I love Mercy again. She feels like she’s in a really good spot and has plenty of impact. Not to mention all of her new tech, such as bunny hop, super jump, super jump resses, etc. And going moth mode and killing things will never not be fun. Especially since you know being killed by a Mercy makes people’s blood boil.

One thing that upsets me currently is how much people will complain that there isn’t enough healing with Mercy, when in most cases, that’s simply not true. In the case of Rein/Zarya, I can agree because I’ve had MANY clutch saves on my Rein as Ana, but she isn’t a terrible pick when you can Valk and res Rein, but she’s not optimal.

Overall, I’m happy with Mercy’s current state and playing Mass Res workshops made me realize just how boring Mercy is without Valkyrie. She feels so much more vulnerable and helpless compared to how she feels now. I would take current Mercy over Mass Res anyday.


My “balance” for Mass Rez was Resurrecting 1-2 was instant, 3 was 1.3sec cast time and 4-5 was 2.3sec but while casting she would have like a 20% damage reduction? But I honestly don’t know how I feel about it as I’m reading this hahah. But, that’s just my idea^^

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Honestly that’s my favorite part about her.

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She’s oversaturated with teammate dependence, which takes nearly all of her impact and puts it into factors outside the Mercy player’s control.

The lack of control (also known as player agency) dives Mercy’s skill celling way down and makes it feel like no matter how hard you try, no matter how well you’re statistically doing, you never feel like you’ve accomplished anything.

Mercy’s foundational design of “defensive healer with 360° awareness (due to lock-on beams/air dash)” has a lot of potential to make Mercy the definitive shot-calling strategist of Overwatch, with the highest gamesense skill ceiling in the game…

…but it’s been sabotaged by how badly E Rez and Q Valk contradict that same design. E Rez is almost completely out of the player’s control and Valkyrie has 0 outplay potential versus enemy ults or even their base kits.

E Rez takes up too much of Mercy’s power budget for her to get any buffs that make her feel better to play, but deleting rez from Mercy’s kit entirely isn’t an option any more than deleting rein’s shield is: it’s a fundemental part of their character designs.

I see Mercy’s current Q and E as dead ends. The only remaining option is to move ressurect back to Mercy’s ult where it belongs, and then either convert Valkyrie to an E ability or give Mercy an entirely new one.


Yes! The Mercy we have now, you can do so much more than what she was before, she does require a more games sense and skill to perform, which does make her a bit fun to play and Super Jump makes it more fun and is a huge game changer for Mercy herself to get out of danger!

Or put herself in more danger if they have a Widow that has decent aim.

Literally this, rez on cooldown is fundamentally broken.

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almost every widow in my mmr is apparently a god widow, im not sure why.

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I mean it has a very predictable path, and for 2 seconds you’re either moving straight up or straight down, if they’re good at flicking, you’re dead. Unless GA resets and you can GA to another teammate before she can pop you in the noggin.

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