Mercy not being "fun or (personally) unimpactful" is not a valid arguement

Quote from Vaneras from the Old Forums; “It was frustrating to play against and incentivized Mercy players to hide away from fights.” Baring in mind, frustrating to play against (that is, the argument of ‘fun’) is placed before an argument that was accepted by a vocal minority of the community at the time.

What measure do you think she is impactful by?


He is a community representative, not a developer.
Lets not go by the word of anyone but the developers themselves.

Do you think a Community Manager wrote that post up by himself without any input from anyone else on the development team?


It’s just the ability to heal the entire team without the worry of dying.When I valk I feel like I can keep everyone alive and I really feel a power decrease when valk ends. That’s why I think its impactful

So what he said invalidates an OFFICIAL developer video?
And no, I would imagine he didn’t, just like most other Blizzard employee’s giving different information (support staff are VERY guilty of this). They are very mixed up with opinions.

I’m not taking anyone seriously on balance changes unless its from a actual developer, who are qualified to talk about such things.

Also because he said frustrating first that means its the main reason? okay lol
All we can say is that is was ONE of MANY reasons.

its what i was trying to get at a few weeks ago: Mercy bottom line … itll never get anything changed because its simply not enough…people dont understand the difference between the unfun argument that was used to change her initially and the one we have now…but its a BIG difference

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When did I say it did? The words disheartening and frustrating to play against may as well be the same thing.

A community manager is just as much apart of the development team as any other person, and if you don’t believe that, then at least accept that the community manager probably didn’t even write what was posted and just copied and pasted something from an e-mail.

The placement of words in text indicate importance. If they seriously believed that hide and revive was the absolute main issue with it, they would have said exactly that. Saying that it was frustrating to play against first emphasizes that point moreso than the latter.

Using your own logic, can you give me quotes regarding why Mercy was reworked straight from a developer’s mouth that are not related to hiding and reviving or it being frustrating to play against?


I don’t think this was the only reason why she got reworked.

Let’s take a look at the balance triangle, shall we?
Balancing is based on these 3 points:

  1. Playerbase impression.
  2. Developer impression.
  3. Hero stats.

Now let’s see how Mercy 1.0 (with mass rez) fits in this balance triangle.

  1. Mass rez wasn’t liked by many players.
    We all have seen the threads back then. The majority seemed to dislike it. Mercy’s ult had no counterplay other than dealing with Mercy before she ulted. (This could’ve been easily fixed though.)
  2. The devs thought it promoted bad play, which it did. The hide and rez part of it. This is not how they wanted to see her played.
  3. Mercy wasn’t viable back then. Especially not after Ana’s release. I could be mistaken, but was she not even F-tier once before her rework?

And how does Mercy 2.0 fits in the balance triangle?

  1. Players are divided about this. Some Mercy mains like her current kit and some don’t. One thing is for certain and that is that the majority of the playerbase doesn’t complain about Mercy’s ultimate anymore.
  2. The devs have stated that they are not going to revert and rework Mercy anymore. The amount of changes she has received proves that they are trying to make the current Mercy work. In interviews during the Blizzcon did multiple developers even stated that they are satisfied with the state of all support heroes.
  3. Her average healing is on par with other main healers and her pickrate is still healthy. It seems it’s better in low and mid ranks than in high ranks, but this could be blamed on the fact that Mercy isn’t meta.
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I have no idea what you mean by that.
In the developer video itself, Jeff says FIRST that a behaviour is encouraged by the design of the hero/ult, where you stop healing, tell your team to die, you hide and res. I can’t be bothered to quote it as he rambles a bit.
AFTER that he says its wrong to tell a MAIN HEALER to stop healing and go hide.
AFTER that he says its disheartening when Mercy ults.
He says more after that but I don’t want to watch it all again.

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Then this conversation is over, bye.

I picked out the main bit.
Whats the issue?
The rest of it is just talking about E Res and Valk.
You are putting too much emphasis on the disheartening to play against angle.

By your own logic, JEFF HIMSELF talks about the playstyle first, so that’s the main reason…right? or does a community manager trump him?
I’ll take Papa Jeff’s word over a random community manager.

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I don’t know if I agree with that. When to use res is pretty black and white. Is the soul in a safe enough place that I can survive 1.75s of glowing-statue time? Pretty simple.

You definitely have to worry about death, at least in like Masters+. You also have to worry about your team just dying regardless of your healing because 60hp/s isn’t as strong as you seem to think it is. Killing a Widow… again I feel like rank kind of plays a role in how able you are to do that. Damage boost means it’s then on your team to actually hit shots. YOUR role as the Mercy player here is basically minimized with Valk.

I don’t understnad this sentence I guess… no one’s ult should feel like you’re throwing when you press it?

I disagree completely.

I’ll echo what others have said because this makes no sense. “Unfun to play against” was a huge reason to change her in the first place.

I think the important thing to remember is that by discussing a topic like this, a large part of the goal is to at least get Blizzard to participate in the conversation and come to some form of compromise for all players involved. Unlike the Mercy rework in the first place :slight_smile:

Except Mei as you throw Snowball. :hugs:

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At this point I don’t know if all of these 3 carry equal weight, and I would argue there are multiple subgroups in the Playerbase one :stuck_out_tongue:

“Unfun to play against” yes, all ultimates are. And even you said that it could have been easily fixed, but there wasn’t even an attempt to do so, which is a part that annoys me to no end.

Hide and rez… my god… yes. It existed. It was a viable strategy because of the performance based SR abuse, not because it was actually a strong way to play the game. That, too, could have been addressed before drastically changing Mercy. Besides, you don’t always have to play the game the way the developers envision haha. That’s part of what’s so interesting about making a game in the first place, but I digress.

She also missed an entire ability slot. That could have been used to help make her a more balanced character. Not what we got.

Honestly, from what I’ve noticed, a lot of non-Mercy players never liked her to begin with. Of course they don’t complain now, Valk is a pretty unimpactful ultimate. They’re happy to see her in such a state, imo.

This is only one part of the triangle, I don’t think their word should just shut everyone else up. As “entitled” as it sounds, we payed for the game and our continuing to play, and watch esports, and buy lootboxes, etc. are the reason the game continues to exist (I was going to say flourish but Overwatch “dying” is a-whole-nother conversation haha).

The on-paper balance of the hero isn’t necessarily the biggest concern right now. Also, as a lot of people mention, look at her on fire rate haha.


Ok, you definitely got me there haha.:heart:

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I mean, you don’t have to consider those arguments of any value, but if people find themselves bored with the game they will eventually stop playing - some might think “good riddance!”, but it would be very bad for business. Not to mention there would be even less supports playing. I like other characters other than Mercy, but they have also been tampered with and are no longer the same characters I fell in love with - D.VA and Symmetra are the two that first spring to mind. And because of this I find myself caring less and less about the game.


Because there’s like 2 Reaper mains out there and none of them want to step up and push for changes. You don’t get anywhere by being silent and inactive.


What I was saying that “unfun” should be the only reason to change the hero, mercy didn’t changed because it was just unfun but it changed for a more valid argument that they have to rework her.
some people want to rework mercy because they think she is not fun to play which is not valid argument if it didn’t supported by actual argument.

you’re actually right. it’s probably why reaper has been god-awful for two years straight.

So you see, im staying out of this conversation at all, like, I dont really have an opinion on it, but the whole reason why mercy was even reworked, was because she was unfun to play against, so it technically would be a valid reason to rework her because she’s unfun to play.
Just saying.

Though what I do have an opinion on is the overall rework.
We were promised that she’s

  • more engaging (which, in my opinion, just isnt true)
  • more fun (idk, im kinda split on this, because I just feel like with rez being in the game on E it just keeps her ult from actually having this “oomph” moment which would make it more fun, since it drains so much power from her kit)
    I just feel like this rework overall wasnt really successful since it either makes mercy a must pick, or just weird to play since she doesnt really have a place anywhere.
    I love the strategy that the cast time on E rez brings, but at the same time, if one or two instant cast rez’s atleast in valk could be balancable, it would be so much more like, smoother, and you’d feel more impact in a valk if you get what I mean. This is just my personal opinion tho, and I do not want mercy to be op again. I just want her to be fun/impactful and balanced :woman_shrugging: