Mercy nerf soon

And that’s your logic why u believe she should stay OP/BROKEN?

People can play her all they want if she would actually be balanced like the other supports right now. She overshadows every other support that isn’t zen


Mercy isn’t oppressive, have any burst healing in her kit or high damage. She can ress people but that puts her in a stationary position which can easily kill her. Mercy is a great hero, she doesn’t need nerfs.


Mercy is very oppressive, has insane healing the same heal per 10 as bap (broken hero according to mercy mains). She can ress people (ult on cooldown) where she can pull it off through walls or use her ult and be unkillable with her Insta hp regen and mobility. Mercy is a broken oppressive hero, she needs some nerfs

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Mercy has one ultimate, same as all heroes

Mercy’s ultimate is called Valkyrie

all of Mercy’s other abilities - including rez - are not ultimates

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Actually she has 2 if you didn’t know. The ressurect ability is so good it’s basically an ult on cooldown! Crazy isn’t it?
She gets to choose who she wants to res and she only need los for the first 0.000001sec after that she can drop off high grounds or even rez through walls. That is super mind blowing :scream:

I am well aware of what Mercy’s kit consists of

As I said in my previous post, rez is not an ultimate; and none of the heroes in OW (Mercy included) heroes have more than 1 ultimate

I wont be belaboring this point further in this side discussion

I said i wanted lamp and Rez nerfed without giving a reason because that’s what most people do on here and it seems to work and i got bombarded by support players. I had to pull out the old reliable “I’m a support main”

Considering ur amount of posts on the forum this is rather surprising tbh but yes mercy has indeed two ultimate abilities. One is rez and the other is valk. If you combine them both she’s unstoppable its a game flaw.

You could even argue that her 0 sec cd ability that magically amps everyone’s dmg by 30% could be considered a ult as well

Edit: just checked ur profile. You have 0hrs in OW so this clears things up ^¬^

I mean have you heard your logic?

If we go by your logic we should be beefing McCree as well, but he’s apparently BaLaNced despite him being the most picked dps hero within all ranks and a HiGh WiNrAtE at 53%

No it’s becasue she got her gun buffed 5 TIME IN ONE PATCH-she was picked without Mercy for quite a while too.

Not to mention GOODMAN ADMITTED ASHE WAS PURPOSEFULLY DESIGNED TO WORK WELL WITH MERCY. This was a bad design on the character and they were fixing that.

Yeah that “Ashe is a buff to Mercy” joke…not that much of a joke.

Because in addition to the GOATS revert-he kept the compensation buff of increased damage, and increased rate of fire. He ALSO got the Jjonak nerf reverted as well.

AND with shields being weaker, and faster to destroy, he can lob Discord easier since it can’t go through shields.

Who even knows if this information is right?

You weren’t right about mccree having a crazy high winrate, but he’s so op and busted because of his crazy pickrate and high winrate so it must be true!!

And no! Mercy is completely fine and balanced even though she is the second most picked support in all ranks and has a higher winrate then mccree!!

You go on overbuff click this week click gm click offence and boom. There u go. Poor girl :(( here’s the tutorial

Maybe a mercy nerf would be good as well?

Considering her high pickrate and winrate, even beating mccrees!!

Have a snickers. :+1:t2:

You really are a child aren’t you? But we knew this since you struggle with a mercy for gods sake.

Ashe was only ever meta because of mercy

what stats?

her overall DPS has been nerfed…



No? I cant see anything? how is this a point any competent human makes?

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Bruh, look at Ashe’s stats, she was meta before Mercy lol

By like, 1??? Really killed the character there

Laugh all you want, the truth is still the truth :heart:

overall, her damage output has been nerfed about 20%, this is honestly sad to see the lack of intelligence from the place devs are supposed to listen to…

??? where are u getting these stats?

Overbuff? Seriously

It really hasn’t lol

only shows the last 6 months, Ashe has been out since 2018

it just has, read patch notes