Mercy nerf soon

ana did this for well over a year.

pretty much this.

Even devs have said Mercy is the most popular hero.

In other words, correct choice of teammate to boost is overpowered, suddenly.

Well she has 0 difficulty as is, hence why her mains always feel useless when they’re forced to play another healer since there is no skill base to draw from. They should just go all the way and copy the Medic completely.

I just don’t see point of making healers “skilled” when their results still depend on others.

Why would I, for instance, practice my aim to hit that twitchy Genji with heals, if they still can mess up and make my efforts for nothing?

If you want to reward skill, reward it. Without “if teammate knows, what they are doing/doesn’t mess up/etc.”

You can reward it with other healers already…

Ana can help people in the backline, Bappers encourages good use of cover, Zen empowers flankers, Lucio with coordination stomps opposing teams, Moira is still all about the death ball so that’s kinda meh, Brig is 100% give and take synergy. Mercy is just the M1/M2 bot. All characters in the game should require skill, and Mercy’s status to the contrary is the reason her mains are kind of a meme.

Her and genji please.

I don’t feel useless playing other healers, and people constantly make this assumption with no proof to back it up. I see plenty of dps and tank players running around who also don’t appear to have a clue how to play other dps characters.

Aim most certainly should be a bench mark metric for the dps role but seriously the way we measure skill should differ from role to role. Role q has proved that aim is not necessarily a determining factor in how well you do in a role. their are plenty of high level dps players who suck at support or tanking.

No, they shouldn’t. They should be reliable, so your teammates don’t have to wonder, if you will heal them or not.

I do not care, how skilled or not skilled DPS hero you pick is - all that matters is you getting kills. So you shouldn’t care, how skilled or not support hero being picked, as long as you receive your healing.

As long as they get things done, it’s none of your concern, right?

I would also argue what “skill” is most of the time people are just referring to aim. I would give one skill kudos to mercy players. Those who can reliably pull off super jump in combat with the team moving around constantly, and the being always aware of where everyone is with their positioning. Kudos to them.

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It’s funny because hitscan ins’t really that skilled either just aim at general direction on a enemy and click left click and it hits…

What isn’t funny, is trying to enforce such view of skill on everyone.

Man I just want Lucio to be relevant again, I don’t care who has to be nerfed to make that happen.

Unless we have multiple Reapers running around the forums-which could be the case-just been a while.

So ah…this is awkward.

Or maybe instead of nerfing hero, that doesn´t need it, make other supports more viable, so people can actualy play them again? Adding a new hero to the support would be also helpfull.

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Yet Ashe was meta with Mercy at one point lol

Yet the stats show he was and still is pretty overtuned

She wasn’t balanced, and she isn’t even balanced now. They didn’t nerf her. They powershifted her so that she didn’t 1-shot with Mercy

DPS are literally overturned (hitscans)

They are overtuned without Mercy already? You don’t need a Mercy or Zen to melt tanks so fast they can barely react

No. You can literally see DPS melting tanks without either character helping them

Mercy got one of the most drastic reworks in the game (after Sym, arguably about on par with Torb), that went deeply against the wishes of a huge number of Mercy mains at both the pro and pleb level.

Mercy then got nerfed over a dozen times in a row, down to 50hps with her current damage boost and rez cooldown. It was a good while before she got re-buffed to 55hps.

Blizzard has proven that they are absolutely not scared of messing with Mercy, or of leaving her in a state where she doesn’t dominate the game for long periods at a time.

Because most heroes move at the same speed already. The problem was not, “Oh no, Lucio makes fast heroes even faster”, the problem was that Lucio barreling a buncha tanks onto point forced a contest that could only be answered by other tanks brawling on point.

Mercy damage boosts everyone different amounts, because everyone does different amounts of damage. For most of the heroes on the roster, Mercy doesn’t mess with breakpoints enough to be oppressive. It’s only certain DPS that become busted when damage boosted, which suggests that the problem may be with those specific heroes, rather than Mercy.

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Right, but several heros have had reworks. It was less drastic than Sym or Torb’s by a long shot, but more than say Lucio’s. Mercy only got nerfed that many times in a row because Blizzard is very incremental (perhaps too much so) with nerfs. They opted for several small nerfs to try to find the right spot, instead of going in with a machete. I fully feel Blizzard is till too afraid to go at her again because of the constant feedback they got with her original rework. Look at other heros they changed drastically but perhaps overbuffed; they got hammered right back down real quick. The recent Hog/Zarya meta comes to mind, or Ironclad Bastion. Instead, despite the overwhelming feedback from high SR and pro-players, they slowly milked Mercy back down, which made for a really underwhelming World Cup in almost every viewer/player perspective. It’s obvious she gets deferential treatment, and it is obvious why. Which is fine most of the time; they’d be foolish not to feed into the fanservice because it makes them money and generates interest…until it becomes noticeably harmful to the overall health of the game, which is starting to become impossible to ignore.

Just recently Ashe got a ‘lateral nerf’ in her scoped damage specifically because of Mercy-boosting…but it hasn’t changed the pick at all, because it’s the damage boost that is too strong. We can’t keep balancing DPS heros around an issue that lies with Mercy herself.

The fact that Zen got a nerf before Mercy did astounds me, tbh. In high ELO play, I vaguely think he needed a nerf…but only with the assumption that a lot of other nerfs are incoming; DPS in general needs to go down, (which the Zen nerf helps with, but the DPS slider needs to be toned down itself, and Mercy’s damage boost), and HPS needs to go down as well. Zen’s pickrate is what it is because double shields are popular to counter the immense damage DPS does right now with a Mercy boost, and he counters a counter to that which is often played, which are heros like Hog and Ball, which have a lot of mobility and self-sustain. Mercy is just picked despite all of that, because right now the win condition is to push through the threshold of burst-healing with a Mercy damage pocket.

Oh look another support witch hunt right after the Zen nerf, so cute. The fragile ego of a toxic dps player.


people play mercy because she’s not that hard to learn, and she’s practically the face of overwatch healers. Even if you nerf her to oblivion people will still play her because they like playing her.

people who disagree has bronze rank. Nerf mercy