Mercy nerf soon

Despite you clearly having somewhat of a more accurate understanding of the current meta. There have been
A. GM players(with open profiles, but I don’t doubt you being higher up as much as I doubt your claim that’s it’s as big as an issue as you bring it up to be) in this forum have claimed it’s not as a big of an issue as it seems.
B. Said GM Players have claimed that most of GM doesn’t complain about mercy, from what I can tell at least from the more vocal GM’s, that tends to be the case.

Never heard this before, at least in this meta, platform you play on?

I’d argue that poke has been meta for pretty long, in different sub-comps each iteration of comp, giving off the impression mercy is OP because of just how long she’s been a viable pick. Although that’s just my opinion, I would like you to answer A and B and provide sources to any GM (besides whatever one Ashe main went off about mercy) who claimed mercy was a problem.

Go off man, Mind explaining how your dps role is perfect in terms of it actually existing, while you have no mercy playtime(in records) over all seasons, still haven’t unprivated your profile just to prove how “scuffed” your overbuff profile is. Overall it’s still one QP win, and no comp wins according to the resources provided, you still haven’t given more reliable resources, prob in lack of them. By the way your profile still is “up to date” having info gained about 8mins ago.

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LOL, u never played Ashe without mercy, and grand finals was all Mercy/Ana or Mercy/Zen

Hes had 1 buff, and it wasnt to strong on its own, it was fine, Mercy made it OP

Yes, lets ignore the 5+ nerfs she had gotten before this one, that reduced her powerlevel when she was already balanced!

DPS are currently interchangable in the meta, because they dont matter as much, Zen isnt, Mercy had 1 replacement being Brig, thats it

HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA, thats exactly what it would do.

Thats because of Discord and Damage boost

The support bias is insane, your not thinking logically

Mostly just used to deal with EU AVOIDED in contenders

IMO i have heard many GM’s and even T2 coaches point to mercy for these problems, but then again i dont think “because a GM said so” is always a good point it def can be sometimes but if its ur only point, its kind of weak, ive heard them play some pretty dumb things to

right before Semifinals of OWL playoffs was Rush, then Hog became op and i think showed people how good a discord was.

I play pretty much every dps on the roster, Mercy is the easiest hero in the game chill bud.

Haven’t played support in like 3-5 seasons but I did reach diamond with barely any hours on support, I tried Mercy out and won as her in diamond.

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to play in diamond? sure, but there is a massive gap between a diamond mercy and a 4.5k Mercy

The only gap really is super jump abusers. Abusing a mechanic that shouldn’t even be in the game.


I said hyper aggressive, not rush. Which to me is referring to the high DPS output style and low innate defenses of a team like Zarya, Hammond, McCree, Zen, Mercy, and Tracer.

The idea is that people are trying to go for high DPS picks overall which you see from units like McCree/Tracer/Zarya and the lack of team sustain from Mercy/Zen/Hammond further cements that idea with discord/dmg bst being the core of that.

The main reason for most of this has been the killing off of sustain in the game in the support and tank slots. DPS have kept most of their long standing buffs to reliability in damage dealing. Not the raw peak DPS, but the sustained DPS has gone up when you see people like Ashe losing reload times, Tracer getting range buff, McCree getting bulkier, etc.

Thats really not true, while the mechanics have a really simple playstyle the positioning makes the difference

Those Mercy’s that super jump rez super tilting lol

but thats poke, not “hyper aggressive”

every, single, dps, has, been, nerfed, and, things, dont, change, when, dps, are, nerfed, because, discord, and, damage, amps, are, the, problem

Tracer has nerfs coming, McCree got his firerate nerfed so badly he had bottom 5 pickrate of all DPS, then all the sudden (before the +25 hp) when Zen and Mercy became good, McCree became good! and is now most likely to get nerfed again when he doesnt even need

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Have heard EU is a weird experience, understandable.

My main point being, if the majority top rank doesn’t claim it’s a problem, it isn’t, obvs it is a weak point and I only ask for sources, due to the fact that i’m not in GM and can’t validate any claims myself,

maybe I’m at fault for believing only GM Mercy Mains and like one Doom Main(and even then, in they’re case they only didn’t claim she was OP or wasn’t, and never mentioned her being a problem, (although that’s understandable a doom main wouldn’t complain about mercy at least regarding anything but pocked hitscan and even then) and so my data is mostly filled with flawed resources, maybe.

So yeah, I do ask for multiple sources, seeing as how I want to see how many GM’s ,that aren’t mercy mains, that think Mercy is a problem currently.

So while it still is flawed yes(mainly because I don’t have that much of an understanding of gm meta and how every intricate part works, so I can’t really bring as good a discussion as say a GM mercy could) I’m not claiming to see one streamer say it’s not OP or whatever, mainly I just want to see what the majority really thinks, since I’m not GM myself, so I would want multiple sources.

I mean that’s the thing though, you claim you have playtime on mercy, then overbuff says otherwise, then you say, I’l just show a more accurate resource, my profile, then never show it.

It’s almost like all of the supports are good right now.

The thing about Blizzard’s nerfs are that all DPS since inception are stronger than they have been in their release state leading to the power creep in raw DPS in the game overall.

You cannot look at Tracer/Genji/McCree/Ashe/S76/Symmetra/Torbjorn and say they have been nerfed overall. No, they have been buffed overall. McCree losing his fire rate increase trades off a fire rate increase for survival increase which still keeps his overall DPS higher as a result from the state of once never having either of those buffs. S76 has had reductions in helix rocket and spread, but had +2 dmg since his release state. The 30% -> 50% helped him and McCree perform better compared to projectiles. Torb/Sym have had survival increases along with much more reliable placing builds. Hanzo is much better than his past self with storm arrow and leap additions /w speed increase on fire rate. Genji has had direct buffs after a long time of not getting much and kept them. Even Tracer is still stronger by still having a +2m range before her dmg falls off compared to its old. Ashe herself has had buffs to reload speeds, losing time between firing (scoping/unscoped) for faster firing, and lose a minor -5 dmg on scope.

The biggest changes to sustain are not many of the characters themselves, but simply the release of a few characters. Moira/Baptiste/Brig introduced much higher sustain in the game via CC and AoE healing. Along with upping the damage as all of them can attack and damage at the same time. Sigma/Orisa release upped the overall DPS as well since they can block and shield while units like Winston/Reinhardt can only do that form a super short range.

What got hit to change that state? Shields and AoE healing got worse by a good chunk, but all while maintaining the idea that the damage in the game from all roles maintained an increased state from most characters being buffered overall since game inception. Sigma/Orisa still do the same damage output, but they can’t block as much anymore.

This is what I meant by the DPS in the game has gone up overall. Though its to the point where trying to do other strategies such as double shield or rushing with Lucio are not as good. Sustain is not that there as sustain was hit and overall damage in the game has gone up and in lieu of that people are turning to high burst options that are enabled via dmg bst and discord which previously were never super popular due to the bulk in the game or sustain offered.

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Mercy’s pocket has always been broken. I’m happy Widow got nerfed used to always be smurf Widow, Mercy duo’s before Ashe.


I think supports are in a sufficient state. They wax and wane. Its the tanks I think which are in a worse state. The lowering of AoE helaing maximums out of bap/brig/moira helped make zen/lucio/ana/mercy still appealing as the situation dictates rather than just AoE healing and damage from them being stronger.

Their power balance feels alright and they will come and go as maps/team comp morphs.

Its the DPS and Tank state which is grossly imbalanced at the moment. Its better. Most of the ‘bad’ DPS have had a ton of buffs over time. Sym, Torb, Genji, Hanzo have been power crept to better states. Units like Junkrat, Reaper, Mei, Doomfist, have stayed under the radar most of the time compared to the ever present fall backs of ashe, s76, mccree, widowmaker and tracer.

Tanks have always been imbalanced which I blame largely on them all not having what supports have. ALl support heal /w some secondary gimmick. Tanks are spread between 2 styles. Shielded and unshielded. There is no light shielded roadhog or dva.

you cant say supports are fine when mercy and zen overshadow every other support comp right now.

and moira + lucio both are in the garbage bin

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There is alot of things I don’t want in this game and yet they exist. It’s time you accepted that you are not special and you are not important enough to have our game be balanced about what you want from your matches.

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whata increible logic!!

then lets continue only having hitscans as viable dps on all maps and lets continue with other heros like a very map dependency.

plzzz revert mercy and lets back to 5 people rez with one button and we play all matchs focus the mercy first or lost the match!


The current supp meta in scrims is Brig/Zen. Maybe get your facts right


Yes, it will be good for you to use it in game and in life. Maybe once you look outside the forums you’ll notice how many things everywhere do not revolve around your personal wants. I know, mind = blown.

You can only argue whether Mercy is balanced and she is. You cannot argue from what you want to happen because what you want is unimportant to the rest of us.

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