Mercy is fine.
Hey remember the 2 times Mercy had 50hps and both times it was decided it was too low?
Dag coming in with facts.
interesting last I checked the most picked support was ana even in silver…
The thing that was changed and was badly needed was the ridiculous 1 shot ability of boosted ashe
I hear you Resolt,
Keep in mind though, the average number of total resurrection Mercy players get is anywhere from 4-6 per game. Of those, 1-3 end up with the target dying almost immediately (boosting the enemy team’s ults), and/or the Mercy dying as well (boosting the enemy team’s ults even more).
So you’re looking at 4 or so successful resurrections in an entire match on average.
That is such a tiny drop in the bucket in a sea of deaths in a match, where I’ve seen just one, one dps killing 15+, 20+, 30+ people in a match, and the total team kills going even higher.
So 4+ successful resurrections is hardly a problem. It might be frustrating for you, but it’s hardly an issue.
I tracked top 500 mercy player’s resurrections in one match.
They got off 8 resses, but only 2 of the resses were during impactful moments and not during downtime or the ress actually mattered in terms of player having impact after being ressed and the resurrection resulted in gaining an advantage manpower wise.
80% of the time, mercy absolutely won’t be able to ress during the actual fight or even if she does, it ends up for naught for multiple reasons.
So yea, half of mercy’s resses are more or less stat padding where player could be running back from spawn and still have same impact on the match.
Yea and then as soon as mercy is still played yall while cry about that 25% aswell…
You people should stop complaining about anything that kills u…
Good thing that wasn’t my suggestion.
If anything we can agree on that 5%. Zen would need no uptick however, far too much spam damage as is and the previous damage buff was never reverted.
I’d rather not but seems I have no choice.
I’ll take awful over nothing.
Yes she is and she couldn’t give a toss about tanks in the slighest. She’s probably the only tank buster left - and she can fly to boot.
Yes, that’s partially the point. As long as they’re not stacked with self sustain cooldowns and DS can be countered by playing rush/dive we cool.
Mercy was pretty bad at 50 hps, even at launch. I think that she’s fine where she is right now.
Every time in this game’s history when Mercy has had 50 HPS, regardless of the state of the rest of the game, she has been considered a bad healer.
In the first year of the game she had to be buffed to 60 HPS because 50 wasn’t enough for a single target healer, and she wasn’t seeing hardly any play in the top level. Even with 60, she was mediocre compared to Ana, Lucio, and Zen until the Moth Rework made her OP for a year.
Then they nerfed her down to a balanced level, but because she was meta with Grav Dragon and Double Sniper they nerfed her HPS from 60 to 50. Except she’d already fallen out of the meta even with 60 HPS as soon as they made her unable to boost Dragons and nerfed snipers. But even with her being non-meta in contenders for 2 weeks, they pushed the HPS nerf live. Horrible mistake, left her in trash tier for almost 2 years.
Multiple pros in multiple roles said she needed an HPS buff badly. Non-Mercy pros and Mercy players alike pretty much universally agreed she was a bad healer and needed a buff.
So she finally got 55 HPS back last Anniverssary. Not even 60, just 55. And she’s been relatively balanced ever since, not being meta for several months even with 55 HPS, in the last 2 months becoming prominent due to the nature of the meta (hitscans and Echo are dominant, it’s dive-y, and Zen is literally OP and she’s one of his best support duo partners).
Let’s watch her pickrate when Zen discord and Echo are nerfed and rush returns. Lucio will probs gobble it up rather fast, if the Devs fix Brig and Bap too at least.
She’s not getting an HPS nerf. The pros would probably go @ Blizz if it happened, and the community would certainly give them hell
Because the numbers have separated now. I’ve tracked this. Certain abilities still register under Damage/Healing done, but others have been pulled aside and aren’t added to the total stats anymore.
I would assume there are still some bugs with tracking (because I’m doubling up on Duplication kills every time I Duplicate, and not all Swiftstrike finishes with Dragonblade are being tracked). Healing via ults is parsed out in specific situations. Numbers aren’t adding up.
Correct. It’s flawed. But that’s the best they can do.
Most engagements on maps are within 20 meters. Most capture points aren’t even 30 meters long. You really can’t go more than 30 meters without encountering cover, blinds spots or chokes on most maps. And the width on several maps barely tops 10 meters.
The payload pathway for King’s Row is less than 9 meters wide. Only after the second does it expand to 12 meters wide.
Likewise the Numbani payload pathway is only 6-12 meters wide until the second checkpoint, where it expands to 15 meters and shrinks to as low as 8 meters.
And many maps are like this; Overwatch maps are tiny; Halo’s “box-canyon” classic CTF and PvP map Blood Gulch is three times the size of Overwatch’s largest map, Eichenwald. Overwatch 2 is hopefully able to fix this, but don’t count on existing maps doing much.
That’s true. Wouldn’t need to adjust Zenyatta’s personal damage this time around.
Given that her Sticky Bombs gets mitigated twelve times, (5x6 and 25x6 to 3x6 and 20x6 to 138), basic fire is 36 versus 51, and Focusing Beam on half-health targets with armor is 140 damage per second for 2 seconds. To nothing of contending with barriers, Fortify, TAB, Defense Matrix and Kinetic Grasp; you’ll find that it’s actually very hard for Echo to do much against a Tank in a 1v1 situation. This is normal. Like Doomfist and Genji, Echo is going to have an upward struggle against Tanks.
This doesn’t mean that Genji, Doomfist, and Echo can’t use their opportunistic talents against Tanks in a team situation. It just means that for Tanks, these three heroes tend to struggle; moreso Genji and Doomfist than Echo herself.
More barriers is just going to lead to problems, especially with many Tanks being able to rotate through then and negate damage completely.
No she wasn’t.
You’re not even taking into the account of the fact that several new Supports (Moira et. al.) were still healing far better than her. Or were able to provide a level of utility that she couldn’t.
It’s not just healing or how fast you can top off, it’s also about mitigation and mitigating 55 damage per second is incredibly high, and doing it with virtually no cost.
The cost is that she can’t multitask during it and does so from 15m range
50 HPS Mercy was bad. They buffed her. Pros told them they needed to. Community said they needed to. Stats said they needed to.
She’s not getting nerfed back to 50 HPS.
Barriers break, can be rushed and dived against. If 2020 has taught us anything is that less barrier lead to more problems. The issue has always has been self sustaining cooldowns staked with those barriers and anti-dive resources, either Blizz gets that by now or might as well delete tanks.
There’s a reason the meta for the past year has revolved around self sustaining cooldowns and nerfing the barrier did nothing but reinforce their need.
That’s almost impossible without Rally. If the beam triggers its full damage it’s because the tank has no armor left, unless it’s Orisa for meager 50 HP’s worth of armor.
Rein is 550, at 300 he’s out of armor.
Winston is 100 armor, lol.
Dva is 300 armor, precisely half.
But it is very common for Echo to ignore the strongest tanks in teh game and outright bully the weaker ones in context. You don’t take 1v1s with the tanks, you just make their lives a living hell.
If one adamant Echo isn’t good against tanks and does nothing for barriers, I’d suggest making so Echo’s beam doesn’t trigger its damage off barrier’s HP. That wouldn’t have any meaningful impact if that’s the case.
But in reality it will mean a lot for Winston and Rein.
She was, in season you would run lucio + lucio. After you could choose multiple of the same heroes the meta became lucio + zen, until ana got added in which the meta became ana + lucio/zen. The only time you ran her was if you were running a pharah.
Yeah, everything revolves around Tanks because they have double to triple the effective HP of everyone else so damage has to be calculated such that it’s strong enough to threaten them. And then you have balance around that by creating self-sustaining abilities so that they can withstand that damage output.
Meanwhile everyone else is capsized because output is typically too high for them to survive. This works in an MMO environment, but it flaws show up a lot in a competitive environment like Overwatch. That said, Blizzard has been pretty good at keeping damage output from growing too much; but that doesn’t stop the flaws from showing themselves.
Yeah, that’s also why there’s TAB, Fortify, Sound Barrier, and host of other defensive options to shut it down. And then you say, “what about ultimates?” and I say, there’s also powerful healing that shuts up Focusing Beam.
Yeah, this is where Echo is shining, wherein Genji and Doomfist cannot. Unlike the latter two, Echo’s mobility is so much strong and so much more flexible that it lets her really dive in and out of danger. Her opportunistic functions are something that might need to be looked at down the line. At present, I don’t think they can do much with the current engine being as limited as it is.
Echo isn’t great for Reinhardt’s barrier; she’s better against Sigma’s and Orisa’s to a certain degree (but they’re not as restricted as Reinhardt, either). If Echo is wasting a cooldown trying to down a barrier, Accretion and Orisa’s high velocity fire are enough to shut her up.
In the case of Winston, Echo tends to outrange him; and they’re cooldowns are pretty similar otherwise. I’d still probably rate them fairly even; as Winston still only needs 4 seconds on Echo, and if Echo really wanted to kill Winston, she’d have to risk getting into his range.
Meta has nothing to do with it. She was viable then, and still viable now. You’re conflating the idea that the metagame equates to viability, and this is never true. A character can be perfectly viable without necessarily being metagaming. GOATS, again, is a clear example of this. It’s not that the Damage-role wasn’t viable; it’s just that it was irrelevant to the metagame.
And likewise, Mercy has always been viable. Always. Whether she’s relevant to the metagame is the argument. We don’t want a metagame that focuses exclusively on safe picks or outliers - at least Blizzard doesn’t. We want a metagame where every pick is viable; or almost every pick.
Oh boy, you think there’s a connection between having a self sustain cooldown and being the meta tanks?
I think we cracked the code guys! /s
Either we move away from the need and strength of self sustain cooldowns or the game remains in 2020’s gutter.
Ana, Moira and Brig’s healing were nerfed, bringing us to these incredibly high damage comps with a forkton of spam and range.
Great! Lets change it them. I much preffer to have mild changes than big sweeping ones.
You can’t possibly rate one of the weakest tanks similarly with one of the strongest DPS.
Maybe if you put them in the workshop chamber in a magical 1v1 that’s fair, otherwise Echo runs over every tank in the current line up.
- Mercy: 55hp/s ST (60 aoe in ult)…never less…never more…and can do NOTHING while doing so (only one who has this btw)
- Moira: 70 hp/s aoe with lingering 17.5 hp/s, 65 hp/s aoe on orb, 140 hp/s aoe on ult…all of which can be comboed for unmatched burst healing.
- Ana: 70 hp in .6sec (1.25 shots a second) ST, 100 hp aoe bionade that boosts healing by 50%, and nano’s 250hp st nuke +dmg boost, dmg reduction.
- Lucio: 16 hp/s aoe crossfade, amp it up boosts it to 52 hp/s (12sec cd), and arguably best defensive ult in game (not technically healing though)
- Zen: 30 hp/s ST…and 300 hp/s aoe ult
- Brig: 15 hp/s aoe on hit, 110 hp over 2sec ST & 3 charges with each taking 6sec to come back
- Bap: 60 hp/s aoe primary heal, 15 hp/s for 5seconds AoE, I filed that basically heals if you’d go udner 20% health, and ult that boosts any healing projectile by 100%
but yeah… Mercy, the 1 with middle lvl of healing power thats all st and cant do anythign else while healing, is the one with too strong of heals
learn to aim?
if she flies in air hitscan WILL kill her.
also how about zen’s literal god mode during his ult?
oh and bap’s i.field which is also true immortality?
again…she eithers boosts or heals. Theres a risk in either.
mercy not haivng any burst healing means she can’t “make up” missing health quickly.
High risk the ally will die if focused on. on dmg boost side you have to pray ur ally can hit targets.
oh and Zen’s boost is hers, but better as all ur team beenfits from the dmg increase on target…including the zen!
Learn facts before trying to spread lies…thats how coup’s are started.
Guess “all purpose” means “not best for anything”.
Honestly, as a person who mains Mercy, (Original. I know.) I wouldn’t mind if they tried messing with her healing again, though she’d probably need something to counteract that nerf(as we’ve seen when they’ve previously lowered her healing values). I don’t think Blizzard will be doing this however. I believe they’re happy with the place Mercy is in right now. What do you think? I enjoy seeing things like this that are DRASTIC in experimental (I.E That one really weird Hog-heals thing… and… Uh… Moira… Yeah…) I’d be interested in what they could bring to the table with her if they were to lower her healing values back down to 50hps. Just my thoughts. What do you think?
More mobility for Mercy, as usual. That’s what they are likely to do.