šŸ”˜ Mercy Needs an R Ability Instead of an HPS Buff

Thatā€™d be SICK. Actually sick. Her skill ceiling and potential value would shoot through the roof.

Mobility always fun

They will never put a skill on the R button, as they will never do another rework to Mercy (at Blizzard it is good that Mercy does not have the rez in ultimate and he is fine as his kit is now).
We have to keep asking for 60 hps as a buff, itā€™s the only one possible. Letā€™s not invent strange or absurd, or so unrealistic things. The only request that can be made is a 60 hps buff.
I want to point out that I agree in another reworking, but itā€™s unrealistic (putting a skill on R means a rework of the hero).
But, Iā€™m always more sure that Mercy only needs a 60 hps buff, the rest is not needed.

I donā€™t think itā€™s strange or unrealistic, in fact last year I asked Geoff about an R heal boost ability and he said:

Heā€™s also talked about how they tested R abilities for Hanzo and Rein so itā€™s not unprobably.

But Iā€™d be perfectly happy with a 60 HPS buff too! If they did that Iā€™d be fine with Mercy forever and happy :smiley:

But the devs wonā€™t rework or give her a New ability since itā€™d take too much effort right now and they have to focus a lot on other thingsā€¦ :unamused:

So if any then a simple 60 HP/sec is what we are likely going to see.

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:pray: :pray: :pray: Iā€™d take that in a heart beat!

Iā€™d like to keep her healing at 50hps if R could let her split the beam to another ally and heal both at 30hps.

Additionally, let it split the damage boost too at 15% for both targets.

For Valk, it gets tough, because I canā€™t think of really anything so it would kinda be pointless there.

Mercy does have a reverse GA, it is one of the many movement abilities you have to master, though it is difficult to execute consistently. Itā€™s why I keep telling people that she takes skill, they just hear about superjump and think itā€™s all, her movement is actually far more complex once you learn all itā€™s nuances. Iā€™d say she has the most complex movement in game bar none.

I know she does, but she needs a teammate to do that still. I want her to be able to dash backwards without any teammates around.

This could work with the cooldown or resource meter, but it would need to be higher than 60hp/s. maybe, the resource adds 5-10% of the targets max hp to her healing for the duration, giving her some tank healing capabilities or general burst. Iā€™d say 10% if it is the cooldown ability because only being able to burst for 4 seconds every 12 seconds needs an impact, however if it is a resource that you can manage, then 5% would be more balanced as it would be used more often.

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Thatā€™s a really good idea! I think a % based number is great as itā€™s varies in power and wouldnā€™t make her so aggravating when pocketing a squishy but still allow her to main heal and support tanks.

Dude idk how to do it I watched so many videos and canā€™t get it down consistently ahhh

Donā€™t you think a resource metre on anything but right click would be a bitā€¦ awkward to press? Or is that just me?

I personally think that mercy is in a limbo within the healer slot, she is not a main healer and she is not a off healer.

I think that allowing her to use a buff to her healing on R would be an amazing buff because it would allow her to manage more things at once.

In my personal opinion mercy is not good in QP or comp you can still get her to work but it only happens a small fraction of matches and generally wont happen, I like to play mercy but you can tell 90% of the time that her healing is not enough in the thick of a team fight.

IDK if its been said yet but mercyā€™s current state is halfway between trash and halfway between being OK to play with. I think that she needs a little shove in the right direction.

On a completely different note I feel like OW is going to be getting hit pretty hard if the devs donā€™t do something about the current state of some heroes, I think the devs were thinking that echo would hold people in along with OWL but I feel like the OWL is not as entertaining as it was in the 2019 season, and echo was clearly shown to be a support hero and then they made her a DPS. Im aware that the devs made her a DPS because of her ULT but I donā€™t think the game can hold on very much longer without another support or some support changes.

Not sure tbh. Ironically I already thought about this and was thinking if it was on R Iā€™d rebind it to a button on the side of my mouse. But to me R just makes the most sense for the ability and itā€™s the only free key she doesnā€™t use. :frowning:

Agreed. And statistically she is played as an off healer with Ana in most matches in high ranks and OWL as a midway pocket healer for certain heroes. Never as a main support :frowning:

Yes :smiley:

100% agree. She just needs some more healing tbh, whether it be an R ability or just 60 HPS, sheā€™d actually fulfill a proper role and be good!

Yeah, I really miss when Mercy Zen was a viable comboā€¦and Mercy Lucio. And dive could work. And fast paced highly aggro comps could work and not just Rein Zarya Ana Lucio brawl every game zzzzzzz

itā€™s really hard to pull off. I barely manage to do it myself and donā€™t really try to use it because I canā€™t do it consistently. but Iā€™ve seen videos of Mercys doing it like itā€™s just a regular GA. I need to practice more

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Ikr I seriously donā€™t get the ones that can do it every time on the training bot like over and over and overā€¦I considered myself a GA master before this ;-;

I actually really like the resource meter idea. However, I want it to be more bursty. Have it be 70HPS for 4 seconds, charges at a Passive .25 heal boost every 1 Second not being used, with the normal delay on resource meter regen.
When you damage boost something, have it replenish 1HP-1Dmg Boosted ratio.
While that may sound OP, remember, Mercy only gets credit for the extra damage added onto a shot, not the whole shot. For example, a dmg-boosted Firestrike does 130 dmg. She gets credit for 30Dmg, not 130.
This would allow her to spend less time healing, which would in-turn encourage more blue-beaming, effectively creating a loop that would reward good Mercys who can beam-flick massively.

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Iā€™m a fan of this idea, especially in the version thatā€™s tied to a resource. I would like to see this taken even further by tying and already existing resource: resurrectionā€™s cooldown, to this ability.

The idea would be that you have a resource bar that starts at full and takes 30 seconds to completely replenish. When itā€™s full, you can use resurrection. If you press R you toggle enhanced healing on and off. Enhanced healing gives you 60 hps (though you still gain ult charge at the 50 hps rate). While youā€™re in enhanced healing, your resource bar stops recharging.

A Mercy player who never uses res can heal for 60 hps all game in this version if she chooses to never res. A Mercy that wants to have res available will have to make the decision to throttle her healing. A good Mercy will enhance her healing when necessary, but still manage to get important resurrections off. I think this leads to some pretty interesting decisions on Mercyā€™s part.

I donā€™t think Ryanā€™s idea of recharging the res meter using damage boost works in this version, since I donā€™t think res needs to be available more often. This is a shame, but I also see the downsides in that idea as it removes some of Mercyā€™s agency in managing her resource and puts it in the hands of her team mates.

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I really like these specific numbers :smiley: Thanks for fleshing this idea out so well, it really gives a better idea of how exactly it would function in game!

YES :star_struck: :star_struck: Reward skillful Mercy players pls Blizzard

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