🔘 Mercy Needs an R Ability Instead of an HPS Buff

Hammond and Mercy have the most abilities in the game. If they can get Crouch to have a Cooldown im sure something can be done for Mercy, or maybe remove Rez until Valkyrie, that way the Ability Transforms from a HPS kick to Resurrect

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True, but 2016 OW and 2020 OW is not even Night and Day, they’re almost non comparable.

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True, kinda makes me sad tbh.
They had a lot of cool and super uniqe characters, 1.0 for example - but the people either hated it or it was just a useless pick because people either didnt give it a chance or the numbers were not right. :pleading_face:

Still love the game but all those changes kinda annoy me/make me sad - don’t know any online game that made so many reworks to such brand new characters…

Sure OW is classified as a “MOBA/FPS” but is there really anything IDENTICAL to Overwatch? No. Thats why people will still play it. Halo, was my first FPS I was around 10 years old when Halo 2 came out? Then I just stopped there, didnt get more fps because CoD didnt suit me nor any other, but OW won me over.’

Yes!! Give us more to manage. Let us be skillful!

A new ability that’s still autoaim and just boosts the power of her already simplistic staff isn’t too hard for newer players to understand, IMO. Besdies, her kit has already been make exponentially more skillful with the rework introducing new GA mechanics and tech, a punishing high skill high reward E ability, and a harder to use ultimate. If anyone is the entry level healer now it’s Moira, but we also have Brig too, and Lucio is still fairly simple to get value out of at a low level. I don’t think we should keep Mercy from getting more skill expression for the sake of gatekeeping her as an “entry level support”. Lucio is a prime example of a low skill floor, high skill ceiling hero.

I’d be down with that :slight_smile: anything is better than nothing

Exactly ^^

I suggested that in a rework proposal last week. It’d make the most sense IMO. Lock Rez behind Valk, only one though and still with a short cast time, and then give her a new healing E.

I feel like Valkyrie’s duration timer should momentarily pause while you’re in the rez animation.

It’s dumb you lose ult time to use an ability.

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We don’t have enough supports to dedicate one to being Baby’s First Support. That’s still true now, and it was even more so back at launch, with only four supports.

Besides, S76 is meant to be the familiar character for the DPS class, and he doesn’t get different treatment to any of the others. I don’t see why we need a support character with training wheels in the first place - frankly, it’s a little insulting.

I liked an idea of yours from a previous thread, OP - a cooldown that boosts Mercy’s healing, but causes her to staff to effectively overheat, meaning that she does less healing for a period afterwards. For example, the ability causes her to do 70 HPS for two seconds, but then 40 HPS for four seconds. This drawback:

  • allows the upside to be more potent and on a shorter cooldown
  • makes her healing output cooldown different from others’, giving it a bit more individuality
  • rewards gamesense, as pressing it at the wrong time is going to cause problems
  • allows Mercy players to trade consistency for burst, to a degree.
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Honestly I think this is the best way to change mercy. It adds a deeper level of skill behaving a buff on cooldown for players rather than just having to hold down mouse for 60 hps. It adds better cooldown management too. I think this is the best way to buff /change mercy back to being a main healer and to add more skill to her kit

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The resource meter idea would be a disaster for console players. Let me explain: the 4 most readily available buttons on console r the 2 triggers and the 2 bummpers. You want everything on those 4 buttons if possible, and what you absolutely never want to do is have to hold down a face button. Already the only way to get mercy to work on console is by putting jump on a trigger and Rez on the jump button. Having to hold down both triggers to heal and fly, and have to hold down the X button to boost, and having to use the thumb sticks to look around all at the same time is basically impossible.

I would love to see an R ability that boosts her healing output or latches another beam to heal 2 people in the same vicinity.

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Her R ability would be something to help her with healing tanks.

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But why only go that far? Does it really make her harder to play? She just has an ability that boosts everything she already does. Why not take the chance to actually give her a real ability instead of just boosting what she already does? I’d rather see her staff be throwable for some utility. Maybe it would increase range on her beam to reach further targets. Maybe it acts as a personal tp. Maybe it creates a wall that provides healing when walked through and changes mercy’s pistol magazine into healing rounds.

I think if we’re adding an ability can it actually change her a little. Not just up her healing.

New Ability Idea

-Fly The Mercy Skies-
Damage or Support Heroes can use the Interact key to grab Mercy’s hand for a short period. To catch a ride while she Guardian Angels you to safety.

This ability has been hinted at in the cinematics.

I’d suggest to have a percentage of healing depending wich hero class you are healing.
Like DPS And Supports would heal for 55 HP/s (70 HP/s Valkyrie)
Tanks would be like 65 HP/s (80 HP/s Valkyrie)

Then the R (Caduceus staff only) key would allow you and the targeted allies 6 seconds of 30% Damages reduction on a 12 seconds cooldown.
Works in Valkyrie too, so you would have multiples allies using the damages reduction.

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Pretty sure blizzard already has something in mind that they’re saving for Overwatch 2.

swap rez and valk.

make primary heal 60 again, weaken valk to a short (3 or 4 sec) uptime and give it a cooldown (adjustable to make it not be used every time its off cd) and make primary target take full effect and the branches take reduced (static 50 each or swap to a % based heal so it effects high hp targets more and lower hp units less)

GG mercy now fixes issue of undoing early picks of enemy, wont be a rez bot every 30sec, can aoe outside of ult and have a secondary heal skill that isnt an ult (like every other healer except zen)

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While 60hps is rather low for a cooldown ability, I do understand where you’re coming from.

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That’d be nice.

Agreed! Any mechanic that raises her skill ceiling and has a sort of “downtime” and “uptime” like other supports instead of being flat out consistent and one note.

Thank you :smiley: Yeah 100% agreed!

Well hopefully the next gen consoles that are releasing around the same time as OW2 have better controllers rofl

That’d be cool too!

Exactly! Would really fulfill her role as a main healer!

I was weary of buffing her too much but it could also buff damage boost to give speedboost or more attack speed or something :slight_smile: or give heal beam damage resistance

This wouldn’t be very useful in game, sadly.

I like that a lot! A lot a lot a lot!

Idk, her UI and abilities looked the same in all the OW trailers

I personally don’t want E valkyrie as I feel like it would heavily lower her skill ceiling and ruin her core gameplay of good GA usage and mechanics. It’d be a free get of jail card for Mercy players who are dove or attacked and don’t know how to GA correctly. If they give her E valkyrie I’d rather it just increase her healing/aoe beams and reset her GA cooldown and increase it’s speed or CD for a few seconds instead of granting freeflight.


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“R”? As in “on reload”? Is this MOBA? (yeah, I didn’t read this, so sorry if it’s answered).