Mercy needs a buff

I could live with this.

While some here will no doubt cite pick rate in a rather illogical manner, e.g. comparing it with every support hero and instead not only the main healers, pick rate is not the be all end all of whether a hero is fine either. I also imagine Mercy could have a pick rate near enough at the bottom and those who still cite pick rate will continue saying sheā€™s fine anyway, mainly so she doesnā€™t get any changes (unless they are nerfs perhaps).

Another thing to note is that she wasnā€™t reworked based on statistics, she was reworked based on feelings. Now those unhappy with current Mercy want her changed then conveniently those against changes to Mercy (except maybe nerfs) seem to forget or ignore the fact that she was radically changed based on feelings as well.

I agree that she needs improvements, particularly with role queue. Her ā€˜on fireā€™ is absolute trash but at the same time is also understandable as it is somewhat aligned with her current state. However, instant resurrect is a bad idea as it offers no potential counterplay.

Iā€™ve stated suggestions in the past and will share them here too.

The following could potentially make it even easier to further distinguish between a good and not so good Mercy player, as well as making Mercy more enjoyable for many overall without necessarily being overpowered.

To summarise:

  • Valkyrie
    ā€“ Reduce the healing power of chain beams or remove chain beams
    ā€“ Increase the healing power of the primary targetā€™s beam
    ā€“ Remove infinite ammunition
    ā€“ Possibly slightly reduce the duration of the ultimate ability for further compensation?

Notes: This would potentially bring back more decision making to the ultimate ability while also allowing Mercy players to potentially save a teammate. Currently Valkyrie is only able to nullify up to Winstonā€™s damage, whereas other main healers such as Ana and Moira can mitigate much more incoming damage on a teammate. Even Lucio and Zenyatta can nullify a fair amount of incoming damage.

  • Resurrect
    ā€“ Change from a fixed cooldown to a charge meter which can be charged based on typical activities such as healing or damage boosting teammates, much like the ultimate ability charge meter does.
    ā€“ Either, as a result of the above change (only one of the following changes allowed?):
    ā€” Allow a slight reduction in cast time
    ā€” Allow Mercy to continue using her pistol
    ā€” Allow Mercy to continue using her staff
    ā€” Allow a slight reduction in the movement speed penalty
    ā€“ Increase fire gained to 100 for a successful resurrection
    ā€“ A failed resurrection would cause Mercy to lose the accumulated charge, either partially or completely

Notes: This would make resurrect an earned ability that doesnā€™t necessary feel cheap to use and isnā€™t ready at the beginning of a round. This would also help further distinguish between a good and not so good Mercy player.

  • Staff
    ā€“ Increase healing to 55 HP/sec

Notes: This should help Mercy heal tanks a little more effectively without hopefully providing a feeling of it being too much to handle for opponents.

The above changes should also hopefully help improve her ā€˜on fireā€™ below average sitaution.


They canā€™t even fix her multitude of terrible bugs, what makes you think they have any intention of fixing anything else about her? Play Moira instead, at least with her you can make the occasional play of your own.

Iā€™d go for half cast time and half hp on the rez target any day.
Or making rez significantly weaker to enable buffing her in other aspects.
And either making super jump more accessible or patching it because itā€™s another thing that prevents her to get a buff.

confused screaming

I think blizzard is ignoring these bugs sadly
To nerf mercy without the community knowing

IMO the only reason Valkyrie has infinite ammo and speed boosts and this that and the other, the reason it was so bloated and still is to an extent,

Is because Blizzard themselves admitted that the main mechanic of Valkyrie (chain heals) was unengaging and boring, they removed it in development specifically because of that

Iā€™d be glad to see Valkyrie thrown away and burned


Instant rez in valk will just bring back ā€œPopping valk just to rezā€.

I donā€™t believe she needs a buff. I did notice that she is a little broken. Why can she use her guardian angel ability when her pistol is out? She should only be able to use her gaurdian angel ability when her staff is used not her pistol.

Wdym? GA is independent of anything else Mercy is doing, itā€™s not tied to her staff.
Sheā€™s always been able to GA and pistol whip.


Mercy has great utility and survivability, but sucks at healing tanks. 4 dps + Mercy + Hammond/Orisa used to be effecient strategy, but now sheā€™s stuck with obligatory 2 tanks.

Im a dps player but my idea for Mercy rework is removing valkirye, making instant single rez an ult (without invulnerability and the dead ally must be in her line of sight) and reverting to 60 hp/s.

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Feels wrong to me. Her staff is the main reason why she is able to ā€œglideā€ to her targets. Her pistol doesnā€™t have a way to ā€œtetherā€ to a friendly target like her staff. Her pistol is a weapon and nothing more. She should not be able to use her gaurdian angel ability with her pistol out.

GA isnā€™t bound to her healing beam. Itā€™s her wings.

Her GA range is 2x her beam length and GA is the majority of her survivability. If you disable GA if the pistol is out either Mercyā€™s pistol will need a buff to give her more opportunity to win a duel she may be trapped in, or her passive survivability will need a buff with the same end goal.

I see neither as preferable, and would prefer continueing to scout allies for GA as an out to a duel.

I opened a new thread on the subject. This thread is asking for Mercy buffs. I already disagreed. See ya on my thread :grin:

I know what you mean. The problem is that Mercy cant get buffed in her current state.
Unfornunately, the devs nerfed Mercy 2.0 to a very unfun and monotonous version.
Her healing is for a main healer pretty weak and her ultimate mediocre.
But Rez is extremly strong.
The only way Mercy gets her impactful moment in the battle back is by nerfing Rez and making her ultimate more game-changing.

They could also let Mercy heal 55 per second and give her two instant rezzes during valk, but lock rez completely outside of Valk and reduce the duration to 12 sec. That would be balanced too, but more fun.

The devs wont change Mercy though, because they are to scared.
So we have to live with this sh*tty version. I can only recommend to you to utilize her GA to make her more fun to play :slight_smile:

Itā€™s an ultimate

Right now Valkyrie is just a glorified ability
No one cares whether Mercy has or uses Valkyrie and itā€™s the only support ultimate thatā€™s like thatā€¦ (well there is Rally but we arenā€™t getting into that)

being; itā€™s inconsequential


I think valk has a lot more impact than the forums like to spin it. Itā€™s currently bugged tho

Regardless, making rez instant in valk would just make the ā€œwe only pop valk for the rezā€ problem return and does nothing for even the ā€œvalk sucksā€ side.

I think Mercy could be massively improved by doing just a few things.

  1. Change her healing to deal percentage-based healing rather than flat number-based healing. This way sheā€™ll scale considerably better with tanks without insta-healing DPS characters.
  2. Add an area-of-effect healing wave emanating from her upon activation of Valkyrie. This would make her ultimate much more impactful, and would give her a slight burst-healing potential without directly competing against Moira or Ana in that regard.
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It would mean Valk would have impact as an ultimate and not be a glorified heal boost on ult that all supports bar Zen have on cooldown?