Mercy needs a buff

Hello, I play Mercy in GM. She is very underwhelming. She needs something to help her become more viable in the current meta. Something like rez being instant (at least in valk) or anything else.


Instant rez is too good. At least reduced cast time a bit.

But soon enough people will come here and tell you Mercy is BaLaNcED2!111!!


You say that like she’s not. 5th pickrate overall and 7th pickrate in GM is hardly calling for buffs.


How about MORE healing. That way she has time to react and do things.
And boosting giving fire/ult gain (it seems flakey about that).
And valk beam consistently healing through shields (also seems flakey).


I gave up on Mercy long time ago, but I’m happy there are people who still enjoy her :smiley:

I’m not going to talk whether she’s balanced or not.

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I personally find Mercy to be effective, well balanced, and fun to play in her current state

As such, i dont feel she needs any changes


Mercy is still good .I have a lot of fun playing mercy and Brigette

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55 HPS, 65 in Valk to primary target and 60 to surrounding. Wham. I’d be happy.

Oh, and stop breaking my beam when I Valk! :rage:


this topic is funny

we come to talk about how mercy needs a buff or how she’s kinda meh to play compared to other supports

but at the same time there’s no real point in talking about it since her state is set in stone

in other words: she’s balanced

wot else is there to talk about

and yet there are more threads like this

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I actually think Mercy is fine too. But as the narrative goes: 3rd in pickrates is fine. 4th in pickrates is fine, 7th in pickrates is fine (things that have been said all over the place in various Mercy threads, as her pickrates keep falling) what pickrate finally won’t be “fine”?


Imma hard disagree right here. I wouldn’t mind if Valkyrie added some more utility to the ultimate, but instant rez is an awful mechanic, in fact I’d go as far to say that rez is awful as well. There’s nothing dissatisfying about playing the game than getting a pick via inidividual skill set or team coordination and NOT be rewarded by having the figth continue to be a 6v5. Picks should be rewarded not punished. Having an ability/ultimate that negates the importance of getting picks is awful.

Fix here Damage Boost bug and her bug that prevents beams going through enemy shields in Valk.

I can’t say she’s balanced when she’s prevented from utilizing her kit to its fullest potential.


I have to agree, I play in Masters/GM bracket and Mercy does not work there I am not a Mercy main but I enjoy playing her every so often. But I find her almost unplayable in comp as her healing is way too low. If you want to take a Mercy you need a Moira, or Ana to supplement the low heal capability. Mercy is very much an off healer with low healing, and a very undermining ult that does little to swing a fight.


This topic is sad.

Mercy used to be fun before Valk.

For a short while, she was fun after (at least a few months) Valk. But then after they got her almost perfect, then they just kept beating the snot out of her until she cant be more than first point defense or arm candy for a good dps player.


so let’s remove and replace rez and valk ya yeet

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Rez should be put on a meter (like an ult, but it charges faster) and her healing may be increased to 60 hp per second.


but anyways she needs rebalancing on rez


You shouldn’t tell people to shut up jfc-


No she doesn’t. as megadodo stated

She’s balanced and doesn’t need changes… :slight_smile:


megadodo says the same thing on EVERY mercy thread, it gets annoying at some point.