Mercy needs a buff

I agree Mercy needs a buff. I still think her bullet projectile speed should be slightly faster!! If she cant heal anymore, maybe she can contribute some damage. I see Moiras getting 5 gold stars every game and its not fair!

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We can argue all we want, but it’s objective, that Mercy’s kit is centered around her rez, and not Valkyrie. Simply giving ability charge meter doesn’t turn it into ultimate.

Because, indeed, not a single player cares, if Mercy has Valkyrie, but everyone cares, if she has her rez off cooldown and can bring back some unlucky soul.

half of the supports need a buff if they keep the 2-2-2 going

The damage boost issue happened right when the damage boost changes were done.

99% sure they completely forgot to take into account how it would affect Mercy.

(Niandra has also pointed out how it seems the devs only focused on the fix for Bap and really didn’t consider Mercy).

I’d rather have Rez tied to her ult (not be her ult, be tied to it, big difference) and give her some kind of cleanse or heal boost on her E instead so she can have at least some midfight

All right, I think we simply have a fundamental disagreement on how team fights go here. I think you should think a bit more about what targets are “right” in a given scenario. If you’re in a game and your team and the other team are running a deathball-ish comp, with Rein + Zarya/Dva. Would you say that killing the enemy Reinhardt is a bad move?

Another point I’d like to make is, if you have a window of opportunity in which you can pick someone off and kill them AND get awaya unpunished, wouldn’t that be smart play? Or do you simply think that Mercy has to die first in every single team fight? Same thing when both teams play snipers, picking someone who’s way out of position if there’s zero risk involved is a good play, no matter who you pick.

Legitimately the main buff that I want on Mercy right now is making her projectile speed faster, making DPS more consistent. Mayyyybe an extra point or two of damage if we’re feeling frisky, but I want her to have that same level of dynamic play that she used to have with 2.0 Mercy before the GA speed nerfs and that whole shebang. Multitasking effectively if you can hit your shots is incredibly rewarding, but the fact that her projectile speed is so freaking slow for the amount of damage she puts out just hurts.

Up the projectile speed to make her shots more consistent. It’ll let her peel for herself occasionally in the backline more effectively, and it’ll allow her to be more effective with dynamic playstyles.


Can we please not buff her pistol, please
It’s not going to help her and it’s just detracting from her issues

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Idk are you gonna get upset after focusing the Rein to have Ana nade him, Bap make him unkillable while Zarya charges her dmg on him and you then get mauled cause you overcommited and ignored enemy CDs and gave zarya free reign on full charge along with 2 other dsp over your team while you were wailing at the effectively unkillable Rein being thrown support cds at him?

Why is this a problem with Ress? You force a valuable CD for 0 risk and Mercy has to go out of position to ress the guy, resulting in more defensive CDs being burned to keep her safe or giving you an oportunity for another pick. Easy value at no risk.

I again dont really get your complaint?
Will you go in on the backline and put yourself at risk to get a pick and try to run away unpushined if other defensive CDs are available on the team?
Oh welp, Zarya bubbled your target and youre fked. GG. Oh you went in to get a pick but Ana denied it with nade/sleep/heal/nano and now youre dead.
Oh you went on a target and you ignored the baptiste and now your target is unkillable and youre dead.

Its the same reason why ‘‘Moira no fade’’ is a call. If you overcommit on a Moira with fade its your own fault, no? You know the character does this, right?
Its always a resource trade.

Which is again why I believe ress shouldnt be on a flat CD. At its current state it doesnt feel like you can do much about it. you can kill Mercy all you want and she will still be able to ress (which is a very strong ability) every 30 seconds. With earned ress if you kill her-you get a reward for it, not just she wont ress in the next X seconds it takes her to come back to the fight.


Mercy, who enables a completely different meta and a completely different playstyle… needs something so she can also enable this current meta that doesn’t favor her.

You’re literally asking for mercy to be great at everything again.

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i would give her the 60 heals per second again.

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Percentage based healing would hurt more than help. Right now she can heal squishy characters pretty well. Make that a percentage based decision, and she’s now struggling to heal the squishies. The ONLY way percentage based healing could work is if it was “Mercy does a minimum of 50HPS or X% of a characters health, whichever is more”, but that takes away a weakness she has.

I think if implemented correctly it could lead to an improvement over how things are right now. Because Mercy can heal DPS players so effectively but takes forever to heal tanks, Mercy players in my experience often forgo healing their tanks entirely as it’s inherently more useful for them to pocket DPS players to keep them alive. That places all the strain of keeping the tanks alive on the second support player.

Right now Mercy’s healing beam does 50 healing per second, giving her an effective heal time on 200HP heroes of 4 seconds from minimum to maximum health. Scale this up to a Roadhog however and things are drastically different; 50hps on a 600HP target sitting at minimal HP (1-5 or so) would mean a total of 12 seconds to heal them to full. During those 12 seconds Mercy could have healed both DPS players and their fellow support player from minimal health to full again.

Percentage-based healing, I feel, could be effective so long as the chosen time-to-heal is appropriately balanced for both low and high health heroes - or as you say if a baseline minimum healing per second is established for heroes whose low health pools would result in problematically low healing output.


You’re permitted, but that doesn’t protect you from people finding your opinion annoying.


Just implement healing ramp-up, so Mercy heals faster, longer teammate avoids damage. From 50 hps with +10 hps per second added, up to 100 hps, if teammate avoids damage for 5 seconds.

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Your so called opinion will earn you a vacation .duhhh…

Why would someone be banned for stating their opinion?

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I disagree. Since Mercy isnt a main healer anymore she should be able to contribute more dps besides damage boost. If they buffed her bullet projectile speed it would allow her to land more shots.

you are forgetting the fact that her pistol is made to be awkward to use
like the tf2 medics syringe gun
it does good in a pinch but should never be relied on
imagine changing a hero to be the antithesis of what they used to be
they pissed off enough symmetra players already doing that
they dont want to piss off the mercy community again