Mercy needs a buff

She might be fine in her current state, at least till the next healer comes out.

She can actually out-heal the other healers easily, maybe if the shield meta continues we can buff ALL the healers.

more than insta rez i would like they reduce the cast time instead 1.75s and 2.25s of invulnerability reduce it to 1.0s-1.25s and 1.5s of invulnerability


idk i think they should remove it

itā€™s been rebalanced too many times

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tthat happens when a hero get like 13 (i lose the count) nerfs in row during a whole year

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No you need a buff!!

Why am I not permitted to speak my opinion on this matter?

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Coughs in Mercy being the 7th most picked hero during triple tank meta. When you know she was the worst support besides Symetra. Mercy always has a high pickrate. Please donā€™t use that to justify keeping her this way.


if they do buff her sheā€™ll get nerfed afterwards to something toxic

Gm mercy main here too.
I think she is fine. Sure a buff would be nice but she is just not the pick for every map and that is fine :blush:


on paper she does,
in practice?

good luck keeping your Reinhardt or whatever tank you have alive with that 50hps rofl


I play mercy a lot in gold on console. At that rank I easily find myself with gold heals almost every match. If I see silver I know I likely was failing at my job.

At that rank Moraā€™s arenā€™t great at balancing heals/damage and Anaā€™s on console have a hard time aiming at smaller targets consistently.

I do sometimes find the healing rate to be just a bit too low to keep tanks alive under pressure. A second support saves the day for sure

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Also lets look at how this is a double shield metaā€¦the thing she has an advantage over Moira and Ana, is her consistency of healing through barriers.

But guess what?

Thereā€™s a bug preventing her Valk chains to pass through barriers.

So the one area she was strong in, is no longer a thing and now Moiraā€™s the go to with her orbs and ult.


I personally have no troubles keeping them alive sometimes.

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Try in Masters with all the damage and sigma ults and beams and mei/reaper bs going on

Perhaps this?

but if you keep everyone alive you can never use rez.

They must die!!

Mercy is fine. Remove her rez, and then we can talk about buffing her.

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This is why (and a lot of other Mercy players) have been saying for agest that ress on a flat cooldown is just bad design.
This is also why I think instant ress on Valk would be far from gamebreaking, especially in the current game.

Basically, ress is a very strong ability, however basically the punishment to it now is for her team to be braindead or the enemy not ignoring her. If she has ress and her teammate died in a safe enough spot or her team protects her-shes ressing every 30 seconds no matter what.
However when it comes to Valk (or having a charge mechanic to ress) means that you can punish Mercy by killing her or making her less useful-resulting in no or very little charge. Theres more reward for killing her (instead of her just walking back to the fight and ressing someone cause 30 seconds went by) and theres more reward for Mercy if she keeps herself alive better than the other and maximising her change cause then she can ress more. It becomes a dance.

I disagree with this. Smart play should be rewarded. Focusing down the right target and killing the right target should be rewarded. Denying important abilities should be rewarded.
you should be punished for not using your brain.

Its like the Genjis that I saw last year coming to the forums asking for Zen nerfs. ā€˜ā€˜Oh Trans too strong countered my nano blade, is not okā€™ā€™ when in reality they had no business ulting without taking out the Zen or forcing Trans first.


I am also a gm mercy player, and I think right sheā€™s in a good spot, but in a bad way since her only job is pocket the phara or the hanzo, she really isnā€™t fun to play since you canā€™t use your heal beam on all your teammates, they removed 90% of mercy gameplay that was beam juggling to just donā€™t die.


Thatā€™s easy. Even in masters.