Mercy needs a buff

on paper she does,
in practice?

good luck keeping your Reinhardt or whatever tank you have alive with that 50hps rofl


I play mercy a lot in gold on console. At that rank I easily find myself with gold heals almost every match. If I see silver I know I likely was failing at my job.

At that rank Mora’s aren’t great at balancing heals/damage and Ana’s on console have a hard time aiming at smaller targets consistently.

I do sometimes find the healing rate to be just a bit too low to keep tanks alive under pressure. A second support saves the day for sure

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Also lets look at how this is a double shield meta…the thing she has an advantage over Moira and Ana, is her consistency of healing through barriers.

But guess what?

There’s a bug preventing her Valk chains to pass through barriers.

So the one area she was strong in, is no longer a thing and now Moira’s the go to with her orbs and ult.


I personally have no troubles keeping them alive sometimes.

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Try in Masters with all the damage and sigma ults and beams and mei/reaper bs going on

Perhaps this?

but if you keep everyone alive you can never use rez.

They must die!!

Mercy is fine. Remove her rez, and then we can talk about buffing her.

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This is why (and a lot of other Mercy players) have been saying for agest that ress on a flat cooldown is just bad design.
This is also why I think instant ress on Valk would be far from gamebreaking, especially in the current game.

Basically, ress is a very strong ability, however basically the punishment to it now is for her team to be braindead or the enemy not ignoring her. If she has ress and her teammate died in a safe enough spot or her team protects her-shes ressing every 30 seconds no matter what.
However when it comes to Valk (or having a charge mechanic to ress) means that you can punish Mercy by killing her or making her less useful-resulting in no or very little charge. Theres more reward for killing her (instead of her just walking back to the fight and ressing someone cause 30 seconds went by) and theres more reward for Mercy if she keeps herself alive better than the other and maximising her change cause then she can ress more. It becomes a dance.

I disagree with this. Smart play should be rewarded. Focusing down the right target and killing the right target should be rewarded. Denying important abilities should be rewarded.
you should be punished for not using your brain.

Its like the Genjis that I saw last year coming to the forums asking for Zen nerfs. ‘‘Oh Trans too strong countered my nano blade, is not ok’’ when in reality they had no business ulting without taking out the Zen or forcing Trans first.


I am also a gm mercy player, and I think right she’s in a good spot, but in a bad way since her only job is pocket the phara or the hanzo, she really isn’t fun to play since you can’t use your heal beam on all your teammates, they removed 90% of mercy gameplay that was beam juggling to just don’t die.


That’s easy. Even in masters.

I could live with this.

While some here will no doubt cite pick rate in a rather illogical manner, e.g. comparing it with every support hero and instead not only the main healers, pick rate is not the be all end all of whether a hero is fine either. I also imagine Mercy could have a pick rate near enough at the bottom and those who still cite pick rate will continue saying she’s fine anyway, mainly so she doesn’t get any changes (unless they are nerfs perhaps).

Another thing to note is that she wasn’t reworked based on statistics, she was reworked based on feelings. Now those unhappy with current Mercy want her changed then conveniently those against changes to Mercy (except maybe nerfs) seem to forget or ignore the fact that she was radically changed based on feelings as well.

I agree that she needs improvements, particularly with role queue. Her ‘on fire’ is absolute trash but at the same time is also understandable as it is somewhat aligned with her current state. However, instant resurrect is a bad idea as it offers no potential counterplay.

I’ve stated suggestions in the past and will share them here too.

The following could potentially make it even easier to further distinguish between a good and not so good Mercy player, as well as making Mercy more enjoyable for many overall without necessarily being overpowered.

To summarise:

  • Valkyrie
    – Reduce the healing power of chain beams or remove chain beams
    – Increase the healing power of the primary target’s beam
    – Remove infinite ammunition
    – Possibly slightly reduce the duration of the ultimate ability for further compensation?

Notes: This would potentially bring back more decision making to the ultimate ability while also allowing Mercy players to potentially save a teammate. Currently Valkyrie is only able to nullify up to Winston’s damage, whereas other main healers such as Ana and Moira can mitigate much more incoming damage on a teammate. Even Lucio and Zenyatta can nullify a fair amount of incoming damage.

  • Resurrect
    – Change from a fixed cooldown to a charge meter which can be charged based on typical activities such as healing or damage boosting teammates, much like the ultimate ability charge meter does.
    – Either, as a result of the above change (only one of the following changes allowed?):
    — Allow a slight reduction in cast time
    — Allow Mercy to continue using her pistol
    — Allow Mercy to continue using her staff
    — Allow a slight reduction in the movement speed penalty
    – Increase fire gained to 100 for a successful resurrection
    – A failed resurrection would cause Mercy to lose the accumulated charge, either partially or completely

Notes: This would make resurrect an earned ability that doesn’t necessary feel cheap to use and isn’t ready at the beginning of a round. This would also help further distinguish between a good and not so good Mercy player.

  • Staff
    – Increase healing to 55 HP/sec

Notes: This should help Mercy heal tanks a little more effectively without hopefully providing a feeling of it being too much to handle for opponents.

The above changes should also hopefully help improve her ‘on fire’ below average sitaution.


They can’t even fix her multitude of terrible bugs, what makes you think they have any intention of fixing anything else about her? Play Moira instead, at least with her you can make the occasional play of your own.

I’d go for half cast time and half hp on the rez target any day.
Or making rez significantly weaker to enable buffing her in other aspects.
And either making super jump more accessible or patching it because it’s another thing that prevents her to get a buff.

confused screaming

I think blizzard is ignoring these bugs sadly
To nerf mercy without the community knowing

IMO the only reason Valkyrie has infinite ammo and speed boosts and this that and the other, the reason it was so bloated and still is to an extent,

Is because Blizzard themselves admitted that the main mechanic of Valkyrie (chain heals) was unengaging and boring, they removed it in development specifically because of that

I’d be glad to see Valkyrie thrown away and burned


Instant rez in valk will just bring back “Popping valk just to rez”.

I don’t believe she needs a buff. I did notice that she is a little broken. Why can she use her guardian angel ability when her pistol is out? She should only be able to use her gaurdian angel ability when her staff is used not her pistol.