Mercy, nearly 2 weeks now

The devs said they would be looking at changes and tweaks to characters 2 weeks in because they wanted people to get used to the changes first. Since we’re nearly at the 2 weeks mark I call on Mercy players to say what their opinions are now.

My opinion as a Mercy main remains the same.

  1. GA cooldown change sucks

  2. She can rescue people more easily, but only if she’s not getting shot, which is now significantly easier for everyone to do.

  3. She has been buffed in hard-cover pocketing. The fact that she is now significantly easier to shoot if in the open means she must now rely on hardcover. This pushes her into doing hard-cover pocketing more.

  4. She has been nerfed everywhere else at ranks where people actually target her. Probably buffed at lower ranks where she doesn’t get targeted but I don’t play those ranks to say.

She is less fun for Mercy players and the buffs to her improve the things everyone hated about the character.

Whoever the person in management is that thought this was a good idea to push through is completely out of touch with the game and its community. Doesn’t understand what makes the identity of the character, doesn’t understand what makes the character fun.

And she’s still the worst character in the game to solo climb with, because she’s still completely and totally reliant on the team she is placed on. If anything this change lowered her skill ceiling by limiting the amount of skill that could be expressed through movement.

Do not like. Still as unhappy as at the season start.


Hopefully, they will undo this Mercy-gutting nerf soon


Mercy is only as good as her team. Much like everyone else.


That’s just a little unfair.


Everyone has their pros and cons. Mercy is no exception. At least she is better at triage healing now.


She’s not though, that’s a huge part of the point. Nerfing her survivability is a nerf to her ability to do triage. It forced her into a hard cover pocketing role where she very occasionally might rush to rescue someone but only if that also gives her new hard cover at the same time.

On paper she might seem like she should be better at it, and at low ranks where she is not targeted it might genuinely be true, but from Diamond upwards it is not true. She can not expose herself to play in that way.


Well, good luck. Counter their counters. It’s all you can do. Mercy seems to be decent still. In fact, I would say her healing overall is better. She is far more dangerous paired with a pharah now.

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Atleast mercy players know how doomfist players feel except doom rn is worse than he ever was in season 1 when he was the worst hero in the game.

I like doom but i cannot play him coz if i do im throwing the game because doom is that bad atleast i could do well in season 1

That person is a genius actually. it really aligns with the devs intention to make players resent this game more.


Mercy’s mobility is still broken (GA cooldown ain’t the problem, unelss you make it like 4 seconds, its all the buggy crap they added to her “as a feature” that makes her slingshot all over).

And she has better pocketing than ever so all char without one-shot struggle even more against Mercy.

Mercy is cancer right now.


Doesn’t she heal extra if she’s healing someone? She can survive BOB and soldier ult when in valk lol

Revert all Mercy changes.
Cap how much damage a single blue-beamed shot can do to 199.
Give the 50% health threshold mechanic to Ana instead.


If youre talking about that clip that showed it off, wasnt that just Bob (who deals less dps than visor) and only tanked it for so long because in the clip, 4 Roadhogs, seemingly with increased hp, were being healed?

You will very rarely, if ever, be healing 4 teammates at critical hp for more than a second, maybe two. Which means you wont be tanking Bobs, much less tac visors.


Surely you would have to nerf ana in some other significant way to do this? Mercy currently does 67.5 hp/s with 50% mechanic while Ana’s is 93.5 hp/s without it (not even counting her nade). Ana with the mechanic on top would be absurd she’s already better.


Ana’s base heal per shot would go down from 75 to 60. Below 50%, it would do 92 per shot.

“Pre-release content downloaded” I noticed today, maybe that’s part of it.

My opinion hasn’t changed much either since the first day of playing.

  1. The cooldown change sucks. It’s a huge blow to the the fun-factor and destroys a lot of her year-old movement loops in favor of a preserving their newfangled charge jump mechanic. It’s honestly very frustrating that Blizzard pushed superjump changes through during beta despite most Mercy mains saying, quite loudly, that Mercy’s mobility was good enough and didn’t need to be easier or stronger… and now are nerfing a part of her kit that’s been fine since OW1 launch to try and compensate. Seriously is it that hard to admit that you made a mistake and fix the mistake?

  2. As far as survivability nerfs go, this is a swing and a miss in terms of getting results. Instead of making Mercy more vulnerable, Blizzard has basically just made her hide more. She has absolutely no incentive to do anything else now. So good job. Way to fundamentally misunderstand what makes Mercy so hard to kill.

  3. Speaking of… Damage-boosting pocket, the thing that everyone agrees is the biggest balance concern with Mercy’s kit is completely untouched. So, like. Why. What was the point of any of this.

  4. I do enjoy the healing beam changes and think they do alright for incentivizing triage healing, especially at low elos where enemies can be a bit slow to follow up on a low-health target… but it feels really primitive and has a lot of situations where it just doesn’t line up with how a smart triage healer will play. The changes also counter sustain damage a lot more strongly than they counter burst damage, and I’m sorry, but the game does not need any more of that.
    If Blizzard is trying to add “layers” to Mercy’s healing (which I definitely agree she needs!) I’d much rather see her have a cooldown or resource that she can have agency over rather than crossing her fingers and hoping that her arbitrary 50/50 threshhold thing pans out in her favor.


She didn’t need it though? All it’s done is widen the gap between the pretty lacklustre performance of sustained damage DPS and the increasing need for one-shots.


Apparently they thought otherwise. It makes sense that mercy is a triage healer.

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Hard disagree, her survivability is tied to healing damaged players, if you pocket a player people can choose to not damage that player and instead target the mercy making her survivability weaker. But if she’s surrounded by teammates, some of which are taking damage her survivability is still strong.

They made sojourn-mercy combo way weaker without just nerfing sojourn to the point where she’s useless without a pocket. You still occasionally see the combo, but now you can actually counter it without requiring a one-shot on two of the hardest-to-hit characters in the game.

This change was a scalpel knife solution to cut out the pocket play style without drastically harming mercy, cause that playstyle was awful even before sojourn. Does anyone besides the pocketed player enjoy it when its meta? Its awful to play with, against, or as the mercy. And the result is one of the best balance states the game has been in a LONG, LONG time.

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