Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)

Nope sorry, there’s no input for Trans. You just sit there and wait. Zen doesn’t have to worry about dying, Zen no longer has to worry about getting his orbs where he needs to be or doing damage. Zen no longer has to worry about ANYTHING. He just sits there and holds W or S.

At least with Valk I can bring someone back from the dead, or get that satisfying chip chip chip chip sound as damage is being done and skull when my teammates get damage boosted kills. Or win teamfights without being reactionary to an enemy’s ultimate ability.

If you don’t get it by now there is no complaint that you have for Valk that does not literally apply to some other ult. Being “unfun” is not a credible reason to change it

Well, you got the “obviousness” of the impact. When’s as Zen is night and day. But also you got this:

A character with stronger basic equipment, has a weaker Ult.

And a character with weaker basic equipment, has a stronger Ult.

Wouldn’t Mercy need to weaken her basic healer abilities to justify a strong healer ultimate?

The input is “My entire team got caught in grav! EXPERIENCE TRANQUILITY! No one on my team died! YEAAAAH BOOOYYY!”

If you don’t see that as feed back then that’s your problem.

I can respect that line of reasoning. It does have a few flaws though.

  1. Zen’s base kit is hella strong. If you ignore Mercy’s E Resurrect, Zen’s kit easily has 2-3 times the potential impact as Mercy. Granted he’s riskier to play but still.

  2. They could have weakened both Resurrect and Valkyrie in ways that didn’t make it boring. They didn’t for… some reason that I don’t know.

For Valkyrie, they could have scrapped chain beams and given her 50% stronger beams, they could have scrapped beam range, they could have scrapped perma regen, they could have completely scrapped the blaster buffs.

Resurrect on E would have been trickier, but I do have some ideas about that too.

I mean really at this point I’d be A OK with them giving Mercy the E this mess of a rework shipped with as her Q and a Valkyrie that is flight and a moderate beam boost on E.

I prefer this mercy over the five man res for the fact once you ressed with old mercy you don’t have the option to save the teammates that have died during the team fight after your “Huge Res”, while the current mercy we have now helps sustain fights and to have rez on a 30 second loop is alright.

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Zen is impactful.
But he’s pretty meh on heals.

Where as Mercy is top tier on heals. But meh on her Ultimate.

True, but if his enemies are dead… no one needs to be healed.

I still maintain that they could have come up with modification to Valk that is similar in power to current Valkyrie that is more interesting.

They could’ve done some other changes but seeing how they hated the Idea of hiding and then ressing they were just giving themselves a shorter time frame then they should’ve.
because I feel that the cast time on res is bandaid fix but in the same way not really but who am I to say anything.

I think Mercy is plenty fun to play and her Guardian Angel ability is a great way to reposition yourself while flying all over the map. It’s fun to bait heroes like Genji into dashing just for me and then flying away unscathed. Rez with timer is a death sentence? No, but bad play and gamesense is.

I guess I’m pointing out maybe something like 50HPS on Mercy would be more appropriate, if you want a more impactful ultimate.

Or if you want a less boring ultimate, perhaps weaker regeneration?

But as for the “diffused impact”, you are referencing, I think that part is on purpose. Only way they’d add more “concentrated impact” is if her healing was more “meh” outside the Ult, or she had a higher “risk vs reward” during the Ultimate.

In all honesty I would be 100% on board with either of those. In fact I wish they WOULD remove Valk’s perma regen and then buff her accordingly.

Right, but what if Valk stopped her normal regen entirely? Or greatly reduced it.

One tricking in OW in general, imho, is boring. For that i flex also.

I’m not strictly opposed to that idea. I’d want to see what she got in return for that before saying “Yes absolutely that’s a brilliant idea”.

Screw Mercy and Moira, look at that Ana though.

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All they need to do for Ana is make her heals pierce through full health allies and enemy shields.

Or better yet, have the heals pierce through everything but shields, but only for scoped in shots.

Mercy will more than likely will need an EVENTUAL third rework (eventual as in NOT BEFORE ALL THE OTHER HEROES THAT NEED IT MORE THAN HER).

After all, those nerfs to her rework was to make her not be a “must pick”, but her numbers are not showing that. She’s still close to the top for picks no matter what, being beaten out by Moira, and once in a while by Zenyatta.

However she’s still back in after a short period of time.

She’s STILL almost at the “must-pick” status even after those sets of nerfs were put into place.

Usually this would mean she’d need another nerf…and the only thing Blizzard can nerf is Valk.

They didn’t touch her base kit, and I would assume the wouldn’t still. They won’t remove rez, since in the first patch-note of the rework, Blizzard AGREED that reviving a downed teammate was a CORE part of Mercy’s game play.

So nerfing Valk would be the only thing they could do; like chain heals/damage boost, infinite ammo (which, how many Mercy’s can even use without being reported for daring to pull out their pistol) and flight.

But Valk already provides very little in the terms of an ult (no burst heal or damage output, small AoE that makes it difficult to get the utmost use from it, best to use before or after a fight rather than during), so would nerfing that even do anything?

The rework was botched, and the response to the rework was poorly done as well. Mercy is still one of the highest pick heroes, and that Blizzard tried to change and pull her from that.

Since she can’t be nerfed anymore, and by her pick rates “shouldn’t” be buffed; what else is there for Blizzard to do to get out of this loop?

(My friend states that we’re still in the Mercy Meta because you see her in almost every game, and more often then not the team with a Mercy wins over the team that doesn’t)

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THAT, is what I’ve been saying.

Ah gotcha.

I mean at least with Ana I have to continue to work with my enabled teammate to keep them alive even through the damage reduction. With Mercy she cant out heal any more damage than she did previously the only difference is the enemy cant take advantage of who she isn’t healing anymore. But drop a winston + one more damage source and that’s taken care of.

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