Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)

It was always supposed to be a buff. I think Blizzard just likes to make “compensation” changes which are almost always dumb and defeat the purpose of the nerf anyway. cough D.Va cough

You didn’t ask for clarification.

My mistake; I confused you with another person in this thread. Consider this a request for clarification :slight_smile:

What is there to clarify?

People QQ that Mercy isn’t fun.

There are 26 other heroes to play.

Their lazer focus on a single hero isn’t the devs’ problem. The problem is the unwillingness of the people who complain to play other heroes when they’re obviously unhappy with their choices.

It’s a game. If you’re not having fun, why play?

Moira > Mercy most of the time, what’s your point?

I was in Silver during S3 and she was popular. I was an Ana main back then and even though I wasn’t the best, I still was able to outplay the Mercy player on the enemy team. One of my proudest moments was 23k healing on Lijang Tower solo-healing as Ana for 4/5 of it when the enemy team had a 2-3-1 which was the meta and winning.

She;s picked because her base healing and maneuverability is so good. As long as she has LoS she can fly to someone and get them out of crit quickly. In Dive 1.0 (Season 2 between Deathball and Bayblade meta) Lucio and Zen worked because Lucio’s aura basically kept everyone within it if he positioned himself correctly because it was massive. Now, that calls onto Mercy who can just fly around with ease due to how dives set up. There’s so many people for her to fly to on a given notice.

Her ult is so lackluster compared to other ults, even Ana’s ult is exciting for her and she doesn’t even have much to do with her ult other than hope a stray Lucio doesn’t jump in front of her. Like Ana players stand there with pride as their enabled murder baby goes off and does good things for the team where Mercy is, in the air now? Like her ult is not interactive, and compared to mass-rez takes only a fraction of the skill and planning.

Like mass-rez mercy had to keep track of all ults and know when bad things were going to happen so she could decide whether or not her res was even going to be needed. I’d normally wait until after everything started being activated, if I didn’t see anyone immediately dying I would peak out and teal as needed. Mercy players have to hide a lot more now to get a single rez off when before she took cover before she was caught in the fire. I, and a lot of other Mercy players, would know tac-visor was coming and simply be in a obvious place behind a wall, still healing our team but the second we heard the ult call we’d break our beam and only heal those who wouldn’t give our position away. Then if needed res. Heck, most of my rez’s were me coming back from spawn.

This is not to advocate for Mass-rez back, but to highlight how she went from having to plan how each team fight was going to go before it happened to, “I guess I’ll fly now” is lame. I go from having to juke and fly to where I am needed to simply existing in a general area not doing much. Like, I am pretty sure I can put toggle beam on, fly into a corner, and leave my keyboard for the duration of my ult and come back and everything would be a-okay. Even Zen’s trans needs more hands-on because the aura is so small. The only time I take my hands off as Zen is in Grav because there needs to be small adjustments and looking around to make sure everyone is in the happy circle, where Mercy just has to make sure the one with her main beam is near others, and she sees everything.

Not only that, but even though Zen loses functionality in his ult, the impact of the ult is so much bigger than Valk. Valk doesn’t do much for Mercy, it makes her less engaging but she’s doesn’t need that short breather Zen does.

Her pickrate is due solely because of her maneuverability. Moira can’t be everywhere at once like Mercy can, Ana doesn’t work in dive and why pick Lucio when you can get almost 3x’s the healing as Mercy and there’s a less likely risk she’ll lose her ult.

I am sorry this is rambley it’s late but I used to like Mercy, now she’s a glorified spectator who doesn’t feel the impact of her ult because it’s so much like her base kit. At least with Zen I could see people try to get damage out but the healthbar just twitches a little.

Thanks for the reply. I think the idea is that the devs listen to people when it comes to suggestions about their favorite hero, since the actively solicit it and we’re now on our third thread re: Mercy. Mercy mains don’t want to play a different hero. They want to play the hero they’ve always liked. No other hero has been nerfed and modified nearly to the degree that Mercy has. YMMV, but I can see it from that perspective fairly easily since I’m a Mercy main.

When is the answer ever “just play a different hero?” That suggestion seems bizarre to me. Anyway, thanks for the response. Cheers.

I’ll do it for him cause I have the actual playtime and experience to back it!

Mercy is the most idiot-proof healer. Her mobility and line of sight breaking heals make her the best healer in the game for healing people that don’t know how to be healed. That said, playing solo mercy is also super super boring. Have some variety in your life, support is too easy a role not to.

No it’s not. Ana’s button is literally pressing a button and hoping someone else goes to town. Don’t dare say Mercy’s ult is even more lackluster than Ana.

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Mercy’s ult is more lackluster than Ana’s.

Mercy’s ult turns her into a spectator cam with an aura for 15 seconds. Where is the fun in that? Where is the ANYTHING in that?

I’ll admit that Ana’s ult isn’t the most exciting… but it has like a .5s cast time then she’s back to using her very engaging base kit. Also… it feels pretty good to see… “Play of the game your team’s Soldier 76/Genji/whoever” then the clip starts with Ana saying, “You’re powered up! Get in there!”


Blizzard has better data and sample size than over buff.

The answer is “just play a different hero” because that’s the whole idea behind overwatch. It’s the core design.

You play a hero until it stops working, then you switch heroes in spawn to one that does work.

Also, what about the players who do enjoy the current Mercy? Why should they lose their hero in favor of the players who are complaining about how “unfun” she is when she’s not unbalanced? If a hero is unbalanced and ruining the game for everyone, making changes makes sense.

When a hero is balanced, making changes for a portion (unhappy mercy mains) of a portion (mercy players) of the player base do not. Especially when more changes risk unbalancing an, otherwise, balanced hero.

Mercy is balanced. Changes could unbalance her.
If you don’t like her, play something else. Find a hero you do enjoy playing.

It’s why there’s a diverse roster.

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The soldier cleaning up has nothing to do with how Ana is feeling. Mercy gets strong regeneration, Mercy gets to fly, Mercy gets to dash around.

You guys are so biased that it’s become delusional. Ana’s ultimate is the definition of lackluster and “unfun”(yall love that word) in the Ana’s eyes. You press a button and then it’s literally out of your control.

The issue here is that they keep changing an existing character. No other character has endured this amount of nerfing. What other hero has had its ult changed into something completely different? I’d say the complaints are well-grounded. :man_shrugging: That’s my last $.02. Cheers

Yeah but it’s also hard to please people that seem to hate playing Mercy, and only liked playing Mercy for her old ultimate ability.

For someone who despises Ana’s ult you seem to have an awful lot of hours on her.

For me at least it does matter. I can be all like “Yeah! that probably wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t ulted him there! Awesome!”

Mercy does get strong regeneration… but it actually makes the ult less engaging… you know why? Because people stop bothering to shoot at you unless they can burn you down instantly with an ult. When you take a hero who is very concerned with NOT DYING pretty much at all times then gives her an ult that practically guarantees it outside of getting exploded… yeah makes things more boring.

Flight… her flight is the same as every single spectator cam ever in a 3D FPS. It isn’t exciting. Truthfully, that kind of flight isn’t designed to be engaging or fun, its designed to be stupid easy to use.

Dashing around… I can do that without being in ult. I actually have to use it MORE outside of ult because people aren’t ignoring me because I’m nearly impossible to kill.

Add in that Mercy also doesn’t need to have any sort of target prioritization because chain beams… you’ve got an ult that basically puts the game on auto pilot.

The bigger thing and one that even Mercy players seem to forget is that outside of her ultimate Mercy players constantly complained that Mercy was boring. They constantly wished for an E ability to make her more engaging… Losing that dopamine rush of mass res is still hard for a lot of them and they’re still jonesing for a fix.

Whatever metric or rubric you’re using to determine whether Mercy’s ult is boring or not apply that to any other characters. I do have a lot of hours on Ana, her ult compared to all of the other characters I play is boring. You press a button and then you have to hope that the person you give it to does well, if they don’t then congrats you wasted your ult.

If Ana boosting someone going on a killing spree is fun in your eyes, then Mercy boosting an entire team and having them wreck the enemy team is fun in my eyes. If Mercy’s ult is boring because it’s autopilot in your eyes then Ana’s ult is boring. Like get real, do you think Lucio ult, Orisa ult and others like that are fun? The ults are just there for their utility for the team, not the “fun” of the user.

“Unfun” isn’t a metric in an ult that the devs are going to be using when changing it. Especially on a character whose users clearly keep going back to her. When characters are really unfun, or despised, or people find playing them tedious their pickrate shoots down, see characters like Ana. This “ult is unfun” is a made up problem on a character that is pretty good. Doomfist players would love the impact of Mercy ult, Orisa players would love to have something more engaging than just plop down totem.

That’s the problem with this conversation. Mercy players literally used to be cheered on by their team for bringing back the entire team and winning the game. Now that the praise and constant reinforcement isn’t there anymore people claim they don’t like the character(even though she’s still one of the most picked characters at all tiers of the game).

Thing is…

When ulting, Mercy no longer has to worry about dying, Mercy no longer has to worry about getting her beam where it needs to be. Mercy no longer has to worry about ANYTHING. She just sits there holding M1 or M2.

That ACTIVELY takes interest and complexity away from the experience of playing Mercy.

To answer your question… Yes. I find Ana’s ult fun. I find Lucio’s ult fun. I find Orisa’s ult fun. Now I don’t find Teleporter/Shield Gen or Infra Sight particularly fun… but .5 second cast and you are back to PLAYING YOUR CHARACTER.

NONE of those ults remove all complexity and interest from their hero’s kits for 15 seconds. Valkyrie does. For that reason I find Valkyrie to be hands down the WORST ultimate in the entire game.

EDIT: Back in the day, asking for an E wasn’t because people found her boring. They were asking for an E because at high level play neither her base kit nor her Mass Resurrect was enough to make her viable.

Embrace tranquility. Again apply your argument to any other character. So suddenly Zen ult is unfun with your rubric since he just sits there as an invulnerable buddha. This is why people don’t listen to you guys.

This is exactly why Mercy’s ult won’t be changed in any drastic way based on the “unfun” opinion of her mains. A small percentage of you are the only group who think something like Ana’s ult or Orisa’s ult are fun, but think Mercy’s ult is boring.

Ok… there is one part of the fun rubric that I forgot to mention.

How visible is the ability/ult impact?

Well with Valkyrie the answer is… not very. Her damage boost has NEVER had good feed back. Her single target heal does, but she hasn’t got the UI she’d need to see the impact of chain heal and 60 HPS isn’t enough to just FEEL the impact.

Transendence on the other hand… that thing’s strong enough to shut down Dragonblade. It’s strong enough to stop Grav Combos. Transendence practically slaps you in the face with how powerful it feels. In no way shape or form is it boring because you can accomplish awesome things with it and KNOW you did something awesome.