Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)

I mean… in my opinion, before the rework Mercy was incredibly fun.

She was also the only viable main healer in the game.

It’s pretty easy to balance 1 hero against themself.

perhaps I wasn’t quite clear.

In that statement I am including the bit where Triple Tank and Ana were all the rage in pro play. Now I fully admit I wasn’t high enough in comp where Triple Tank showed up often… but no Mercy was not the only viable main healer in the game at that point.

Also I didn’t say anything about how balanced or not balanced she was.

Well the issue with that was that outside of the top 10% of players, most healers wouldn’t have the mechanical skill to benefit from Ana’s immense power.

For reasons other than her ult. Namely, she’s still the best healer.

Edit: Do you think she’s picked for her ult? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

what exactly is your point?

Why are you bringing up viability anyway? I responded to someone basically claiming that Mercy was never fun.

Now explain why the best healer has to have a comparable ultimate to Zen/Lucio instead of one appropriate for her base power level.

Well, that’s your opinion. Lots of people feel differently though, and there’s tons of ideas floating around about how to make Mercy more fun without making her OP. That’s sort of the problem a lot of people have, is that none of it ever gets acknowledged. Add on top of that the fact that any time someone mentions possible changes to Mercy, they get written off as trying to make her OP again regardless of how reasonable or balanced the changes are. It shouldn’t be too hard to see why people would be frustrated, especially when Blizzard turns around and gives other players exactly what they want almost immediately.

Ana’s immense power came from tanks, which aren’t that hard to hit. :thinking:

Then why was Ana’s pickrate low outside of the top 10% of players, in Season 3?

Hilariously enough, I have to agree to this statement. I found the excitement in pulling out my pistol and screaming, “DEAR GOD, HELP ME,” as I tried to get my last 15% ult charge to restart the fight. And it felt so good if you did it. If not, it was okay. You had res for next fight. I also enjoyed throwing myself into an entire enemy team to res and being trapped to the ground trying to stay alive to win the team fight. Just because you ressed, didn’t mean the fight was won. The Mercy player knew if they wanted to win, they NEEDED to stay alive. It was seriously adrenaline-seeking, honestly, which Valk doesn’t provide (this is not me complaining or saying she is bad btw. I was just in agreement and following up with a story).

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Plenty of reasons, probably. Just saying that tanks aren’t that hard to hit as Ana.

First: people who play mercy just 1h or shortly DO NOT TALK ABOUT HER

thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Secound: Mercy is really (top 1) powerful healer~ yes that right
But her pick rate is hight because she have so strong heal. The best way will be nerf her heals… but totally change her ultimate. Now Mercy can fly and heal… and? This is too small for a ult. Moira can heal and kill, Baguette is just op, Zenyatta is aversome counter for Zaria, Lucio is counter for Genji…

I think Mercy 3.0 will be the best Mercy.

There’s nothing wrong with that either. It’s a great feeling to pull off a team res and win the game. It was a great feeling thinking that you lost the game and suddenly a flying angel brings back you and your entire team for the victory.

People would literally cheer for Mercy in those situations. I think it’s very hard to replicate that feeling with her base kit the way it is and on top of that having a very powerful ultimate.

Her ultimate is good but it’s not super strong for a variety of things reasons.


You surely know how not fun Mercy was with that 1 hour on her.


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THAT is what I miss about Mercy 1.0. Even Suicide Mission Mercy was hilariously fun for me and every match I would open with, “Hello everybody. My name is Angela Ziegler and I will be your ‘HEROES NEVER— UGGGHHH!” It was the memes with her and the adrenaline. I also like Resurrect now seeing what I can get away with. On Illios Well you can fall into the well while ressing somebody and get back up if they get you. You can throw yourself off Nepal Sanctum and GA/bunny hop back into the air, making you extremely hard to hit. The reason I enjoy Mercy is because of the meme plays you can make with her.

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Rez will never not have value in matchmaking. In low tiers it’s surprisingly easy to get away with. In higher tiers it’s still pretty much an Omega 13 mistake undo-er. Heck, even OWL sees Mercys get away with Rez pretty much off cooldown.

Plus the appeal of an easy-to-use but hard-to-master healer like Mercy will be pretty high even if she becomes the worst support hero at any point.

No thanks; I never made such a claim.

They didn’t change Lúcio because Lucio mains thought it was “unfun” they changed it because Lúcio mains thought it was a nerf (they were trying to buff him) and they saw the direction of the changes (making him easier) as a mistake. Blizzard is still keeping the direction of the changes (that a lot of Lucios dislike) but is making changes to make sure it isn’t actually a nerf to the best Lúcio players.

Not even that. They bumped it up so that it’s just a straight buff.

But that’s probably fine because Lucio pickrate had been struggling ever since they nerfed ultimates with delayed casting.