Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)

She has 1 sec rehén pre-rework as well.

I don’t think Bunny Hop accounts for a 70% increase in pickrate.

Lucio post-rework remained extremely dominant throughout the Dive meta.

Yes. She was garbage. Her basic kit offers healing, mobility and damage amp. That is nothing compared to the other Supports.


Healing or dmg boosting an entire team at once, while flying at mach 12 and regenerating with unlimited ammo should you choose to use it as a basic ability.



Actually I think the main reason why she wasn’t viable is exactly because she had mass resurrect. The ult is garbage in organized environment. Her basic kit is excellent for dive. Mobility, inability to have healing denied + excellent synergy with Zen and Genji (boosted blade kills trans). Also meshes with hitscan instead of genji well (lucio completely useless there)

Lucio’s relative value is much lower in dive than in tank metas. Speed boost isn’t really necessary.

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Mercy is still op she needs to be nerfed

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I don’t recall ever seeing it used for that. Transcendence seems the tool of choice for pushes. I’d like to know the math behind Valkyrie, but among ults it strikes me as pretty weak - especially since its inaugural nerfing, which pretty much reduced it to being used to give Mercy an unlimited magazine.

Oh, and Transcendence won’t save everyone from a Mercy-boosted Dragonblade. I saw that used to great effect in OWL.

It does happen in OWL

But if you expect to see Mercy pop it so that they can push through choke, wont happen cuz in OWL basically no one defends in choke. Fights are always on point. And she does use it there

As for maths, its 300 hp/s total to team if everyone is in range or +30% to damage everyone (basically global discord)

And no, it can’t counter blade but that’s the point

No sense in giving the best regular healer an actual defensive ult

As for mercy boost blade going for trans, yes, that is a thing for quite a while

And that’s actually fine. Transcedence is too strong anyways. Blade + boost is also very execution sensitive

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So what do you see it used for? Transcendence is used more defensively than offensively. It’s used offensively if time is running out and people need to cap the point. Other than that it’s mostly saved to be used as a reactionary ult.

Explain in your own words why do you think Mercy is picked so much in OWL if her ultimate is terrible? The answer is the ult is decent or her base kit is so versatile that she’s strong even without a super strong ult.

Well, trends changes nothing. I’m still staying away from playing Overwatch until they raise Mercy’s skill-ceiling and make her engaging to play again. She’s boring, trivial, and unengaging… Her viability as a healer is irrelevant to me, as I’d rather play an underpowered but engaging version of Mercy than what we have now…

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What general direction would you use to make Mercy weaker outside of her Ultimate?

Speed Boost and Boop are much more efficient at protecting a Zenyatta than simply healing him imo.

Well, as I said many times I would like to replace rez with something else, like a burst healing or prevent death ability that is more skillful to use but that does not undo any kills… I’d happily get rid of the flying during Valkyrie, maybe just get a jump instead… I have no real need for the improved self-heal during Valkyrie because there is no point in placing yourself in the line of fire just because you are ulting as Mercy…

I wouldn’t take into account those numbers at this point and just wait to see what happens next season with yet another new healing support being in the rotation of choices.

I disagree.

I think that 60 hps is more significant on any squishy. And matrix even if for a brief moment is also a thing. But that’s common to both so no point in really mentioning.

Also I think that it limits Lucio in terms of positioning

And from what I recall watching, it feels like they dont even invest much in protecting Zen since they’ll just counter dive their Zen

Could be wrong, but thats how it feels to me

But Mercy can’t stop a two-man Dive on her Zenyatta like a Lucio can. With Mercy, Winston’s damage effectively stops Mercy’s healing, and Tracer proceeds to destroy the Zenyatta unopposed.

Meanwhile, Lucio can Speed Boost Zenyatta away, reducing Winston’s damage to zero and preventing any possibly one clip from a Tracer.

Even if you want to suicide trade Zenyatta, Lucio has more aggressive potential than Mercy because of his greater survivability, Speed Boost, AoE Healing, cc and gun.

That’s assuming that Lucio was in position to react immediately (close to Zen), which he wont always be

And despite boost he will still take damage from Winston until he leaves the range

And boost doesnt help against the tracer who simply chases him and confirms the kill

That’s where Lúcio should be. That is the correct positioning for a Lúcio in a Dive comp, and top Lucios have excellent positioning.

No he will not. Winston’s leap has a travel time and Lúcio can Boop him away to increase that time. Lucio can easily create 8m of space before Winston can do a single tick of damage.

Tracer isn’t going to one-clip a Zenyatta who is moving at supersonic speeds and is out of her effective range. After about a clip from Tracer, she loses efficiency because she has to reload. After that long of a time, the Dive has already failed and they will likely lose the fight if the rest of the fight goes as expected.

Make Mercy great again.

Well, it doesn’t help that they just changed Lucio, Lucio players deemed it “unfun”, and Blizzard immediately changed it to accommodate them. I’m not saying anything about the Lucio changes themselves or that Mercy needs big changes, just that it seems odd that a character being “unfun to play” is only sometimes a valid argument, and only sometimes do you have to just “learn to play someone else”.

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It’s a lot easier to buff heroes than nerf them.

Mercy, if she ever gets strong buffs, is going to need strong nerfs.

And a large amount of Mercy players will cry bloody murder over those nerfs.

It’s not hard to make Lucio “fun”, because the hero is not one dimensional. How do you make Mercy “fun”? Hero is based around looking at health bars and clicking somewhere near teammates. There is no entertainment to be had.