Mercy mains who don't want Mass Rez back?

I don’t think Resurrect should ever come back.
I don’t think it should’ve ever been there to begin with, but being there for so long made a lot of people attached to it.

My dream for Mercy is the removal of her Resurrect ability, and keep it away from an Ultimate. Just flat out, remove it.

Instead, I’d like her to get a new “E” ability in it’s place. And- a passive or two.

E Ability Idea:
I’d personally like it if Mercy got the Holy Priest treatment in WoW. I’d like her to be able to be able to cast a minor ward on ONE target, that, if the target died during it’s duration- would instantly resurrect with a flat percentage (not full) health and mana (or in this case, ammo).

I believe that would be incredibly skillful in determining targets to use it on, when, and where. You could check TAB to see the Reinhardt who is on 98% to Earthshatter, compared to the Genji begging you to use it on him- when he’s only at 65% to Blade.

Naturally, the skill comes down to the decisions you make.
Alongside this, enemies can counter you with equally skilled gameplay by achieving multi-kills (or using direct counters like burst damage), or by trying to bait it out.

Passives Idea

  • I’d really like if Mercy did NOT get an increased heal ability, but rather- that if Mercy was healing one target for a certain amount of seconds, that it would ramp up ONCE to be higher for a short duration, and then reset.
  • I believe another thing that could be added (possibly alongside this) is to have Damage Boost function similarly, with a 5% increased effectiveness after a time- that then wears off instantly afterwords and resets the “buff” counter.

What do you think?

To be fair that is a bit of an apple to orange comparison cause one is a forum post and the other is a (imo overrated) steamer using multiple social media platforms-

But you’re not wrong. I feel that it’s a 60/40 split with Mass Rez (40 in favor for it). From what I’ve seen the main thing is players want that value again. Mass Rez provided that since Mercy really didn’t provide anything else to the team as a whole.

(Right now she really doesn’t have much value and why people like Luminum and even Animetic have stated that the best use of Mercy is to be just more aggressive with her because she’s not much of a threat–oh hey it’s Symm 2.0 again)

I never saw anything wrong with it but then again never really had to deal with it. So I’m fine with either. Wouldn’t mind a whole new rework because even not a Mercy Main and right now her design is just mess.

Removing mass res did a LOT for general game balance. No more having to coordinate and wipe a team twice to win. Good riddance.

Mass Rez was fine, y’all are just salty and the mercy players who claim to not want it back have been brainwashed by their peers.

I don’t want rez period, and never have. I’ve always been of the mind that if I need to rez you, I’ve failed as a healer (excluding impossible situations and dumb teammates, obviously). Since my TF2 Medic days, I’ve been a healing-per-second kind of guy.

I don’t like Valk either, though. It doesn’t feel impactful, effective or fun to use at all. If it’s a choice between Mass Rez and Valk, I’d take mass rez because I hate it slightly less than Valk.

I’m definitely with the folks who think Mass Rez was awful to play against. And I didn’t enjoy my team screaming at me to hide behind a corner and let them die so I could rez. Hiding like that felt cheap and lame and just as unfun as Valkyrie most of the time.

I respect your opinion but I really don’t get how ult rez was unhealthy for the game. First of all, it’s an ultimate ability, it’s supposed to feel discouraging for the enemy team and second of all, if you dumped a bunch of ults or if you started popping off and didn’t kill the Mercy, you kinda just handed her the big rez on a silver platter.

Obviously I mean no disrespect to you or anyone with a similar opinion, that’s just how I see it.

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Yes there are mercy mains who don’t want mass res back. I don’t want it.

But that doesn’t mean I agree with you. Current version of mercy can not be improved upon because we already had the 2.0 fun mercy when she was released and she was stupidly OP and everybody knew it.

She needs a rework (with 60hps reverted). And I personally want res to be removed altogether.


Make rez feel less awful than it is now, either with range or make her less bad and slow during it or something

I’ve only seen teams I faced lose from trying to “Mass Rez.” It only stalled for time at the end of fights, and there were only a couple instances where a team Rez went off. Then it would just continue as a normal fight, but it was never anything significant while I played. This was what I saw during competitive during that time.

Quickplay wasn’t as huge a mess as it is now, and I still, sparingly, saw other Mercy players trying to do it. For myself it was just a rare occurrence that happened, and it was rare that I would get a chance to do it. Mostly went for 2 or 3 man rezzes, they gave my team more value. It was weird when everyone started saying find the Mercy though. Never knew why until way after the panic settled down.

Mercy is one of my mains, and I only started playing the game a few months ago, so I was never around for Mass Rez. I was around for the 60hps to 50hps nerf, and I noticed a huge difference in Valkyrie. So much to the point where my teammates died anyway, so I just want battle mercy and killed everyone killing my teammates.

Ever since the nerf I moved to Moira, Ana, and Lucio for more reliable healing, because at least their ults can somewhat save everyone. As Mercy, I couldn’t keep anyone alive after the nerf. That’s all I wanted was to keep everyone alive, and I’m really, really happy about this buff.

In my opinion, I don’t want mass rez, because my teammates shouldn’t be dying in the first place if we have the proper healing. If I can keep them from dying in the first place while ulting, I’ll be fine.

I wouldn’t mind mass rez back, I just don’t care for resurrect as a whole anymore. I was very upset when they first changed her, but after what the ability has become after all the changes and nerfs, I just dread it completely. I want it gone, because it is what’s holding Mercy back, because it has too much value even if it does feel gross to use.

I want a proactive ability instead. Something like this, this is my favourite suggestion:

Proactive buff to put on an ally, if they take lethal damage in the duration, they’re healed for like 25% of their maximum HP. They would likely still be in critical condition and have to be cared for by Mercy, but this would keep the essence of resurrect in a sense while being more skillful because it’d have to be timed.
Actually, I would love this as an AoE ultimate with a cast time similar to Lucio’s ult. It’d be great against burst damage ults like Riptire. “Heroes never die” would finally make sense again. But even just as an E ability this would make her so much more enjoyable.

In combination with that, I’d like Mercy to have an E ability that reduces the amount of damage someone takes for a short duration and instead spreads it out over a longer period. Like, it lasts for 3 seconds and spreads the damage taken during that duration over 6 seconds instead. She’s a doctor, she is supposed to ease the pain of her patients. Mercy doesn’t have a burst heal, this would essentially allow her a similar impact to that on a single target (since she is a single-target healer) because it could be used to easier heal someone who is being focused quickly. But it’d still be easily countered by burst damage. So I feel like it might be balanced.

Ressurect chained to Valkyrie using the interactive key bind.

Valkyrie is the name of her ult. She can fly, SINGLE TARGET HEAL/BOOST and SINGLE TARGET RESSURECT.

  • Valkyrie is now on a 10s or 8s duration.
  • Her heals are a ramp-up from 50hps to 75hps max, no chained beams.
  • Ramp up will continue when she switches targets but she has 1.10s before the ramp up resets.
  • Using damage boost does not reset ramp up heals unless the beam was removed from hero for the 1.10s grace.
  • Dmg boost gets a 15% buff in power during Valkyrie, no chained beams.
  • She can rez heroes while Valkyrie is active ONLY.
  • There is still a cast but at .75s, 1s or 1.5s cast. No slow. (Cast can be adjusted as needed).
  • She has no slow because if she attempts to rez but flies too far it cancels the rez. Yes she can cancel rez by simple moving away from the target.
  • Also she cannot rez the same hero twice during a single use of Valkyrie. So if she cancels it, is interupted or the hero dies after a successful rez she cannot rez that hero during that duration of Valkyrie. Which means no rez stalling.
  • Also lets shorten her beams distance so there is more risk to her fluttering about.
  • She has the same speed as currently live for base flight.
  • Speed to GA should be toned down however while in Valkyrie.
  • And her infinite self regen is removed. She will regen health after 1s out of combat like her base regen.

This iteration can be tweaked until it hits a nice tune, imo. Yes its similar to the rework when first launched BUT there are places in this formate that can be nerfed AND buffed without gutting her base kit.

As for an E ability, if they keep 50hps which is fine, then give her a tether ability. Where she can either reel an ally to safety or throw a skill shot ability that helps a single ally from afar… ihdk lol.

This is an obviously a bad try but I am just as fine removing Valkyrie AND Ressurect entirely at this point if it will get a rework with a more fluid kit and lack of spectator mode. If they truly dont like a main healer hiding then they shouldn’t like her hiding in plain sight while her team dies either.

Anyway have a nice day… or night. :smile:

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I disagree entirely. From player her since season one I was always learning refinements on when best to use it. If you thought you saw everything in 5 hours… if we could go back in time I’d say play it in comp a LOT MORE and see what you think

I’m a mercy main and I want rez removed. It’s a toxic mechanic that causes too many balancing issues. I’d love an ability that would give her more diversity as a hero instead of a “Oh you played like a autist? Let me fix that for you.” ability. Maybe even something that gave a single hero temporary invulnerability for 1.5 seconds which is JUST enough time to get someone out of a sticky situation. IMO rez wasn’t meant for overwatch it’s too much of a crutch for bad behaviors.

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Nah - my “peers” are constantly whining to get it back. Having to wipe a team twice was bad for the game in general.

They lost everything in my hypothetical “alteration” that Mass Rez would bring back players with either less HP, no ult charge, stagnant movement, etc. So basically, unlike before where she Rez’d everyone as if nothing happened, which effectively erased what a player did when killing them all, this Rez wouldn’t remove the effort they made when said allies were resurrected. It was just an idea.

I’m not going to possibly reply to everyone’s replies. Too much time for that.

I think it was designed to still offer Mercy the flexibility of multiple Rez’s, but without the grandiose nature of Rezzing everyone all at once. Due to it’s great effects it was toned down gradually. To me, it currently seems to just enhance Mercy’s ordinary abilities, which is hardly Ult worthy in my eyes. There’s no real importance of it, and there’s no specific timing for when it should be used. Unlike Rez, which could decide games.

You can only damage boost one at a time.

Yes, this is what I currently use Valk for, and it’s very good for this. I just don’t feel this is really what Valk was intended for. Since when does a Support Ult encourage a healer to say “**** this” and drop the mic on unsuspecting foes? It’s funny as hell, but still.

But there’s other Support Ult’s that will sustain a team through multiple Ults. Zenyatta’s transcendence is basically a better Valkyrie and it will protect a Nano-Blade-Grav. It’s preventative, where as Mercy was more after the fact. Lucio’s Ult has great sustain since it’s buff. Moira and Brigitte offer a lot of preventative and aggressive effects simultaneously. Where as Mercy either has Pistol flying after someone, while not healing. Or heals one at a time, while others die.

But those things could be altered if they wanted to. Blizzard effectively made Mass Rez more powerful, because Mercy was just dead when using it. You then had no healer.

Original Rez was not invincible, she couldn’t move, she did not have health regeneration at all; teammates could not maneuver as quickly as they did later on, and weren’t invincible as long, etc.

It’s strange to realize that almost all of the balance concerning Rez had nothing to do with what was “fair” to other players in the game at the time. It had everything to do with helping Mercy survive after it was cast. She was easier to kill back then. She didn’t even regenerate health.

I think the game has changed a lot since the original MR. It’s not the monster in the closet people make it seem. I actually wonder how many people actually remember it, and not from word of mouth.

A hypothetical Mass Rez with LoS, small Cast, no movement, no invincibility (perhaps damage reduction), and revived teammates no longer regaining their Ultimates or charge wouldn’t sound too broken to me. Maybe even lower their HP or put CD’s on their skills. The efforts of killing the enemy would not be completely erased unlike before this way.

In any case, Mass Rez will not make a return. But I did enjoy that Mercy more. That’s just my opinion. I think if they wanted to, they could’ve balanced it differently instead of reworking her. Blizzard’s reworks haven’t been that great.

They balanced Rez based on Mercy’s survivability, rather than the overall game. Look at those patch notes.

Does Rein really remain meta with all the current CC and stun in the game?

Mercy in 2016 was rather easy to kill. She didn’t even regenerate health back then. All I’m saying is, if they wanted to, they definitely could have balanced it around the game instead of Mercy herself. Read the patch notes from 2016 onward. That’s all they did.

“Mercy keeps dying, and so…”
“Teammates can now maneuver faster after Rez to help Mercy…”
“Mercy is now invulnerable to keep her safe during Rez…”
“Mercy now has health regeneration to improve survivability…”
Mercy GA now resets after Rez…"

I don’t think they ever solved the problem with it. The issue for players was that it erased everything they did (which could’ve been changed), and Mercy players had to make a choice of when to Rez, and if it was worth dying to do so.

They buffed her way to much, without offering sufficient counter-play.

Please remove “autist” from your everyday vocabulary. It’s not even a word and it’s just plain offensive to people with autism.

I personnally don’t want Mercy 1.0 back (because the gliding thing for her dash is the best thing in the game imo) however i’d like to see a rework where rez is just taken out of the game and instead you have

  • Either an E ability with a long CD (20-ish) and it would basically mark 1 of your ally for 1s and if that ally “dies” they would immediatlyhave 50% of their health back (so it would make her kit more dynamic and rewarding), put her hps at 60 and when in walk boost that up to 75hps for the main target and those around about 20 to 30hps. same with damage boost 40% main target and 15% others.

  • As an ult : Same as with the “e” ability except it affects all of your teammates for 2s and it brings you back to 75% of your health and it would take quite a long time to charge, hps back to 60Hps, and as an E ability there are several possibilities like a mini-valk (basically on cd, lasts for 5s-ish, it would not change the base healing/damage boost but for every target around it goes down to 20hps and 10% damage boost) OR you could put an ability that allows you to both Heal and Damage boost at the same time for a short duration (3s?) if you left click you heal 60hps and damage boost 15%, if you left click you damage boost 30% and heal 20/30 hps

I feel like there would be so much room for tweaks and such to balance the kite but that’s just my opinion.

Other than that, I feel like i’d rather get Mercy 1.0 back than keeping mercy in her state right now but that’s merely just wanting to replace Awful with sligthly less awful.