Mercy mains who don't want Mass Rez back?

Reviving and killing are not equivalents. Almost any heroes can kill people with primary fire, but no hero can revive with primary fire. That’s why mass rez has a higher value than mass killing. Because reviving people is not something you can do under normal circumstances, increasing it’s value. Whether mass rez is healthy for the game is another issue, but mass rez and dps ults are not equivalents.

Hey, I also do not want Mass Rez back, in fact I find the current iteration of Mercy to be enjoyable. Since I am not loud, spam the forums or otherwise treat others with a slew of videos, my opinion doesn’t seem to matter.

:sun_with_face: :spaghetti:

What people? Not me. Not any of my friends. We understand how engaging and fun a Resurrect mechanic can be in any team game, especially a competitive one.

Stop making blanket statements as if everyone else shares your opinion that res is the devil’s work. They are simply not true.

Mass res did have potential to be wasted. If you killed people who were resurrected then you wasted Mercys ultimate and you extended the respawn timers of the resurrected. The closest ultimate I can think of that is very similar in terms of how its value works is D’vas bomb. It instantly goes off but, you as the enemy team can determine how much value it gets.

Rez on E is also really annoying and probably even more helpful. Say first push someone does because of a mistake, they get rezzed

Mass rez was integral in the games balance I think. A lot of ultimates can wipe teams, so there was one that could bring them back.

Now she just has a “watch your team die in spectator mode” button.

I just want either for her to be reverted, or classic servers where the game is how it was on release.

I’m not a Mercy main, but I play Mercy a bit.

I’ve never liked mass rez. In my opinion this ultimate was a mistake, and its really good that its gone forever (i hope).

This doesn’t mean that the current Mercy is somehow better, but the upcomming ult buff at least gives you a reason to use it (10hp/s more is pretty nice).

We still need a bit more (maybe some small buffs to ressurect), but In my opinon thats a good start :slight_smile:

I don’t like the tether beam during valk and single-target rez is effectively her current ultimate.

Honestly if you switch her current E and Q and balance these abilities accordingly together with her healing output. That could be a fun and interesting character to play.

my point was there is always someone who has more clout than you, trying to say “this person has more people agreeing with them on the forums” isn’t any type of proof of anything, because the forums is less than a fraction of the OW community.

bad analogy, the people on xqcs stream are part of the OW community. they both are part of the ow community.

comparing states would be a better analogy, but it wouldn’t make sense because your analogy is a misconception.

I do not want it back either, hated that playstyle. Prefer here the way she is.

But DPS Ults are no more a primary fire than Reviving someone is/was. So I’m confused what your point is. All Ults are valuable and affect the outcome of games.

Her Rez has less value now, because it doesn’t carry the same weight. Her decreased healing output is another story. Mass Rez was intrinsic to the games balance in many ways where many Ults can wipe out teams entirely. In no way did Mass Rez make Mercy always Meta, because there were seasons when Mercy wasn’t wanted at all. Other supports were simply left in a bad state, and so Mercy was preferable.

I played a Comp game with Mercy today. She’s pretty bad. Rez’s don’t do anything, and you can’t even keep people alive with her HPS. We were losing pretty bad. I swapped to Ana and won the game. Mercy simply cannot heal consistently enough each member of her team under heavy pressure anymore. She’s single target healing. She needs to be able to heal each person quickly one at a time. Triage is nearly ineffective. By the time someone is at sufficient HP to cycle to the next, they’re all dead already.

The only argument I see from people saying they like Valkyrie Mercy has nothing to do with Valkyrie at all. They like the hop feature with GA. That’s not exclusive to her Ult in anyway. That could be kept on a Mass Rez Mercy easily.

Someone else also said that my comments about Valk being fun when originally released is proof Mercy players only like abilities when they’re OP, but that is not the case either. Valk lost its purpose, and whatever it was meant to be has been erased slowly. Hollowed out. I believe it was meant to give Mercy a more dynamic style while offering her the flexibility of multiple Rez’s periodically, instead of the grand HUGE Rez.

But it no longer does this. You Ult, and then Battle Mercy an unsuspecting foe. That’s not what this Ult was meant to be.