Mercy mains who don't want Mass Rez back?

I see in every Mercy related thread suggestions from Mercy mains to revert her back to her Mass Rez days.

So, I was wondering - are there Mercy mains/players who don’t want Mass Rez back and Why?

I, as former Mercy main, don’t want it back. I know it felt good to do the 5 Man Rez (which were rare cases) but it wasn’t really healthy for the game , even if it was balanced.
When I played DPS or Tank and get like 4-5 kills - it always felt bad when Mercy came and rezzed them.

I believe that current Mercy can be improved gameplay-wise and can be made more fun.

Have a good day everyone!


I play Mercy at times. Don’t want Mass Rez back. More mobility is fun + single Rez on E is way more helpful


Yep! Mass res was unhealthy for the game in its final state before the rework. I remember being devastated when the rework was announced but I’ve since gotten over that, because I took a step back and recognised how bad her ult was for the game. Her current state is much more engaging, enjoyable, and versatile. Her kit actually works with her core design, where mass res didn’t.


I don’t want mass-rez back, but I want another rework. I’d like to scrap resurrect entirely in favor of something that increases Mercy’s skill-ceiling a little and makes her a bit more engaging to play. No more “press spacebar and hold a mouse-button” mechanics for 15 seconds please. It’s ruining the fun



No one wants mass rez back dude, just accept it. It’s counter-intuitive and unhealthy for the game.


I don’t. I want her to be able to contribute in other ways.

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I still see Mass Rez more healthy for the game, with some tweaks that should be tested before pushing a OP rework and nerfing it in the ground


Valk was fun when it was first released, then it became awful and barren. Blizzard already removed the “improved gameplay” you believe could be added for more fun.

Mass Rez was fine for this game. Blizzard broke that as well and it made people hate it more.

I don’t understand why so many Ults can kill teams, but not one can exist to bring them back? The argument is;

“But then you have to kill the Mercy before she Ults!!!”

But is that not true for any of the other Ults that have killing potential? Every Ult has consequences. Mercy’s currently does not. You are not punished by her Ult in anyway, whatsoever.

Blizzard made it difficult to kill Mercy. They made Rez instant cast, mobile, and invulnerable. Mercy before was stationary with a mild cast, and vulnerable. The game has changed A LOT since Mass Rez was removed. I think it’d be fine.

There are of course alterations that can be made. Mass Rez, with reduced health. Mass Rez, with no Ult charge. Mass Rez, with stagnant ability or movement. Whatever.

The issue is the Rez for DPS mains. You either kill her, or you don’t. If she can be killed, then it’s a timing issue. But if she does indeed Rez, and it doesn’t COMPLETELY erase all that you did (because those who were Rez’d basically lost everything), then I can’t see why it wouldn’t work with those alterations?

Valkyrie to me has lost it’s purpose. I use it to Battle Mercy when I am rarely found playing Mercy these days. It’s the most use I get out of it.

Other supports weren’t a factor during old Mercy because… they sucked. But they’ve been buffed. Ana is a thing because of her buffs.

Instead of the ideal of breaking those who perform well down, to be equal with those who perform bad; we should instead elevate them all so they can all be great.

Other supports have been elevated. Mercy is still left in a poor state. Why can she not be redeemed too?

P.S. No, I’m not a Mercy main… for a long time.


I’ve been saying for quite a while that I don’t want mass-Resurrect back.

Resurrect, whether as an Ultimate or a regular ability, is impossible to properly balance because it’s the only ability in the game that affects dead players.

Here are my ideas on how to make Mercy viable again while not making her overpowered like she was when her rework was released:


I don’t care either way. I liked using Mass Rez and I like Valkyrie.

If going back to the version of Mass Rez Mercy means losing GA dash and GA jump, then I don’t want the old version.

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Because it is an iconic ability that Mercy had. It is still present in game modes like Junkenstein’s Revenge, one of the Anniversary events is still tuned as if Mercy has mass res (a bunch of people complained how difficult it was without mass res) and because in a game where there are a plethora of ults that can one hit ko 3+ people, why is an ult that MAY bring back more than one person so broken?

I mean to me it feels bad for me to be healing people and just have a Junkrat tire come and explode them with me being able to do nothing.

This is subjective. Like I don’t think so many stuns in the game is healthy for it. I don’t think so many ults that can easily solo 3+ people is healthy for the game. I don’t think supports being so weak is healthy for the game.

But it’s the reality and I feel like if Mercy doesn’t get mass res then she should have some way of reducing the cooldown of Res or at the very least have it available more often.


Really? When I play, she comes and rez, I ult back and manage to wipe them out again with a riptire or bomb.


I’m obviously not a Mercy main, but I find it a bit dishonest when people say they primarily care about making Mercy Fun/Balanced, but only purpose ideas that are highly unlikely to be implemented.

If they were serious about the Fun/Balanced comment, don’t you think they’d suggest the most likely ways to achieve that goal, instead of the least likely ones?


I don’t want it back because it led to situations where not healing teammates was more beneficial than healing them

  • You were on a time limit once the first person died;
  • other teammates could be low enough that the beam isn’t enough but the rez would be, (IF they die first)

Add those two factors together, and it sucks. True, there’s the damage beam to keep Mercy occupied, but still. This has nothing to do with hiding either, or wanting PotG, or a big 5-man, which are all convenient strawmen they like to incessantly bring up.

I have seen a good suggestion for the issue though: let mass rez also burst heal live teammates in its radius for ~100 health.


I play a fair bit of Mercy and I definitely don’t want it back. It felt really passive, and I hated not healing and letting all my teammates die so i could get a 5-man rez. Woo.

New Mercy is way more engaging

(also OP, you get cookies for your username. I see you and I appreciate you)


I do not want AoE Rez to come back. The devs have already struggled for over a year to balance Rez, let it be as an ult or as an ability ; reverting it would just bring new problems into the fray.
Besides. I don’t find Mass Rez satisfying. It’s not very engaging, and it doesn’t change the way you play Mercy. You heal, press Q, then go back to doing the exact same thing you were doing 3 seconds earlier. There’s just no variety.
Also, this is a personal feeling, of course, but when I’m on support, I wanna help my team push the best I can when they’re alive. Instead of supporting my team when they’re alive, helping them make big plays, keeping them alive, and so on, I support them only when they die with AoE Rez. You can criticize Valkyrie as much as you want, but it at least captures the essence of what a support can do : help your teammates win by keeping them alive and enhancing their abilities to deal damage, to protect their team with their shield or by peeling for the backline, etc. AoE Rez turns Mercy into a giver of second-chances. You don’t help your team win on your first try : you give them continues to try again. I personally dread that idea, and I’m glad Blizzard took another approach with Mercy’s kit.
Although I wish they didn’t make Mercy 2.0 as OP as she was, because that just created more problems.


Isnt that a bit of a contradiction?

I mean I know that mass-rez worked and wasnt OPAF in the slightest so thats why I would take it back in an instant. Otherwise I am fine with another ultimate as long as we can delete valk forever. It would just be easier I think to implement an older design that you know did work. Plus you could tweak it in many different ways to make room for other stuff like an e-ability of some sorts.

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“I don’t understand why so many Ults can kill teams, but not one can exist to bring them back? The argument is;”

“But is that not true for any of the other Ults that have killing potential?”

I know it’s a wild concept but other ultimates can be interrupted,blocked,hacked,etc while they’re being cast. Mass Rez was instant. And killing the Mercy before ulting wasn’t “counterplay”.

And Mass Rez had a cast time in beta. The game launched with Mercy having instant cast time because most likely what happened was that the devs saw how terrible the ult was with a cast time. If you’re gonna rez multiple people,pray to god that nothing kills you while casting lol

The things y’all suggest would either make Mercy meta again or it would make her a bottom of the barrel F tier hero.

Mass Rez with cast time,no invuln,LoS checks.

Scenario A: If Rein isn’t meta then using Rez would be very risky cause he wouldn’t be able to protect you with his shield. And you all would be complaining how you die a lot.
Scenario B: If Rein is meta and thus he could protect Mercy with his shield,then the game becomes “Flank the Mercy and kill her before she uses ult” again.


You mean when it was OP?

Often teams will invest more than one ult to team wipe the enemy. Examples: nano blade, grav pulse bomb, shatter nano, etc.
It just isn’t healthy for the game to have just one ult that negates an entire team’s efforts. Their coordination, positioning, combos, all go out the window just because Mercy hid somewhere and waited to press Q?

You can damage boost an entire team. I’d say that’s pretty punishing. You can also be descended upon by the terrifying angel of death with her infinite ammo and verticality which is harder to aim at. I’d say that’s pretty punishing if the Mercy has good aim.

I fail to see how those resurrected lost everything.

What would you say was its original purpose and how has that changed?

While I don’t agree old mass res should return, ideas like this would be interesting to see tested.

Good Mercy players usually used tempo rez anyway. So adding Valkyrie is a buff from old Mercy.