Mercy mains who don't want Mass Rez back?

yeah but u can;t change much cause you’re just not healing enough…i mean, if we’re talking team fights…if it’s a random fight, somewhere mid match, usually, when she had 60hps, i could manage just as well without valk…
it’s kinda really underwhelming overall, idk…and no one seems to have figured out what the best time to use it is…ever since the rework…idk D:

The stretgy to think “Worth the rezz”? “Do we really need that hero?” “Does that hero have ult?” “Should I save it for one of the combos?”

Someday you will understand. Right now I have not the time nor the crayons to explain it to you.

Mass rez should not be in the game.
Mass rez is a bad ultimate.
Mass rez has no impact on a fight, it just creates a new one
But if you don’t want all your resources spent for nothing, you have to focus 1 hero with really decent mobility before anyone else. Because it has NO counterplay. Trans can be negated by bio-nade or barriers or burst dmg ultimates like RIP-Tire, Sound Barrier is only good for a short amount of time and only against burst dmg.

That’s the point. In the new patch she has 60Hps again (While in Valk).

I’ll add “can i survive rez” to this.
It has cast time
Mass rez gave you invulnerability.

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And if you think it’s worth saving ever then you clearly don’t understand the value of the first pick.
If you can get the first person down you always get him, it’s a fact because it’s a million times easier to stop a fight from snowballing before it starts then after it’s already in motion

Oh and by the way everything you just mentioned, applied to mass rez but even more so because it was an ulti which meant you couldn’t always confirm when it’d be ready and you had fluctuating value with added questions of “is that person going to die as well. Is the grav combo coming in?”
So still more tactical then this garbage self CC’ing non sense.

Well, as you are aware there have been plenty of suggestions in all sort of directions. Since it’s doubtful that Mercy will EVER get another rework and we’re stuck with these terrible number tweakings people are simply just throwing out ideas for the sake of getting things off their chest. I don’t know if people have any real hope left and people are just clinging at straws anyways. My guess is that Mercy will never ever become fun again for people who find the current version of Mercy boring. I don’t think Blizzard will ever rework Mercy again, and if they did I don’t trust them to make any improvements.

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the only good thing about mass ress was that it punished bad ult economy and target prioritisation.
still don’t want it back tho

as for tranq, nade is easily blockable and he moves fast enough to avoid barriers.
lucio is just good overall for a lot of things, unless someone deletes u while casting ur ult tho.

i mean, when her overall heal was 60hps, my bad for not making myself clear enough. valk was garbage even then tho. like, i didn’t need to use valk most of the time when she healed 60fps even without valk. and it still lasted pointlessly long.

tbh i think they just can’t balance her with this kit. she’s either bad or OP.

as for res, it feels cheap cause it’s handed to you and 90% of the time, you;ll pull it off cause
a) for some reason people STILL tend to ignore a glowing blond lady with wings in the middle of a team fight OR
b) just ask someone to cover you and you’re good to go.
it’s literally a no brainer.

that being said, i still couldn’t care less about mass res, if anything i’d lock 1 res behind valk, shorten valk, give her more heals or w/e and call it a day.

No one see’s any mere number tweak that could salvage Mercy’s fun because many of us found her unfun to play even when she was OP (after the January nerfs)

We all saw this coming the moment the very first nerf to Valkyrie hit live servers. The only thing fun about this build was the things making it and with this build Fun and Balanced were mutually exclusive hence the requests for a rework.

? I want it shorter not longer. Why would think I want to carry payload the whole map?

My apologies, I didn’t read it right.
I think with a 60Hp/s healing in area, Valk can make a sighly difference in the fight ( And don’t forget the rest of the perks of Valk).
If you have two tanks + 2 DPS in you healing area, you can push really hard. And if you are in goats, even more.

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Like everyone said, mass rez had no counter play so that’s one good reason i don’t want it back

Oh! Again, sorry. I read it wrongly (I’m at work and the time of the forums on screen is really limited also, I’m not a native English speaker) xD

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Hammond and the new torb ult are huge counters to it though.

not really (20 characters)

that’s true. plus, if they removed the invincibilty first, and replaced it with just damage resistance, you would still have the option of interrupting her…tho that would require a slight cast time but still…maybe throw in LoS requirement to prevent ppl from hiding in the basement and resing or w/e.

i mean, they had options, but, i respect them wanting a rework, it’s just that, i feel they could have done way better stuff than her current kit

The thing is, bad ult economy punishes itself. If you use all ults in one fight - you won’t have any for the next one. That’s why if enemy pops 3-4 ults at once i ask my allies use none so next fight we have more power at our side.

ah, fair enough i guess…i mean, as i said, i rly don’t care that much for the mass res in general c:

edit: still, i don’t think ppl focus mercy enough, even after the rework…and even before the last nerf…i still get so many idiotic reses off, it’s kinda sad actually :confused:

Wasn’t this a thread for Mercy mains who don’t want Mass Rez back? And for them to explain why/what they prefer? Why are Mercy mains who want Mass Rez back in here attacking them for it? :joy:

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Nobody is attacking anybody. We are just having a good conversation while I procastinate at work. <3