Mercy mains who don't want Mass Rez back?

Probably because they would get flamed for playing mercy, with people telling them they dont have any skill, that they deserve to be in lower ranks just because of their hero they like, that anything they come up with as an idea will instantly be shot down with the counter to the “fun” argument and be shot down with BUT YOU JUST WANT HER TO BE META AGAIN RAAAAAAH

I will conclude that this place is pretty awful all the way around in pretty much every way, reflects the game too

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I literally said that Mercy is not fine like she is now, please read the whole post.
I and many other Mercy mains think that revert is not the way to go. Rather change Valk. The concept of it is great, it just lacks good execution. Remove the chain heals, give her an 90hps beam (or 80 if 90 is too strong). Remove rez if you must (though I like it).

Also don’t matter if you play Mercy post of pre rework, you always get harrassed for being a “no skill” Mercy main, I know how that feels like. At least since the rework I haven’t gotten flamed for “dying with rez” or “not rezzing”. Everyone knows rez is risky and I always get a “thank you” and a thumbs up when I manage it. Toxicity in that term has gotten down quite a notch.
Mercy players will always be called skillless, just like Moira players. As long as Mercy doesn’t need to aim, her mains will always be looked down upon.

I want her just as viable as you do, just in a different way.

all i want isn’t a crap selfstunning rez, a useless ultimate and to die of old age while healing tanks.

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I remember someone mentioned that another way was to make Ressurection a preemptive ult, like one of the heroes in HoTS or some other game Im forgetting.

I made a suggestion some time ago to make rez into an ability called “blessing”.

Mercy blesses a teammate. This teammate receives a blessing for 3s, during which if they die, they get instantly resurrected again. If they don’t die, the teammate receives a burst heal of 100hp.

You can even use the same animation like insta-rez and the same voicelines. Maybe even grant 2 blessings during Valk.

This would need her to play preemtive instead of reactive, and raises her skill substantially!

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I honestly dont mind that, as long as theres no freakin 75% slow reduction.

You felt bad? Aww poor baby, let me kick you in the dirt a lil more and tell you ‘get over it’ you sound like a milksop and it’s quite pathetic. I don’t mind which way Mercy goes right now, but ‘it felt bad’ you literally got 4-5 kills and took the enemy team out single handedly. HOW DO YOU THINK THE PEOPLE YOU KILLED FELT? /

Get out of here. You’re a bad person.“oh it felt so bad my BS ult’s 5 kills got reset, i’m in capable of doing it again without my ult”



what are you even talking about, you sound like an idiot.

Don’t forget a revert of mercy means put valk on e with mass Rez.

Mass Rez punished players that waste use to many ults to win team fights. Today theirs no ability that punish players for using to many ults in team fight.

Agreed OP. Current Mercy for me is fun and I enjoy playing her. Mass Rez was an unhealthy mechanic in the game.

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Well I think that the issue is more that people usually suggest buffs/changes that only make it more fun for Mercy, and just frustrating for everyone else.

tbh i wish that, if theyre so hellbent on keeping valk…that they’d shorten the duration and make it stronger in exchange…right now it feels pointlessly long while you can’t really do much with it. (i find it the most useful to either dmg boost, or go pew pew on that pesky widow lol) … even with the 60hps, it’s kinda meh…like, overall it feels like a pointlessly long E ability masked as an ult.
p.s. couldn’t care less about mass res, always used it more for tempo reses, 1-2 men overall so…

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I find it hilariously hypocritical when some Mercy mains claim that they want her to be “more engaging”, then suggest reverting her to be the solution to that. Do they not remember “hide n’ go rez”? Valkyrie is 10x more engaging and better for mid-fights than Mass Rez.

While I would LIKE to have mass rez back as I think it did good things for the game both being a powerful moment for ano otherwise static healer and the threat of that mass rez made it more risky for entire teams to just mash all their ulti’s at once which I see happen way too much now.

But no I’ll take a rework instead. The simple answer is without something that’s at least a halfway rework this current build cannot be fun and balance, there is just too much power in the unfun aspects such as the self CC’ing E rez and all the passive power that Mercy has no control over that is Valkyrie. At minimum she needs a real metric ton of power shifted in her current kit. That is the minimum but they’d probably get better results out of a rework now that they seem to be doing decent work with reworks like Torb

Agree. I’ve been Mercy Main since may/2016 and I always have think mass rez is a fun-killer; both to Mercy and the DPS. (I hated when people scream me “JUST HIDE AND WAIT FOR MASS REZZ”. That is NOT fun.)

I like the 1 rez, it requires more strategic mind, and the point of Mercy is the mobility.
However, lastly I was feeling that valkyre was a little underpowered, and it was not a game-changer at all, but with the 1.30 patch I think mercy will be just perfect.

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Seriously Valk lasts at least twice the time it should.

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Strategy in E rez lol yeah it’s called making sure no one is going to come out of the bushes and kill you while you CC Yourself

If you think this non sense has more tactical thought then mass rez did you were just one of the idiots who caved to the demands of teams who didn’t undestand rez. You said it yoruself E rez is more useful and tha’s cus tempo rez is more useful. Which is what most people used mass rez for if they wanted to climb without the SR exploit

The time is Ok. The point is to change the course of a teamfight, not carry payload the whole map xD

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