Mercy mains who don't want Mass Rez back?

I’m not really bonded to Res (even though it would be quite a challenge to remove such iconic ability). We had some ideas, or to make it a Cleanse or a Pacify made by Titanium, but basically almost every one of them got debunked.

Because apparently Mercy needs to be useless, because she’s easy to play ;p

And still, it leaves us with quite weak ultimate.

I’m not a Mercy main and I don’t want Mass Rez back, at least not in a way it used to be, fly in press a button and bam, win. That was hilarious.

I can imagine a Mass Rez that can rez up to, let’s say 3 players, it’s a channeled spell and every 0.5-1 second 1 more player will be rezzed. Something like that.

I liked Titanium’s post but I dont necessarily want Mass Rez back. If we got a revert I think those changes would be a good idea, however I think people hate Mercy because of rez and so the ability (ult or not) causes toxicity within the community which is just not healthy.
How many times have a been yelled at for not rezzing someone? Too many to count.

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Even if Rez was removed, the community would still complain about Mercy and people who play mercy because we are dealing with a very interesting case of mccarthyism hysteria, all they want is for mercy to be removed and people who play mercy uninstall the game. Because if its not rez, then its


I climbed to high GM with 1-2 man tempo resses. They always seemed to pack enough of a punch for me. I don’t think it’s fair to have 5 people ressed, but 2 would be cool.

But thats the problem, tempo rezzing is half an ultimate, if youre going to base a reworked ult on tempo rezzing alone, there needs to be something else added to it

How about a weaker valk effect or a burst heal after 400 healing is done to the same target.

I would like the idea of mercy being able to overheal like the TF2 medic

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I see it as a defensive ult like Zen’s that has the purpose of countering the effort put into wiping a team.
Whenever my team and I knew that Zen had his ult, we would make sure to isolate him or kill him before we went in to try and destroy the rest of the team. It was the same with Mercy, and if your team knew Mercy had her ult (ult tracking is a great skill to have) then you’d be wiser with your team wipes. It’s common to go for healers first in a fight anyway.

It doesn’t matter what people hate as long as it’s fair.
People hate a lot of things. Flashbang anti-heal mei freeze one shot heroes sym turrets etc.
It doesn’t necessarily mean their unleathy or unbalanced.
Rez on E annihilates early picks and trade kills. While mass rez was designed to counter ultimates something like zen ult. With a few tweaks and adding counterplays to it, it can actually be a healthy change for mercy. Not to mention she will lose valk which is a great source of healing output for her

yeah but that strategy is punished by respawn timers.

This perfectly proves that Mercy mains here only consider OP abilities as “fun”.

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Yes im sure no other hero would yield the same results if they had the same case AND OR mercy didnt even exist.

I don’t see what you mean.

I did the maths.
OW has 40 million copies sold. Let’s assume half of the playerbase is not active anymore, so 20mil. Let’s assume half of them are smurf accounts (I’m calculating generous here), so 10 mil.

If 10million = 100% of the playerbase then
1200 = x
with x being 0.012%.

A whooping 0.012% of players want Mercy reverted. It’s not like this forum here specifically is full of unhappy Mercy mains. It’s usually always the same ones making new posts, commenting and liking the same things. It’s called an echo chamber.

Not saying Mercy is fine like this, but saying that because Titaniums post has 1K likes and calling it the majority is a bit an overstatement.

You are implying that 100% of the people that wanted mercy reverted posted on the forums, which is incorrect.


Great assumption brah

I’d like it back but I’m fine with Valk with an instant rez as a second place reward. Also I’ve kind of accepted the devs aren’t going to return mass rez so…

Mercy main over her, 400+ hours on my girl

and i don’t want mass rez back, after they gave us Mercy 2.0 with her 3 rez and Valk. she felt much more rewarding and engaging

when i go back and watch my highlights of mass rez i just shake my head, it was so sloppy and weak imo

Mercy needs more skill and more thinking to her rez and the way she plays, the mass rez was just flat out boring and sure its not like we can always get 5 man rez lol but my mind just completely changed after we got Mercy 2.0
i felt like i can play smarter and do better rather than just get them all up at the same time so fast. i honestly do not feel like its good or rewarding its just awful

here there you go, now all get up and fight again while i just wait for my rez and jump again…bleeh so boring

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I was reffering to the statement that the majority of people want mass-rez back, which is not true. Ofc only people who want it back are going to go into this post and like it. It’s skewed data because only people affected by it go and “vote” or like so to say.

You’d have to make a survey about OW as a whole and disguise it to determine how many people actually want Mercy reverted and how many of those are Mercy mains. OFC a Mercy main who wants her reverted will participate more likely in a survey about her than a Mercy who’s happy with her.
Majority of Mercy mains don’t even come to the forums, so to say majority of Mercy mains want her reverted because Titanium has 1K likes and this post has 2 makes their statement untrue.

The happy Mercy mains just play and don’t bother with the forum.

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