Mercy mains who don't want Mass Rez back?

So that over 1000 people who liked Titanium’s idea are no one? xd


I want anything that makes the res as fluid to use as other parts of her kit.

That self stun killed most of the fun for me. I played her for the flow she had for hundreds of hours. It’s worse and worse with every month.

Although I found rez really enjoyable to use, I think it’s better not to have it. I feel like the devs’ reason for removing it was pretty valid. It lead to Mercy disengaging from a fight to make sure they stayed alive instead of engaging.

However, in her current state I do feel like Mercy misses something. Valk in its current form isn’t necessarily bad, but when I play Mercy I never feel like I’m having as big of an impact. Valk is good to help you push, but it’s not really a life saver. And that’s what I miss for her, an ability, or maybe an addition to her ultimate to make her a little more impactful (and hopefully as a result, a little more fun to play).

I think it would be cool to have it back, but I can definetly understand how it could be considered unhealthy for the game. I mean, if you think about it. An ultimate that can bring back up to 5 teammates automatically outshines every other support ultimate. I think bringing mass rez back will just lead to a massive Mercy nerf again.

I’ve made a couple threads as to why I want Mass Rez back but with a cast time and LOS fixes, I think this would be okay. But then again, an ultimate that can bring your whole team back (No matter how unlikely it was) is going to be better than the other support ults. Leading to a must pick Mercy, and then getting her soul ripped out again.

Personally, I’d love a rework because there is no doubt in my mind that Valk is not fun. It’s subjective, but in my opinion I think she needs another ability that isn’t rez.

~ Signed

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Well, it was as easy as giving her a midfight E.
Instead, we got an overhyped pile of :poop: and call it a Successful Rework.


At this point, as someone who mains Mercy, I just want her to be reworked. I can’t agree with her kit in this state, because there are so many contradictions and it doesn’t feel great to use, it doesn’t feel like Mercy.
If a new rework means revert Res to an ultimate with tweaks (come on, Res as an E ability is what forced Mercy to be ruines, because it has the power of an ultimate on a 30 sec cooldown), then I’d go for it. If it means taking Res out of a cooldown (which I think is the most healthy thing to do at this point) and give charges only during Valkyrie, then I’d go for it as well. If it means removing Res, it would be pretty hard because it’s part of Mercy’s core, but if that meant making a good and fun healer again, then I’d go for it.
There’s the misconception that all Mercy mains just want to revert her to her invulnerability Res state, but is not like that. There are many suggestions involving Mass Res and original ideas that has one objective: make Mercy a better hero to play. And that doesn’t mean OP or super ultra viable.
Basically, at this point anything is better than the kit we have now, lol.


I hated it too. It was too easy to use, playing 5hrs Mercy and 5hrs main Tank and you had the basic strategy down on how and when to rez. Even tempo-rezzing did not require as much skill as Mercy mains claim, most of them did it either to save themselves or because teammember called it.
The risk was basically 0 since it was instant and gave her i.frames. The reward was WAY too high for the risk involved. If people now can’t kill me when I have slow, casttime and I glow like 'Cree, back then was pure horror, especially for average players and all of consoles.
At least now you have to put yourself and teammates at risk because you’re not healing and they might die or you get killed yourself. All while still having to apply all former “skills” of managing a rez. High risk high reward, balanced as it should be.

I love the bunny hop and superjump, improved her base gameplay tremendously.

I like the concept of Valk. I like the flying and extended beam range. I like baiting ults with it. I like harrassing enemy supports with it. I don’t like unlimited ammo, I’d rather have normal clip but more damage. I don’t like the chain beam, I’d rather have a strong single target beam, like 80 or 90hps. But that’s a preference thing, I enjoy her thouroughly.

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I played Mercy, and I dont personally want mass Rez back. It was, as mentioned several times… unhealthy for the game. What I want for Mercy is something that would make her more fun. Right now she feels quite unsatisfying to play.

On my behalf they could even remove the whole rez from the game and give her some new ability for E that is fun, actually effects on battles (current rez does, but because it roots you on place and every battle wont happen in place where you happen to have cover to stand, next to your dead Reinhardt, you die half of the times), and does not have 60 sec cd.

I dont really want mass rez back either. In fact, if it means they can give Mercy some more power/fun gameplay I’m all for getting rid of rez in general. I want Valk reworked to get rid of chain beams or I want an entire new rework.


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His thread got likes because realistically rez probably won’t get removed. If we had a choice though, I guarantee people would delete rez for a more fun ability in a heartbeat.

Personally I enjoyed mass ress, it was a super powerful ability that relied on a Mercy specific skill: Surviving and being the dodgiest person in the world. Hell ive specifically learned movement patterns, what dps want to do and how in order to keep myself alive and annoying against all odds, I can basically manuever any map walking backwards, so it allows me to always know exactly where I am and how I can use the enviroment to survive or avoid ults and flankers and divers. So yeah, I enjoyed it, and in general would like it back.

Ultimately though, I would just like her to be fun and viable to play. A 2 second self stun on a mobility based hero isnt fun, Valk in general isnt fun except for meme murder sprees, or taking out those pesky pharas your team isnt dealing with.

I would be perfectly happy with not getting mass ress back if they made her fun and engaging to play again.

Yes, they would, but not for a fun ability, but to make Mercy totally useless.

No, to make her be a more engaging a fun hero. It must be so much fun being a rez bot right?

So let’s say you’re in charge, and the res needs to go away… what would be more engaging and fun to replace it?

Idk? One dude recommended some cleanse ability. Why not try that? Anything is better than some boring revive mechanic.

I would like to see Res as ult back because I feel the game is becoming increasingly fast-paced and too often I am seeing teams unload all their ultimate abilities in a single team-fight. It would play out much better in todays overwatch. Hide and res wouldn’t be happening anymore because Mercy has had a massive buff to her mobility with this rework. The suggestion that allows rez to instant heal for 100hp on living targets in it’s radius is spot on, it will eliminate letting people die on purpose just because ressing them would be better.

Get ready my friend. If you haven’t played Mercy for like 1000 hours already, some Mercy mains will say that you do not understand the Mercy problem and also say shut up.

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I dont care about mass rez. I just want cd rez to be gone and bring back 60hps so her ideal playstyle goes back to juggling.

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Whatever the case, I just want 2.0 gone, mass rez back or not, this latest “buff” is so dumb I have no words, nothing will change ANY of her issues. Im done.

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