Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

Because she can get an ultimate that’s better than Valkyrie?

I’ll add my voice to the pile. If we can get an actually interesting thematic ability instead of Rez, I’m all for it.

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Those examples you picked are wrong. Deflect is Genji’s main survival tool and has a high cooldown. Misuse ends in death, and contrary to the genji hating opinion, it DOES need to be aimed to an extent to not die and cover all the angles you need to cover.

Zarya has a similar problem. Her bubbles are tied to a resource meter, and just popping a bubble at the wrong time comes with a HUGE cost.

Rez is just rez. You do it and a person is alive again. The downside being the slow movement for a sec. To be fair, I think Rez is earned just as much as many other abilities, if we’re talking about actually bringing someone back in combat.

The issue comes from being able to just do it out of combat once a fight is over, or to negate a pick if the enemy gets pushed back far enough, or you get a shield. You just do it and someone is alive.

I’m not a Genji ”hater”. Look at my profile and at the moment I probably have more hours on Genji than any other character.

If you want to get max value out of Deflect, yeah, you have to aim. Otherwise you won’t do any dmg to the enemy. But if you just want to buy time and escape, no, you don’t need to aim. This lack of vulnerability in itself is very powerful.

Rez is also on a tremendously long CD.

Yes, if you let the enemy Mercy live, she will Rez somebody sooner or later. But this is what gamesense’s for. Enemy Mercy should always be a priority target, even moreso than other supports (because of Rez and Dmg Boost).

A lot of them do. Sure Infrasight is just clicking a button but what does it really do? It just gives you information, what you do with it is what matters. If you have wall hacks and still can’t land the shot then what does it matter?

Also to your 2nd point, it actually hurts the argument more than helping it. Just like her ult required nothing of her, building it didn’t either. When the vast majority of your ult charge comes from healing and damage boosting is done effortlessly like it is for Mercy as it can’t miss then it’s more handed to you than earned.

For example, an Ana has to land her shots when either healing or doing damage to build her ult charge. So even if her ult is just press Q like Mercy, it took more in terms of actually earning it. Also the value you get from it also depends on what the receiver does with it, unless it’s purely used to keep something alive.

Lol, why yes, please Blizzard, strip Mercy of the very last vestige of what made her an interesting and useful hero. Big brain thought right there fam :roll_eyes:

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TBF I get more use of her GA than I do with Rez. Heck when the devs originally talked about Mercy they focused on her mobility and consistency-and didn’t WANT her to solely be thought of for Rez.

I mean could get something in return for it. Something that grants agency and actual mid-fight potential.

(Or could have her be reworked into an off-support I wouldn’t mind. We need more off-supports)

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Sure remove rez but make Super Jump an official ability and not a bug or glitch in the system.

Yeah, generally when I see people say they like her as she is, typically the leading item as to why is her mobility… which, like, cool. Let’s get rid of Rez (since that impairs her mobility), move an altered version of Valk to E (which would enhance said mobility), then design a new ultimate for her that really captures the pinnacle of her identity as a mobile healer (I’d have to dig for it, but a while back I had an idea similar to Dawnblade from Destiny, except that, instead of hurling flaming swords to kill your foes, you throw Gungnir-like spears of biotic energy to save your allies).

And if the consequence is that she turns into an off-healer, I’m fine with that, as long as that intention is made clear.

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Having a rez isn’t what made mercy interesting as a character. It was tied to an ult, THAT is what made it “iconic” but in reality nothing in any of her lore or anything else tied into it at all. All it was and is, is an ability. It’s not who Mercy is, and never was.

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I always rally behind the idea of giving her an E that gives a small heal around her with a puff of Nano-healing drone smoke or whatever, while boosting her directly up into the air. This would allow her to target allies with her shift easier, or use her passive creatively.

Maybe even give it a cleanse or heal boost.

If I wanted a discount Baptiste I’d hit up Alibaba

ur rite. Baptiste is just discount Pharah.

What is this argument?

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Instead of removing a iconic ability, why not switch Valk with Rez? Rez goes back to mass rez with Valk as a E ability with balance changes.

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I find mercy iconic. Rez is not mercy. She’s a whole lot. Rez want even in her base kit before.

I’m fine with a more proactive ability

Still tho, there hasn’t even been a attempt to see if Mass rez can be balanced with current OW.

Let’s see what we got before we just scrap it and move on…

Mass Rez being balanced and it matching the game are separate and not really the issue of whether mercy should even have Rez which is the focus of the op

Well fine how about this…

No, we shouldn’t remove rez cause it has been with Mercy for a long time. If the devs can’t or are too scared to balance it as a ability let’s put it back to a ult and see what we got…

Since she is already balanced, I don’t see why they have an reason to change where it is. Additionally, plenty of mechanics have changed despite it being with a hero since launch. Symms auto lock, her shields, torbs armor etc…

It’s not like they are afraid to remove a thing.

The fix to DBing ultimates is what I was on about though, and since this all stemmed from my post listing Mercy nerfs, it’s them going off-topic, not me