Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

Well Reins shield isn’t an OP ability that’s giving the rest of his kit consecutive nerfs to compensate

At this point? Yes, I’ll gladly see it gone and even wave goodbye to it if it were to be announced to be removed in a dev update. It’s the reason she’s being held back and I hate it. Either put it back on Q and tweak it or remove it because this version of Rez is not fun to use. I’d rather have a way of increasing my healing on a single target.

I find Mercy fun. It is fun to pocket my team mates and help them get kills all while being super mobile.

Res is a nice ability to have. Especially against snipers since you can’t heal through one shots. Most of the time it makes up for my team mates mistakes whether than my own, which I like.

In case someone wants to see how mercy feels in top 500 look at the last video of animetic on youtube.
SPOILER: I can’t rez that, I can’t rez that, I can’t rez that, I can’t rez that, I can’t rez that, I can’t rez that. Just get rid of E rez and give her a cc/dmg reduction ability, a decent healing shes supposed to have and only able to rez on valk (maybe 2 fast rez?).


That’s a huge part of the problem

I say we remove rez/valk and make her ultimate create a singular beam that grants both invulnerability to whoever she heals, granting extra damage as well.

And also give her a bonesaw as a melee.

Heck, make her male as well with a thick german accent with a pet dove


I hate rez, even after the nerfs its still really strong. I would much prefer them remove it and give her something else.

In my opinion:




Umm, no… preemptive damage boost was added the same patch AS Baptiste.

The fix to DBing ultimates is not what that person is talking about. It was changed because of how Baptiste’s ultimate works to be more consistent with other forms of DB, such as Nano Boost and Amptrix. DB isn’t added until those effects are applied. Mercy could DB regardless of when an ability was fired.

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Feels hit hard, TF2 went down the drain.
From Übermensch to Princess Heals.


I still love her and have a heck of a lot of fun with her, but I’d love to see rez gone. Please, though, don’t give her a cleanse ability as a replacement.

I have a strong feeling that if Mercy was reworked again, Mercy players will be more annoyed. Other than the Torb rework, all reworks have left heroes either really OP or garbage.

Smh just give us mass rez and a cleanse and give mercy syms kit it fix everything

Not to mention they hard divide that hero’s community. Some hate the rework and some love it, which tears the community that all initially loved that hero apart.

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I love Mercy’s entire gameplay. It could use a little oompf but if we’re gonna remove rez, we need something that has a similar effect.

A very short (1s?) immunity? Sort of a Zarya bubble with no blocking effect but no limit to the amount of damage taken. I don’t know.

She needs save potential is what I’m saying.
Keep rez or add another ‘‘powerful’’ support ability instead.

i know of no valid evidence to support such a claim

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Don’t feel like reading tonight, eh?

I know of no valid reason to state your stance on the matter towards me, rather than the person who I was replying to that was completely backing up my claim with factual information :thinking: Must have a thing for me.


  1. the information provided that you see as supporting the claim that was made is not information i see as backing said claim

  2. I have no “thing” for you, nor have I made any statements that could reasonably be interpreted as such



Nah fam, reasonably if you’re interjecting yourself every chance you get, numerous times, at a person, it’s kind of weird. You pick me out every time you see me post.
You’re using that word but I don’t think you know what it means. Just leave me alone for once. You see MY post and just have to reply to it. It’s getting out of hand.


I have already clarified that I do no such thing

if one wishes to not be replied to in a public forum like this, the best course of action is to not post, as each post implicitly invites replies

That said - I am not telling anyone to not post…everyone is free to post. But it goes hand in hand that everyone is also free to post replies. The action to post implictly accepts the possibility of replies

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