Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

Every single part of her kit got nerfed to try and make Rez balanced. Healing output, Guardian Angel, Valk, even Damage Boost. All of it is weaker now than it was when Rez was first moved to an ability.


Okay, I still think this is a bad idea.

Rez is one of Mercy’s trademarks and one of the strongest abilities in the game. It is what makes her unique. Without it, she would be something close to a pocket bot.


I know of no evidence to support the claim made in the statement quoted above


Its a combination of Mercy having two ultimates, Valkryie and resurrect. They need to move single target resurrect to her ultimate and buff her base kit.

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Valk = Nerfed 30th January 2018
GA = Nerfed 30th January 2018
Healing = Nerfed 9th August 2018
Damage boosting ults = Removed Summer 2018

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This or Valkyrie removed would be terrific.

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I agree and I too play lots o mercy. I would rather trade rez for more healing output and a world of Warcraft last stand mechanic that I can put on my allies.

**Accidental glitches that got labelled as features.

I swear if that glitch didn’t exist, bunny hop wouldn’t even exist.

Every single piece of Mercy was nerfed so she can have res as an ability. That is insane. A hero balanced around one OP ability.

The ult changes were dumb I’ll be honest but it wasn’t because of Rez. It was because she could boost Dragon Strike and have it overpower Trans. They called it a bug fix, when reality they should have just been honest and call it what it was and why it had to go.

While the rest of Damage Boost was changed because of Bap’s ult.

However I would like to know if Blizzard even considered the affects to Mercy’s DB when altering how it functions. (Niandra has mentioned this in their videos)

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Damage boost was changed nearly a year before Baptiste was in the game

To ults not in how it functions.

I want Valk as cooldown so that I can go on a mission to kill enemy Widow because my DPS would rather stay as Junkrat instead of counter swapping.

Glad I’m not the only one realizing this increasing Rez hate lmao


It was my understanding that people were clinging to Rez as it’s the only part of her identity left.

If this opinion has now changed then I’d be all for removing Rez so that Mercy can be made more exciting to play.

can you explain to me how a mercy (when you play her) has more to do on a second to second basis than any other hero, in this example, let’s say Ana, or Baptiste?

Mercy has things to do between fights other than just moving to somewhere else. She needs to evaluate who on her team is going to be in the best position to engage for the next fight and be damage boosting them even if there’s nothing else going on. Also, she’s the only support who’s completely free to look around while she’s doing her job so she has more of an opportunity to be constantly scanning while working than the others do. She can’t shoot while healing/boosting so she needs to be looking around and calling shots. That’s why Mercy players are often shot callers on the pro scene.

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without Rez I don’t really have a reason to play Mercy. popping Valk and using the multiple damage beams on your team is nice, but without Rez she’s basically a support for tank and shield busters.

if they nerf mercy (again) and take Rez the only other support hero I see myself playing is Moira.

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I wanted rez gone since the major rework but muh people screamed “she loses all her personality”.

Same as i want symmetra turrets to be removed and actually get her an ability that is more diverse and has more room for good players to shine without destroying low elo people.

This is just… sad.

As a player who’s been here since day one, it’s almost like seeing a post that says “Reinhardt mains all want his shield removed”

It’s just… sad.