Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

I think Resurrect is fine.

Best suggestion I’ve seen so far is gut valkryie, make single target resurrect Mercy’s ultimate, than buff Mercy’s base kit.

Yeah Rez is holding her back, change or remove it.

I pick her for her entire kit


To op: i consider rez to be iconic to Mercy, and enjoy using it in games.

Ergo, i would not want it removed


I think she’s fun now, but I wouldn’t mind losing resurrect for something else perhaps.

However, if given the choice I’d rather her stay the same with slight tweaks.

The other issue is how iconic resurrect is for her kit…

If the player in question has poor aim, youd be better off with Mercy

I think they want to remove Rez so they can buff her healing

THey will never remove rez, deal with it.

Maybe make single rez her ultimate so they can buff her healing in her kit.

Single rez, more range and make it an empowered Rez. (Hp boost, cc immunity, or a speed boost) pick one or pick something else to empower her single rez ult


Mercy’s base gameplay has been excessively neutered, just to make sure ability Rez isn’t OP. Remove Rez, and you can restore the rest to its former glory without being too strong


Such a change would require removal of valkyrie, and as such, i am against such a change

In all my years playing overwatch, as a Mercy main, Ive never heard that before. Anyone who plays Mercy for her rez is just silly

I dont find anything about Mercys kit to be reasonably described as “neutered”

I find her to be fun to play, effective, and well balanced…including but not limited to her iconic rez ability

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It’s not the sole reason but it’s a big part. If you don’t utilize it because it’s a high risk ability, then you aren’t playing her to the best of her abilities.

If you have a team that stays together and protects you then Rez is viable. If you don’t, then another healer should be picked that’s more compatible with your teammates.

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Rez is probably the most powerful CD ability in the game besides immortality. Is it just not fun to use? Do Mercy players prefer empowering their allies rather than correcting their mistakes?

Neutered how? Nothing has been neutered to balance rez. She had the healing nerf which was slight and it wasn’t because she had rez.

This is a false statement.


I’m nowhere near a mercy main, but getting rid of Rez in place for a burst heal, a defensive ability or even some sort of anti-cc ability.

I’m all for. :+1:


Would it be too much of a buff to let her hold the staff in one hand and the pistol in the other? she does it in one of her highlight intros anyway.

Unless they’re going to tune the hell out of it or give it the old 30+sec cooldown, I say pass on that. Healing creep is already a thing. Lucio only does 50 hp/s when using amp, and does not have the ability to fly or damage boost the entire team during it.

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