Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

That is not the scenario mentioned and you know it. I said it’s not the case with all res’s. The nature of pulling off a safe res is just more often that the safe environment means the res was likely wasted. I didn’t discount the scenario you just mentioned, I just stated how it’s not very often.

It’s also who you Rez. I don’t waste time on people who die because they are stupid and out of position unless they have ult.

You are implying that the only safe Rez’s are the ones away from team fights and that is simply not the case. Safe Rez’s can be done by a shield tank, or with a Zarya bubble, or in Valk.

Res can be used in a multitude of situations, but most of the time, they were never needed and don’t have as much effect as you thought they did.

If you res a reaper and he gets a team kill, book you carried, but ressing your rein, only for him to die again did more harm than good, and set you back even further.

People often forget to realize that the person you res already fed ult charge and can do it again. If your rein dies and gets ressed then dies again, He fed 500 ult charge and you fed 500 ult charge. That’s hurting your own team more than helping.

If you res someone and your team wins that fight without that healing, that meant they were gonna win without that person regardless because they just won a 4v6 because you took yourself out the fight for 2 seconds to res someone. That’s 100 healing wasted.

It does matter who you res, but at the end of the day, why not just keep the alive instead?


That’s the thing My reins do not die when I Rez.

With 2-2-2 a thing now, you have a second healer and if they do their job Mercy is extremely viable. I do not use with Rein’s anyway unless we are on defense, Ana works better in that case.

Mercy is a defensive hero and when used properly has the ability to keep everyone alive with her mobility including the guaranteed second healer. I have been playing her through all the reworks for almost three years now and I can tell you the only thing that makes her worthless are bad teammates, in which case you have to switch healers.

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Actually Mass Res before the invuln buff requires a lot of knowledge on how and when to use the ultimate that wouldn’t make it a “suicide ult” as Blizzard put it. Too early, you wasted it. Too late, you died and put your team at a severe disadvantage. Especially because everybody was most like ressed in different positions or out-of-position entirely, and without Mercy there, was likely they die again.

It was a high risk/high reward ult, as it always should’ve been.

But regardless, I like current Mercy a lot more than Mass Res. I tried Mass Res workshops and she felt extremely boring compared to how she is now.


Again, I said exactly the opposite. I said that is NOT always the case. That is saying that some safe res’s are in fact outside of the instances I specified. Reading is fun, friends.

You are stating the obvious.

And you stated a blatant lie about what I was implying. I didn’t think I would need to “state the obvious” until I read your reply.

I think most players which want res gone seem to not understand how catastrophic that would be for her entire kit.

Like what would you even replace it with? I can assure you that 99% of all ideas would just leave her very weak and basically as a throw pick. You could throw out her complete kit at that point and make something new from the ground up. Which wouldn’t be Mercy anymore if you are done.

I don’t even know why that idea is flying around so much. Even as E res, it’s causing way less issues in her kit than Valkyrie in it’s entirety.
Removing the only thing which gives at least a bit more variety to her kit as well as a, not well designed, but good enouhg skill requirement.

Maybe if palyers would look at the core of the issue instead of just the surface we would find the best posible solution immediately.


You’re the one who misinterpreted my post from the beginning and thought I meant that Mercy’s Rez is viable in every situation.

I don’t recall saying that, friend. I recall you saying res was literally the only way Mercy can sway a team fight. Which is completely inaccurate. If this is not what happened, then I’m sorry, I must have misread what was posted, and if that’s the case, I’m genuinely sorry.

I don’t consider myself a Mercy main, I play her in QP and CP well enough to winning games and fights, I think changing the way Resurrection works is better than removing it.
like make it faster(why 1.75 Seconds ?) , being able to reset the Ability after an Ultimate, or faster GA, why not that even less punishing Cooldown after Falling a Rez due to CCs or dying. kinda like Sombra’s hack goes on a 4sec if somebody shot her during Hack, or Torbjorn’s Turret going on 5 Seconds instead of 10 if yours didn’t get destroyed.

Rez is a naturally powerful move and near impossible to have in a balanced state. It keeps Mercy’s other aspects weaker by the nature or Rez being so powerful.

Sorry let me rephrase: It is literally the only way I’m able to sway team fights because in my elo I don’t get opportunities to damage boost as much as I would like. I’m too busy healing through absurd amounts of damage because of poorly positioned teammates.

Depends on the rez.
If it’s an E rez with cast time, I want it gone. If it’s a Season 4 rez, bring that stuff without any delay.

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I think Rez makes her gameplay more fun since it requires quick decision making on the spot.

You’ll either bring back a dead team mate back, or you’ll turn a 5 x 6 into a 4 x 6 if you fail the rez.



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So what it is supposed to be replaced with?
Also I can bet it will be “mercy is not fun” all over again if it happens.

So all your fun and identity with the character was just with her ultimate?

Mercy’s core gameplay is the same since overwatch’s launch. In fact her kit has only been enhanced since then with the new guardian angel mechanics